University of Cambridge > > LR4, Engineering, Department of

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0 upcoming talks and 33 talks in the archive.

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets - their key properties and a range of image-processing applications

UserProf Nick Kingsbury, Signal Processing and Communications Group, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2012, 14:00-15:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation for Wireless ad-hoc Networks

UserDino Sejdinovic , Postdoctoral Fellow, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 14:15-15:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Optimal proposal densities for particle filters

UserPeter Jan van Leeuwen, Prof in Data Assimilation, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 25 January 2012, 14:15-15:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Data sketching for cardinality and entropy estimation

UserDr Ioana Cosma, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 09 November 2011, 14:15-15:00

Engineering Department Computing Seminars

C++ (part 4 of 4)

UserTim Love (University of Cambridge).

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 02 November 2011, 15:00-16:00

Engineering Department Computing Seminars

C++ (part 2 of 4)

UserTim Love (University of Cambridge).

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 26 October 2011, 15:00-16:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Local Sequential Monte Carlo Methods

UserDr Adam Johansen, Statistics Department, University of Warwick.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 26 October 2011, 14:15-15:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Estimation of Noisy Diffusions

UserProf Sofia Olhede, Dept of Statisitcs, University College London.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 17 February 2010, 14:15-15:15

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Adaptive MCMC and Bayesian time-frequency analysis

UserRichard Everitt, Dept of Statistics, University of Bristol.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2010, 14:00-15:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Lookahead in Sequential Monte Carlo

UserProf Rong Chen, Department of Statistics, Rutgers University.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2009, 14:30-15:15

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Massively Parallel Advanced Monte Carlo Methods on Many-Core Processors

UserAnthony Lee, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 18 November 2009, 14:15-15:15

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

An Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithm For Bayesian Mixture Analysis

UserBen Taylor, Dept of Maths & Statistics, Lancaster University.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2009, 14:15-15:15

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Optimal scaling of the random walk Metropolis

UserChristopher Sherlock, Dept of Maths & Statistics, Lancaster University.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 21 October 2009, 14:15-15:15

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

Rare Event Simulation for Processes with Light Tailed Increments

UserDr Thomas A Dean, Signal Processing and Communications Laboratory, CUED.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockWednesday 07 October 2009, 14:15-15:15

Machine Learning @ CUED

Error Correcting Codes

Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserDavid J.C. MacKay, Department of Physics.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 22 November 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Machine Learning Applications / Challenges in Natural Language Parsing

Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserTed Briscoe, Computer Laboratory.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 15 November 2007, 16:00-18:00

Signal Processing and Communications Lab Seminars

New Applications of the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform

UserMark Pickering, Australian Defence Forces Academy in Canberra.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockFriday 02 November 2007, 15:00-16:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Prequential Statistics

Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserPhilip Dawid, Statistical Laboratory, Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 01 November 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Spectral Clustering

Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserArik Azran, Machine Learning Group.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 25 October 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Group Theory and Machine Learning

Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserImre Risi Kondor, Gatsby Unit, UCL.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 18 October 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Bayesian Ranking

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserRalf Herbrich, Microsoft Research Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 15 March 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Dirichlet Processes and Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserDr Yee Whye Teh, Gatsby Unit, UCL.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 01 March 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Robot Localisation and Mapping

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserDr Paul M Newman, Oxford University.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 01 February 2007, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Advanced MCMC Methods

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserIain Murray, Gatsby Unit, UCL.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 23 November 2006, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Expectation Propagation

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserDr Tom Minka, Microsoft Research Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 16 November 2006, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED


Advanced Tutorial Lecture Series on Machine Learning

UserDr Ricardo Silva, Gatsby Unit, UCL.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 09 November 2006, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserEd Snelson, Gatsby Unit, UCL.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 26 October 2006, 16:00-18:00

Machine Learning @ CUED

Mixture Models and the EM Algorithm

Advanced Machine Learning Tutorial Lecture

UserProfessor Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research Cambridge.

HouseLR4, Engineering, Department of.

ClockThursday 05 October 2006, 16:00-18:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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