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William Harvey Lecture Theatre
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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 544 talks in the archive. Grand Round 8 Feb 2023
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
“Holy Water in the ICU: Steroids and secondary infections in COVID-19" & “Gene therapy in HAE”
“Legg Calve Perthes disease – an opportunity to prevent blindness?” & “The lows among the highs”
Christmas Quiz
Title: One simple test - prognostication in advanced heart failure
Title to be confirmed
Title: What lies beneath?
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Antibiotic Awareness Week
Title: Saving Brains- Promises and challenges with stroke thrombectomy
Title: Determinants and consequences of early puberty
Title: The Red Devil is in the Detail
Title: Anaemia, fevers and a red eye: a case of blood, sweat and tears
Title: Braching out of the asylum
Title: Colonic somatic mutation: inflammation, mosaics and cancer.
Title: An ordinary life, an extraordinary death. An extraordinary life, an ordinary death
Title: "FLASHING in the UK”...
Title: Clues to the determinants of outcome in MS
Title: An ABC of the COVID-19 vaccine response
Specialty: Student Elective
Title: Integrating WGS into ovarian cancer practice: a box of chocolates?
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Christmas Quiz
Title: The Long and Winding Road
Title: Facing Down Covid?
Title: RIPK1 - Immunodeficiency meets Inflammation
Title to be confirmed
Title: Frailty in medical inpatients
Title: “Finding the origins of Childhood cancer”
Title: The curious case of the collapsing chorister Risk stratification for and prevention of SCD
Title: ‘So many choices. So little time!’
Title: "Triplegia"
Title: Mum’s the word
Title: “Two-way TRAFfic – learning biology from a new monogenic disease”
Title: ECMO saves lives…. Or does it?
Title: “Tafro or not tafro?"
Title: “Colorectal cancer in the very young"
Title: “Beyond the operating theatre: clinical epidemiology and understanding the care of chronic subdural haematoma”.
Title: “A little something to stimulate your apatite...”
Title: Conn’d in pregnancy
Title: ‘A deadly virus – a pandemic success story’
Title: “We need to talk about dying”
Title: “‘Tackling the commonest problem in Gastro clinic: mind over matter?”
Title: I Dreamed a dream in times gone by……
Title: Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy, a common(ly missed) hidden disability
Title: Cycle trouble
Title: “Like the inner tube of a bicycle”
Title: 3D-MFM Project
CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update - "Who stopped coming to the Emergency Department?"
CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update
CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update
Title: The Phaeo of Morphine
Title: Bellyache and IBS - in the gut or in the mind?
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Title: Auf Wiedersehen, Merkel must go!
Title: Positive TB test: to treat or not to treat?
Neurosciences CPC
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Title: "Metformin and metabolism- new tales from an old friend"
Title to be confirmed
Title: ‘’chalk and cheese lead to wheeze’’
Title: Something nasty in the potting shed: unexpected findings on molecular testing
Title: Delphi: A place of richness?
Title: “Maximum Overload!”
Title: Black Swans and Crystal Balls: Organ Selection in Transplantation
Title: Young patient with palpitations and a click
Christmas Quiz
Title: Dr Thudichum was Right
Title: "Tim's story: Not lost in Translation"
Title: Losing the grain of thread
Title: Out of the mouths of babes
Title: The scars of fat
Title: Dupilumab: new agent in management of atopic dermatitis
Title: Antidepressant withdrawal
Title: Bitter Pills to Swallow
Title: chemotherapy induced cardiomyopathy
Title: The flood of resistance: could an ARK save us all?
Title: Acute severe asthma: Teaching an old dog new tricks
Title: Childhood obesity
Title to be confirmed
Title: "Thrombocytopaenia and confusion in a myeloma patient".
Title: Getting the GIST: Oncometabolites and the Krebs Cycle
Title: Sneezy, wheezy and queezy
Title: On doctors dealing with grief
Title to be confirmed
Student Electives
Title: ‘Better Late Than Never – upper limb surgical options for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy’
Title: Lost in a Maze
Title: Title: Imaging Death
Title: 'Shedding new light on Job's plight - a novel cause of hyper IgE syndrome'.
