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tcw24’s personal list of talks. If you have a question about this list, please contact: tcw24. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 2 upcoming talks and 175 talks in the archive. Wayfinding through the Human Genome
Eve's Byte of the Apple
Epigenetics: A Code upon a Code?
Using Maths to Decode the Universe
The Power of Music: A Journey Back to Home
Bits with Soul
How the Cultural Revolution still shapes China
Revolution by Natural Selection: a radical history of life from inside our cells
Worlds Turned Upside Down: Quiet Revolutions in Art
The Exoplanet Revolution
A Revolution in Thought? How hemisphere theory helps us understand the metacrisis
Are Revolutions Justified?
The Genetic Revolutions
On the Disappointment of Revolutions
Isolation of atomic mechanisms – the choreographer at play
The Self-Imposed Isolation of North Korea
Are we alone in the Universe?
Isolation and Trapping using Optical Tweezers
Antarctica:Isolated Continent
The Closeting of Secrets
The Isolation of Asylum Seekers: immigration detention in Australia
On Escaping or Not Escaping Solitude. Persian Tales of Turtles and Pearls
The Political Economy of Conservation and Food Security
Archaeology and Discovering the Food of the Past
Food and Cultural History
Food as Expression
X-rays and Food Safety
Food, Power and Society
Should Cats and Dogs go Vegan?
Food and Climate Change
Bloodlines of the British
Dracula, Vampires and the New Woman
Blood in Motion: The Physics of Blood Flow
Transitional Bleeding in Early Modern England
Archaeological Mysteries
Eruptions, Emissions and Enigmas: from fuming volcanic vents to mass extinction events
The Enigmatic Premodern Book
The Enigma of Emotion
Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine
Decoding the Heavens: The Antikythera Mechanism
Perception of Visual Space
Computer Vision
Viewing the Universe
Appearance and Physical Reality
Vision of Future Technology
Evolution of the Eye
Colour and Vision
Animal Migration
Disease Migration
Refugees and Migration
Art and Migration
Black and British Migration
Extreme Politics
Extremes of the Universe
Dealing with Extremism
Extreme Events and How to Live with Them
The Game Theory of Conflict
Games Animals Play
Games for the Brain
"Losing the New Great Game"
Wittgenstein's Games
The Game of Crime and Punishment
Personal Principles and the Political Game
Technology Development
Biomimicry - Development of Sustainable Design
Development of Climate Science
Development of an Athlete
Reprogramming Animal Development
Plagues & Economic Collapse
Plagues, Populations & Survival
The Nature of Plagues
Plagues & History
Plagues & Medicine
Foresight in Ancient Mesopotamia
Foresight and Self-Control
Foresight in Music
Foresight in Scientific Method
Foresight in Ancient Civilisations
Life and Death of a Cell
Life in the Ancient World
The Spark of Life
From Genomes to the Diversity of Life
The Science and Beauty of Nebulae
Terror by Beauty: Russo-Soviet perspectives
Beauty & Happiness: Chinese perspectives
Beauty & Attraction: in the eyes of the beholder
The Sound of Beauty
Quantum Beauty
Beauty & The Grotesque
Beauty & Truth
Risk and (Human-induced) Climate Change
Risk and Natural Catastrophes
Risk, Security and Terrorism
Risk and Humanities
Risk and Government: The architectonics of blame-avoidance
Risk and the Brain: The neural basis of decision making under uncertainty
Risk: Trying to quantify our uncertainty
The Boundaries of Darwinism
Is Human Evolution Over?
Evolution and Conservation of Biodiversity
Darwin and Human Society
Darwin in the Literary World
Darwin's Intellectual Development
The Making of the Fittest
Understanding Humans - Serendipity and Anthropology
Cosmological Serendipity
Serendipity as a Force in Physics
Serendipity in Political Life
The Unanticipated Pleasures of the Writing Life
HIV and the Naked Ape
The Stratigraphy of Serendipity
Serendipity's Guide to the Galaxy
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Gamma Chains priors for audio processing
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Monaural Acoustical Scene Analysis through Harmonic-Temporal Clustering of the Power Spectrum
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Analysing Musical Audio
SciSoc – Cambridge University Scientific Society Book Launch of 'Cool it' - bestselling author Bjorn Lomborg's latest release
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Title to be confirmed
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Machine Learning Methods for Monaural Sound Source Separation
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Variational Inference with Bayes Net Fragments for Beat Tracking and Rhythm Recognition
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Project talk
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Title to be confirmed
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Variable Rate Sequential Monte Carlo for Musical Transcription
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Real-Time Bayesian GSM Buzz Removal
Online Science Journalism
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Title to be confirmedCanceled
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Multi-Target Bayes Filtering with Random Finite Sets
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Sequential Monte Carlo Samplers
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability
Audio and Music Processing (AMP) Reading Group Overview of Subspace Methods for estimating Sinusoidals
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsAdvances and Controversies in Lipid Lowering Skewness, Heavy Tails, Market Crashes, and Dynamics EED Film Series: '7-49 Up'Other talksExistence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein/Weinstein domains Structurally unravelling ATP synthase Multi-Index Stochastic Collocation (MISC) for Elliptic PDEs with random data Predictive modeling of hydrogen assisted cracking – a Micromechanics conquest Transport and Settling of Sediments in River Plumes Katie Field - Symbiotic options for the conquest of land Understanding mechanisms and targets of malaria immunity to advance vaccine development Symplectic topology of K3 surfaces via mirror symmetry Statistical Methods in Pre- and Clinical Drug Development: Tumour Growth-Inhibition Model Example Art and Migration Recent developments and debates in East Asian monsoon palaeoclimatology |