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CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane

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0 upcoming talks and 11 talks in the archive.

Climate Histories Interdisciplinary Seminar Series

Past Climates and Modern Histories: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change

UserMark Aldenderfer, University of California, Merced and chief editor of Current Anthropology.

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockWednesday 16 November 2011, 14:30-16:30

Department of Sociology Seminar Series

Conference: Digital Diasporas: Migration, ICTs and Transnationalism

UserConvenor: Dr Mirca Madianou (Sociology and Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge).

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockFriday 14 January 2011, 00:00-00:00

Department of Sociology Seminar Series

Conference: Digital Diasporas: Migration, ICTs and Transnationalism

UserConvenor: Dr Mirca Madianou (Sociology and Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge).

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockThursday 13 January 2011, 00:00-00:00

Department of Politics and International Studies Research Seminar Series

Understanding New Wars

UserDr Harald Wydra, Faculty of Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and International Studies, University of Cambridge.

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockSaturday 13 February 2010, 09:00-13:30

Department of Politics and International Studies Research Seminar Series

Understanding New Wars

UserDr Harald Wydra, Faculty of Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and International Studies, University of Cambridge.

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockFriday 12 February 2010, 09:00-17:30

Cambridge Neuroscience Seminars

Do hormones in the womb affect how your brain develops?

UserProf Simon Baron Cohen (Autism Research Centre, Cambridge).

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockWednesday 04 March 2009, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Post-Conflict and Post-Crisis Group

Introductory Session

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCRASSH, 17 Mill Lane.

ClockTuesday 14 October 2008, 14:30-16:30

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