Title: “A unit and their patient’s journey towards the world’s first successful DCD heart-lung transplant”
Title: A complication of a complication
Title: ‘Opting out’
Title: "Grape or grain but never the twain? A multiarm matched-triplet crossover RCT of beer and wine"
Title: “The Perplexing Pancreas: When the Extraordinary Mimics the Ordinary”
Title: Chronic thromboembolic disease- Is it P45 time for the surgeons?
Title: Opioids: can less be more?
Title: 'Elusive tumours and rare tumour associations'
Title: A case of cardiac amyloidosis
Title: "An astute dementia carer - and an old fashioned paediatric test"
Title: What Lies Beneath
Title: The retrospectoscope is a powerful instrument...
CPC Infectious Diseases - Title: ‘Hot Stuff’
Title: Not all Endometriosis is Endometriosis
Title: Buyer beware! – some pitfalls of direct to consumer genomic testing
Title: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: An under-recognised cause
Title: Clozapine under the heat
Title: “One disease, two diseases, three diseases or more…”
Title: "Genomics blasts into AML"
Title: An extra “bun” in the oven
Title: “Not just another UTI”
Title: TILs and CARs: Vehicles of the future?
Title: ‘Breathing, thinking, functioning’
Title: Surgical Anaphylaxis
Title: Varying outcomes in paediatric IBD - trying to predict the unpredictable
Cambridge University Students’ Clinical Research Society
Title: The 7 year itch
Title: Little sweet or big Sour
Title: ‘Trading autoimmunity for infection’
Title: "Keep Calm and Carry On"
Title: “When Wheeze is not Wheeze”
Title: “Don’t Block the Exit”
Title: 'Electric'
Title: Dog Bites Man
Title: Reproducibility in Research “Cutting-edge” Cellular Therapy for Acute Myocardial infraction
Title: ‘Lining up the diagnosis’
Title: I Spy With My Little Scope - Exploding Stones, Strange Strictures and Disappearing Stents
Specialty: CPC Surgery - Title: Developing personalised medicine in primary prostate cancer by integrating research into routine practice
Title: Bleeding in a multi visceral transplant - a surgical problem?
Title: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment unmasks a novel tyrosine kinase mutation
Title: n=2
Title: Prevention of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation
Title: My whole cancer genome: From bench (and laptop) to bedside for the field of mutational signatures
Title: A venomous French trip
Title: Le Siege de l’Ame
Title: Paediatric Brain Tumours
Title: Strictly Geris
Title: Moving from psychopathology to psychopathophysiology
Title:'Tall Stories'
Title: Common insulin resistance
Title: "Like mother, like daughter: The power of fetal medicine in adult diagnosis”
Title: Recurrent punctures and predicting the future
Christmas Quiz
Title to be confirmed
Title: “Learning from deaths”
Title: From bedside to bench to bedside to bench and back again
Title: Breaking the mould
Title: "Management of traumatic brain injury - past, present and the future"
Title: Refractory Myaesthenia, a "Herbal" Remedy
Title: Unexplained or Unexplainable?
Title: ‘The liver gets the NOD too’
Antibiotic Awareness Week
Title: “Intoxicating Pharmacology”
Title: A focal chondral defect in the knee
Title: A Case to Attr-act
Title: Spectrum of human disease associated with GNAS mutations
Title: When lightning strikes twice: stroke and cancer
Title: To eat or not to eat, that is the question
Title: Similar but not the same
Student Electives - Title: 'Elective Report Prize Presentations 2018'
Title: ‘Primum non nocere’
Title: Keeping an Eye Out
Title: Paediatric precision medicine: leave no genomic stone unturned, then turn again.
Title:Recovery from Psychosis
Title: Solving the traffic problem, in Cambridge
Title: 'Impaired ROS production by the innate immune system: A trigger for intestinal inflammation'
Title: "Pulling out all the stops" - Immunotherapy-associated arthritis.
Title: “Of Mice and WoMen – a Co-Clinical Trial in High Risk Breast Cancer”
Title: A novel cause of progressive, fatal, EBV infection, in a familial setting
Title: ‘Refined Stratification of an Ultra-rare disease’
Title: Crystals in the Kidney
Title: 10 peanuts
Title: ‘Confusion in a Dragon Boat Racer’
Title: “Statistics without confidence and the perils of the P-value”.
