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University of Cambridge > > Mondays (unless otherwise stated), 13.05 – 14.00 in the Kenneth Craik Room, Craik Marshall Building, Downing Site
Mondays (unless otherwise stated), 13.05 – 14.00 in the Kenneth Craik Room, Craik Marshall Building, Downing Site
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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 14 talks in the archive. Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars TBCOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology TBC. Monday 23 November 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Reduction of Fear Recovery after Experimental Extinction through Different Behavioral ManipulationsOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Gonzalo Urcelay - Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow, Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge. Monday 23 November 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Individual differences in associative learning underlying vulnerability to making the transition from recreational drug use to dependenceOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Lee Hogarth - Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham. Monday 09 November 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars The Role of the transcription factor NF-ĸB in long term memory maintenanceOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Emiliano Merlo –Royal Society Newton International Fellow, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge. Monday 26 October 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Executive functions and emotional decision-making in chronic users of stimulants and opiatesOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Antonio Verdejo-Garcia - Lecturer, Department of Clinical Psychology & Institute of Neuroscience Universidad de Granada, Spain. Monday 12 October 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Cost-efficient properties of human brain networksOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Alex Fornito - Visiting Research Associate, Brain Mapping Unit, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge and Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne. Monday 28 September 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Dopaminergic and neuroendocrine modulation of human decision makingOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Christoph Eisenegger - Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, Zurich, Switzerland. Thursday 23 July 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Party Pills - what do we knowOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Bruce Russell – School of Pharmacy, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Monday 29 June 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars How do midbrain dopamine neurons respond to aversive events?"Organised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Mark Ungless – Imperial College, London. Monday 08 June 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars The mechanisms that constrain reconsolidationOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Karim Nader –Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Canada. Monday 01 June 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Serotonin, self-control, and social decision-makingOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Molly Crocket – Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge. Wednesday 27 May 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Which dimensions of impulsivity are related to addictive behaviours?Organised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Joel Billieux –Cognitive Psychopathology and Neuropsychology Unit, University of Geneva. Wednesday 20 May 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Emotion, serotonin and vulnerability to depressionOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Rebecca Elliott - Neuroscience and Psychiatry Unit, University of Manchester. Monday 18 May 2009, 13:05-14:00 Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars Role of the transcription factor NF-ĸB in long term memory maintenanceOrganised by Dr Amy Milton, Department of Experimental Psychology Dr Emiliano Merlo – Royal Society Newton International Fellow. Monday 04 May 2009, 13:05-14:00 Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsCPES Andrew Marr and Jackie Ashley in Conversation with Sarah Smith (Scotland Editor, BBC) Assessment PrinciplesOther talksCafé Synthetique: Graduate Talks! Hypergraph Saturation Irregularities Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2018 - Day 2 Machine learning, social learning and self-driving cars Social support and breastfeeding in the UK: evolutionary perspectives and implications for public health "Vectorbuilder: Revolutionising Vector Design & Custom Cloning" (25 min seminar) followed by "Advanced Technologies For Rapid Generation Of Custom Designed Animal Models" (25 min seminar) The Productivity Paradox: are we too busy to get anything done? Towards a whole brain model of perceptual learning Active bacterial suspensions: from individual effort to team work Vision Journal Club: feedforward vs back in figure ground segmentation Formation and disease relevance of axonal endoplasmic reticulum, a "neuron within a neuron”. Deterministic RBF Surrogate Methods for Uncertainty Quantification, Global Optimization and Parallel HPC Applications |