University of Cambridge > > Drawing Room, Homerton College

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0 upcoming talks and 3 talks in the archive.

Homerton Seminars

The Mohawk of Consciousness

UserSrivas Chennu.

HouseDrawing Room, Homerton College.

ClockThursday 04 February 2016, 12:45-13:30

Homerton Seminars

Jet Noise and its Reduction

This is the first lecture in a new series of lunchtime seminars on Thursdays. Fellows and other participants can take their lunches from Hall into the Drawing Room from 12.30 onwards. The talk will be from 12.45 until 1.15, with time for questions until 1

UserKarthik Depuru-Mohan (Homerton College).

HouseDrawing Room, Homerton College.

ClockThursday 26 November 2015, 12:45-13:30

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