Title: 'Surely, aorta have a biomarker by now...?!
Title: “A bruising encounter with pregnancy”
Title: ‘Aortopathy, juvenile polyposis and HHT – how genomic medicine unites these diverse phenotypes’.
Title: Proteinuric, pregnant, preterm
Title: "An unusual cause of respiratory failure"
Title: 'If at first you don't succeed, chyle again'
Title: How can you mend a broken heart? With a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor
Title: I check the door
Title: T-B or not 2(20)B
Title: BIG things come in small packages
Title: “When using your abs watch for bow shapes”
Title: ‘Soldiering on with steroid-responsive asthma’
Title: "Pill on a string coupled with endoscopic therapy as a novel approach to oesophageal cancer control"
Title: Making it to the cut
Title: Numbing the brain in pain
Title: Mixed Signals
Title: Stop poisoning Granny!
Title: To do a great right, do a little wrong
Title: A Hard Trade
Title: Molluscum Inoculum: a Caribbean stowaway
Title: Recurrent anaphylaxis- detecting obscure but commonplace culprit
Title: Influenza at Cambridge University Hospitals 2016-18
Title: 'How to spot and deal with a sausage (or porridge) in the inferior vena cava’
Title: “Abnormal EROS is a very human failing”
Title: ‘The Importance of Being Observant’
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Title: Look and You Will Find It – What Is Unsought Will Go Undetected
Title: Bad Blood, Don’t Cux your Losses
Specialty: CPC Oncology
Title: TB Saved my Life
Title: in a dark, dark forest far, far away. Subtitle A very rare cause of Microcephaly - so what?
Title: Mind your Stethoscope, Please!
Title: “Tau be or not tau be…”
Title: A vascular complication in a trace element disorder
Title: "Refractory Status Epilepticus in the ICU - unlocking the black box"
Title: It can happen to young people too
Title: “Get CT on time” and other short cases
Christmas Quiz
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Title: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Title to be confirmed
CPC Title: ‘Windows for opportunity in autoimmunity’
Title: Connecting the effects of pancreatic cancer on host metabolism and immunity
Title: Lynch Syndrome
Antibiotics Awareness Week
Title: Looking for (something a bit larger than) a needle in (something a bit smaller than) a haystack
Title: Cavities, holes and infections – a complex therapeutic conundrum
Title: ‘Crisis, what crisis?’
Title: Back for good
Title: The Art of Psychosis
Title: "Not so fast! — Whole genome diagnosis in NICU"
Student Electives
Title: 'Using ECMO to prevent cholangiopathy in liver transplantation'
Title: Bad Blood
Title: When your day is done and you’ve got to run” JJ Cale (1938-2013)
Title: Throwing the NET Wider
Title: Get it on Time
Title: Plumbing and Electrics (or a bad case of troponinitis?)
Title: “SIRS, NICE, SOFAs and CQUINs”
Title: “Lesions unCover dissociated airway deficits in traumatic brain injury”
Title: A pinch of salt
Title: Trauma networks and volunteering abroad
Title: "Resting the lungs"
Title: ‘Plan B’
Title: The ortho plastics approach to difficult periprosthetic joint infection.
Title: Getting the buzz on pain
Title: Mosaicism in Neurofibromatosis Type 2: piecing together the jigsaw
Title: Succs to be starved (of oxygen)
Title: More than skin deep
Title: ‘A leap forward for Crohn’s disease?’
Title: Switching Diagnoses with Next Generation Sequencing
Title: A case of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and separation anxiety disorder
Title: “A cascade of hits”
Title: Safety in the Sun
A Terran Odyssey to the Place of the Soul
Recurrent anaemia
“Just an ulcer…”
Mother and son with a cryptic infection
Humming in My Chest
“What’s in a name?”
“It looks like a duck, walks like a duck, but it is not a duck”
Good COP, Bad COP
Excess mortality attributable to Clostridium difficile infection in a historic cohort of patients admitted to a teaching hospital then followed up in the UK National Death Register
“Ringing the bell on membranous nephropathy?”
