Talks on 2018/3/8
Thursday 08 March 2018
- 08:00 - Breakfast meeting: Dr Oshaani Abeyakoon
- 09:00 - Weighted reduced order methods for parametrized PDEs with random inputs
- 09:00 - Weighted reduced order methods for parametrized PDEs with random inputs
- 09:30 - Imaging techniques and novel tools for early detection and intervention
- 09:45 - Model selection, model frames, and scientific interpretation
- 09:45 - Model selection, model frames, and scientific interpretation
- 09:45 - STEP Support Programme Cambridge Offer Holders Day
- 11:00 - Analytical Models for Formation Flight and Ground Effect
- 11:00 - Greedy algorithms for optimal measurements selection in state estimation using reduced models
- 11:00 - Isotonic regression in general dimensions
- 11:00 - Greedy algorithms for optimal measurements selection in state estimation using reduced models
- 11:00 - Isotonic regression in general dimensions
- 11:30 - Downstream dispersion of bedload tracers
- 11:30 - Unmasking hidden systems with NGTS
- 11:45 - Low rank methods for PDE-constrained optimization
- 11:45 - Low rank methods for PDE-constrained optimization
- 12:00 - Anti-scarring therapies for ocular fibrosis
- 12:30 - Psychology and Suicidal Behaviour
- 12:45 - Short-Selling Restrictions and Returns: a Natural Experiment
- 13:00 - Protein targeting within the chloroplast: a cell-biological view of starch biosynthesis
- 13:10 - Combining models and data for improved understanding of Antarctic climate change
- 13:30 - Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing
- 14:00 - Avian-inspired Wing Morphing for Small UAV
- 14:00 - Conditional-Value-at-Risk Estimation with Reduced-Order Models
- 14:00 - Conditional-Value-at-Risk Estimation with Reduced-Order Models
- 14:00 - Autonomous learning of multimodal internal models for robots using multiple sources of information
- 14:00 - Visual Analytics for Evaluation of Value Impact in Engineering Design.
- 14:15 - Dirac and Weyl Semimetals: Synthesis and Characterization
- 14:30 - BSU Seminar: “Unsupervised substructure discovery in mass spectrometry metabolomics data”
- 14:30 - Polynomial configurations in sets of positive upper density
- 14:45 - Certified dimension reduction of the input parameter space of vector-valued functions
- 14:45 - Certified dimension reduction of the input parameter space of vector-valued functions
- 15:00 - Can land rights prevent deforestation? Evidence from a large-scale titling policy in the Brazilian Amazon.
- 15:00 - My VM is Lighter (and Safer) than your Container
- 15:30 - The persistence and transience of memory
- 15:30 - Beyond truth-as-correspondence: realism for realistic people
- 16:00 - Aromatic foldamers: mastering molecular shape
- 16:00 - A continuum theory for the fractures in brittle and ductile solids
- 16:00 - The Chemistry of Planet Formation and the Making of Habitable Planets
- 16:00 - "Genomic control mechanisms that establish T-cell identity”
- 16:00 - Quantifying spatio-temporal boundary condition uncertainty for the deglaciation
- 16:00 - Quantifying spatio-temporal boundary condition uncertainty for the deglaciation
- 16:15 - CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION Recent advances in understanding climate, glacier and river dynamics in high mountain Asia
- 16:15 - CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION Recent advances in understanding climate, glacier and river dynamics in high mountain Asia
- 16:30 - "FRAMATOME. New Strategy of the French Nuclear Company"
- 17:00 - Magdalene Festival of Change
- 17:30 - Revolution and Literature: Volodymyr Vynnychenko's Responses to the Ukrainian Revolution of 1918-1920
- 17:30 - Recent developments and debates in East Asian monsoon palaeoclimatology
- 17:30 - WHAT SCIENCE CAN DO: The Cambridge life science cluster at a pivot point
- 18:00 - Prof Kate Jones (UCL): Biodiversity & Conservation
- 18:00 - Prof Kate Jones (UCL): Biodiversity & Conservation
- 18:45 - The importance of seed testing
- 19:00 - Madingley Lecture: Brexit, animal health, welfare, superbugs and superfarms
- 19:30 - Climate Change: Protecting Carbon Sinks
- 19:30 - Antibodies Vs Alzheimer's
- 20:00 - The Beginning of Our Universe and what we don't know about Physics
- 20:00 - Ethics for the working mathematician, seminar 10: Mathematicians being leaders.
- 20:00 - 10 top tips on how to run successful projects Workshop