University of Cambridge > > Lecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road

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0 upcoming talks and 208 talks in the archive.

Graduate Programme in Cognitive and Brain Sciences


UserTristan Bekinschtein, (Dept. of Psychology, University of Cambridge).

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockMonday 17 February 2020, 14:00-15:30

Chaucer Club

Chemistry of the adaptive mind: on dopamine and mental work

UserRoshan Cools (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour).

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockThursday 21 November 2019, 15:30-17:00

Chaucer Club

The perceptual prediction paradox

UserClare Press (U. of London, Dept of Psychology Sciences).

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockThursday 17 October 2019, 15:30-17:00

Chaucer Club

Reinforcement learning in AI systems and in the brain

UserMatt Botvinick (DeepMind and Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London).

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockThursday 02 May 2019, 15:30-17:00

Chaucer Club

Far beyond the back of the brain

UserPeter Hagoort (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour) .

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockThursday 14 March 2019, 15:30-17:00

Chaucer Club

A Bayesian approach to internal models

UserMate Lengyel (Dept of Engineering, U. of Cambridge).

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockThursday 22 November 2018, 15:30-17:00

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Role of primate amygdala neurons in economic decision-making

UserFabian Grabenhorst (U. of Cambridge, Dept of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience).

HouseLecture Theatre, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, Chaucer Road.

ClockWednesday 17 January 2018, 12:30-13:30

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