“Different strokes for different folks”
Frailty: the sixth vital sign?
A quizzical ophthalmic sign
“Legal frameworks and medical decision making: untangling the Acts”
Transplanting the untransplantable
How not to clean a window
Title to be confirmed
The good and the bad of kinase inhibition in B cell malignancies
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
A quizzical ophthalmic sign
Title to be confirmed
“Familial Gastric cancer: benefits and risks of a timely diagnosis”
Renal tumours in childhood. ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’
Lliac crest palpation in the assessment of response to anti-arrhythmic medication
“3 times lucky”
Transplanting the untransplantable
An unusual ovarian tumour and the role of fertility preservation
Mending a broken Heart
A hard graft
Another pressing case?
Advances in trauma care from Iraq and Afghanistan
Allergic to everything and nothing
Anaphylaxis to gadolinium
Moody blues: hippocampal hiccup or cingular congestion?
"The Lung & Rheumatoid Arthritis: Two Birds With One Stone?"
Myeloproliferative neoplasms: a point of order
"A cute" story of laxity
Intracranial hypertension in tramatic brain injury: an intervention in vein?
Postponed - You are what you EET – New avenues for an old disease
Postponed - Title to be Confirmed
“ Hearts and Minds and Eosinophils”
“TU(BE) or not to TU(BE)?”
DILT1D40 N-of-1 trial
CMV: Novel problems, Novel Solutions
Help – my patient needs an urgent liver transplantChair: Professor Ken Smith
Transplanting Dead HeartsChair: Professor Ken Smith
The role of faecal transplantation in the treatment of Clostridium difficileChair: Dr Alex Gimson
I am pop allChair: Dr Alex Gimson
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Paul Flynn
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Paul Flynn
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Fiona Karet
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Fiona Karet
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Trevor Baglin
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Trevor Baglin
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Menna Clatworthy
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Menna Clatworthy
Title to be ConfirmedChair: Dr John Firth
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr John Firth
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Arthur Kaser
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Arthur Kaser
Title to be confirmedChair: TBA
Title to be confirmedChair: TBA
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Menna Clatworthy
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Menna Clatworthy
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Tim Cox
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Tim Cox
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Patrick Maxwell
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Patrick Maxwell
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Paul Flynn
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Paul Flynn
The Dynamic PlacentaChair: Professor Arthur Kaser
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: My appendix broke my heartChair: Professor Arthur Kaser
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Trevor Baglin
A WiNK to a Cullin – the new kid on the hypertension blockChair: Dr Alex Gimson
One size does not fit allChair: Dr Alex Gimson
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr John Firth
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr John Firth
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Fiona Karet
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Fiona Karet
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Sir Stephen O'Rahilly
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Sir Stephen O'Rahilly
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Paul Flynn
Title to be confirmedChair: Dr Paul Flynn
“Nobodies Perfect”Chair: Professor Arthur Kaser
“Immunologically mediated abdominal pain: three of the kind”Chair: Professor Arthur Kaser
Where there is discord, may we bring hormonesChair: Professor Ken Smith
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Ken Smith
Student ElectivesChair: Dr Diana Wood
Currently Resistant to (almost) EverythingChair: Dr Trevor Baglin Sponsor: Janssen
Obstruction but not in the gut: caval occlusion but is it Crohn's?Chair:Dr Trevor Baglin Sponsor: Janssen
An indescribable illness …!Chair: Professor Tim Cox Sponsor: Abbott
It is everywhere!Chair: Professor Tim Cox Sponsor: Abbott
Validating the Clinical Frailty ScaleChair: Professor Patrick Maxwell
Novel Early-Onset Epilepsies identified by Whole Exome sequencingChair: Professor Patrick Maxwell
Branching out in the adrenal: small is beautifulChair: Dr Ewen Cameron Sponsor: Astra Zeneca
New murmur - is it endocarditis?Chair: Dr Ewen Cameron Sponsor: Astra Zeneca
Evil Before our Lord's arrivalChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
A confused caretakerChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
A COLlaborative diagnosisChair: Dr Menna Clatworthy Sponsor: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Solving Damashek's riddleChair: Dr Menna Clatworthy Sponsor: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Preventing a CancerChair: Dr Alex Gimson Sponsor: Astra Zeneca
Restoring hearing after bilateral labyrinthectomyChair: Dr Alex Gimson Sponsor: Astra Zeneca
Title to be confirmedChair: Professor Edwin Chilvers
Personalising treatment for pancreatic cancer: Myth or Reality?Chair: Dr John Firth Sponsor: Pfizer
Rash, flash and crash - an uncultured problemChair: Dr John Firth Sponsor: Pfizer
Changing ChangeoverChair: Professor Ken Smith Sponsor: Astra Zeneca
The importance of serendipity in clinical research: incidental observation following vagus nerve stimulation in Prader-Willi SyndromeChair: Professor Ken Smith Sponsor: Astra Zeneca
Is gene panel testing for breast cancer risk ready for clinical prime time?Chair: Professor Fiona Karet
If I only could, I’d be running up that hill…Chair: Professor Fiona Karet
Here we go again…Chair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Telling the time. Arterial windows into CKDChair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Diabetes in pregnancy: a hard case to swallowChair: Professor Sir Stephen O'Rahilly
Staph aureus immunity and the nervous system - it's good to talkChair: Professor Sir Stephen O'Rahilly
Beware of the PigChair: Professor Fiona Karet
Prolonged disorder of consciousness and paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivityChair: Professor Fiona Karet
All in the Head?Chair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
Bronchial Thermoplasty: the hot new treatment in "asthma"Chair: Professor Sadaf Farooqi
A Pinch of SaltChair: Dr Paul Flynn
Needle biopsy 50 years after radiotherapy treatment of a fibrosarcoma: opening a can of wormsChair: Dr Paul Flynn
Squeezing out StrokesChair: Professor F Karet
Rehabilitation of Military Complex PolytraumaChair: Professor F Karet
Targeting immune checkpoints - risks and benefitsChair: Dr T Baglin
Bitter sweet case: when sugar doesn't add upChair: Dr T Baglin
"~Acute Medicine in Camp Bastion, Afghanistan"
"Notching up another confusing Case"
“What are your possible futures? Communicating Risk to Patients and Colleagues”
“Should we do an Exome?”
“On Stars, Brazil and Paris”
“Can You Polish A Kidney?”
“Occult Appendical Lesions At The Time Of Removal Of Mucinous Ovarian Tumours”
“Break, Break, Break”
“Delivery Of A New Syndrome For Conn’s 60th Birthday – Don’t Miss It!”
“Not Everything In Primary Care Is Common”
“Dicey Linking Of Diagnoses”
“The Wizard, The Gatekeeper And The At Risk Mental State”
“Ready Steady Bone”
“A Tale Of New Tails”
“A New Cancer smiR Test”
“Picking Apart Semantics”
“When Hormones Conspire, Things Go To The Wire”
“Lightening Never Strikes Twice?”
“Is Spring In The Air?”
“Birth Marks And Beta-Blockers”
“One Step At A Time”
“Pineal Surgery And Visual Outcome”
The Interactive Christmas Quiz
Genomics England
“Can You C The Difference?”
“Integration Of Endoscopic Imaging And Molecular Diagnosis For Barrett’s Oesophagus”
“Turner Syndrome, Fertility And Babies. Is It Safe?”
“Am I Allergic To Penicillin?”
“Adding Sparkle to Dementia?”
“A Growing Problem”
“To Denervate Or Not To Denervate? That Is The Question”
“Humming In My Chest”
“Neurodegenerative Disorders And Their Challenges”
“Neurodegenerative Disorders And Their Challenges”
“Cystic Abdominal Mass Presenting Acutely - Beware!”
“Vitamin D: How Much Do We Need?”
“Image-Guided Bracyhterapy for Cervix Cancer”
“Chalk and Cheese of Mechanical Ventilation”
“Steering Between Scylla And Charybdis – The Fraught Journey Continues”
“Cognitive Analytic Therapy – A Relational Approach to Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms”
“Genotype-Specific Therapy For Cystic Fibrosis”
“Aches, Pains And Dark Urine”
“Inflammatory Arthritis – Not Always Autoimmune!”
“How Not to Die from AKI”
“A Tale of Tangle DNA And Diabetes”
“Coming Soon To A Clinic Near Yours”
“Treating Fat Loss With Weight Loss”
“A Not So Uncommon Cause Of Intracerebral Haemorrhage”
““Short” Of Breath”
“Rescuing The Injured Brain”
Cambridge Institute of Public Health Raymond and Beverley Sackler Distinguished LectureInfo and links to follow.
“Cost-Effectiveness Of The NHS Breast Screening Programme”
“A Migratory Problem”
“Of Lambs and Hedgehogs”
“ An Infection Transferred”
“Phantoms In The Brain - Exploring The Central Mechanisms Of Pain”
"Mosaicism In Hereditary Breast Cancer – Another Piece Of The Picture"
Metabolism & Endocrinology CPC “Ignore At Your Peril…” - Case 2
Metabolism & Endocrinology CPC “Ignore At Your Peril…” - Case 1
“No Respecter Of Persons Or Peoples”
“JAK Mutations - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow”
“DNACPR -The Dénouement”
“When To Call The AA!"
“Clozapine: An Oasis In The Desert Of Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia”
“Autoimmune Receptor Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Neoplasia”
“Complementary Medicine”
“Neutrophilic Dermatoses: Bugs, Genes Or Both?”
“The Diagnosis That Came In From The Cold”
Evidence-Based Treatments For PSP?
“IGSF1 deficiency: a novel , X-linked syndrome of central hypothyroidism and macroorchidism”
“How to avoid the drop”
“Atypical Fungi: The Good, The Bad And The Unlucky”
“Mechanical Circulatory Support: Salvage For Cardiogenic Shock”
“Imaging Eosinophils”
“Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) - What's In a Name?”
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome - An Iatrogenic Disease
Juvenile at Heart
Title to be confirmed
“Between Mendel and Cancer – A Growing Problem”
“Trauma: Who Cares?”
A Surveillance Culture?
Bringing Iron Deposits Into Focus
A Fortuitous Bump On The Head
Normals for Norfolk
Monday Morning Disease
When Being Blue Is Good For You
From Afghanistan to Zambia: The A to Z of Orthopaedics in the Developing World
Targeting Cancer - By Cancer Type or Dysregulated Pathway
Rare Conditions in Infancy - What's Your Question?
Management of 'Syk' RA Patient - A New Era
Double Trouble for the Double Helix: Lessons from the Clinic
Back To The Future
JAK And His Magic Beans
Endocrinology CPC
Destructive Interference Can Be Constructive!
Dissecting Mechanisms in Marfans
Self-Management Support - What Does It Do & Where Does It Fit?
Stimulants - The Old And The New
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency - Time To Treat Old Polymers With New Products
A New Notch in Cancer Treatment
Unleashing the Phagocytes
The Emperor's New Syndrome
Small is Beautiful
The Death of Socrates
Drug Resistant TB in Cambridgeshire: Multi, Extensive or Total?
Seeing Red: The Problems with DNACPR Orders
No Staff Round Presentation - 11th April
Food for Thought
Transplantation in a Stimulation Free Environment
The Problem of a Heartless Sibling
A Cardiocutaneous Conundrum
Living in Port Sunlight
"Journey to the Centre of the Head" - With Apologies to Jules Verne
Controversies of Breast Cancer Screening
Progressive FTDCBDPSP Syndromes - A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet
The Perils of Pharmacology
A Case of Congenital Diarrhoea
Single Punch Manslaughter
Two Brothers with Recurrent Infections and Autoimmunity
Death or Glory? Management of Critical Ischaemia in Systemic Sclerosis
B-Long and B-Yond
PPCI for STEMI 2012
A Demyelinating Neuropathy Presenting in Pregancy
A SIMPLE Answer to Refractory Respiratory Failure in Influenza
Mind the Gap - The Case for Youth Services
A Case of Inherited Visual Loss
Anti TNF: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
“Blades for Lung Cancer”
When in Doubt, Make a List
Pro patria tumori
Incidental Pancreatic Cysts - Threat or Nuisance
The Perils of Medical Tourism
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Endocrinology Presentation
Surgery Presentation
Medical Student Elective Presentations
Dr Flynn's Christmas Quiz
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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