University of Cambridge > > Sackler Lecture Theatre, IoA

If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 775 talks in the archive.

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Bayesian deep learning to scale Galaxy Zoo

UserMike Walmsley (University of Oxford).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 05 February 2020, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Galactic archaeology in the Milky Way and beyond

UserSarah Martell (University of New South Wales).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2020, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Postdoc Jamboree

UserCambridge Astro Postdocs.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 December 2019, 13:15-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Extra Talks

A journey into the Perseus Cluster of galaxies

UserMarie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais (ESO Chile).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockTuesday 01 October 2019, 14:00-15:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Kinematics features of the Milky Way globular clusters

UserAndres Piatti (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentine).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 September 2019, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Detection of the warm-hot baryons in the Universe

UserYin-Zhe Ma ((University of KwaZulu-Natal).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 September 2019, 13:15-13:45

Kavli Institute for Cosmology Seminars

Mapping our Galaxy with Gaia DR2 and beyond

Kavli Happy Hour talk

UserFrancesca De Angeli, IoA.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockFriday 21 June 2019, 16:00-16:30

Kavli Institute for Cosmology Seminars

Observing the Cosmic Web in Lyman-α Emission

Kavli Happy Hour Talk

UserJoris Witstok, Cavendish.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockFriday 21 June 2019, 16:00-16:30

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Lessons from Apollo 50 Years Later

UserJohn Lattanzio (Monash University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 19 June 2019, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Astrophotonics: The Next Wave in Astronomical Instrumentation

UserSylvain Veilleux (University of Maryland).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 May 2019, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Models of Diffuse Ionised Gas in star-forming galaxies

UserBert Vandenbroucke (University of St Andrews).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 May 2019, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Extra Talks

IRIS Collaboration F2F Meeting

UserOrganiser: Nic Walton.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockThursday 04 April 2019, 08:30-16:00

Institute of Astronomy Extra Talks

IRIS Collaboration F2F Meeting

UserOrganiser: Nic Walton.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 April 2019, 10:30-18:00

Institute of Astronomy Extra Talks

Facing the challenges of 21-cm cosmology

UserAnastasia Fialkov (Sussex).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 27 March 2019, 10:15-11:00

Institute of Astronomy Extra Talks

A comprehensive view of dark matter

UserSimona Vegetti (MPA, Munich).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockTuesday 26 March 2019, 10:15-11:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Celebrating Women in Astronomy and E&D update at the IoA

UserClare Worley, Richard McMahon, Ian Parry.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 13 February 2019, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

How to Read a Light Curve

UserEmily Sandford.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 23 January 2019, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Exoplanets in High Resolution

UserGeorge Hawker.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 January 2019, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Journey to CyberSecurity World

UserEduardo Gonzalez-Solares.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 October 2018, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Radio Sky: Near and Far

UserAnastasia Fialkov.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2018, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Clumpy Line Driven Winds

UserSergei Dyda.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 October 2018, 13:15-13:45

Exoplanet Seminars

Title to be confirmed

Note different location to usual

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockThursday 31 May 2018, 11:30-12:30

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The SkyHopper Space Telescope: Big Science with a Tiny Telescope

UserMichele Trenti (University of Melbourne).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 April 2018, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Interiors & atmospheres of Super-Earths

UserCaroline Dorn (Universitaet Zurich).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 April 2018, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Accretion dIscs in not-so-compact binaries

UserKoji Mukai (Goddard Space Flight Centre).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 April 2018, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Evolution of Massive Galaxies from 0 < z < 5

UserAdam Muzzin (York University, Toronto).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 February 2018, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars


UserKieren Lovell.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 07 February 2018, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Stop. Think. Click.

UserKieren Lovell.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 January 2018, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The shapes of dark halos

UserEdward Lilley.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 November 2017, 13:45-14:15

Exoplanet Seminars

A Catch of Transits - Exoplanet Diversity As Revealed by Transiting Systems.

Note different location to usual

UserDaniel Bayliss (Warwick).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 October 2017, 16:00-17:00

Exoplanet Seminars

SuperWASP, the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, and Doppler Tomography

Note different location to usual

UserDavid Brown (Warwick).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 24 May 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Quasar Host Galaxies at z~2 with ALMA

UserDr. Manda Banerji (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 May 2017, 13:15-13:45

Galaxies Discussion Group

Galaxy clusters at sub-millimeter wavelengths

UserGianfranco De Zotti (Padua Observatory - INAF).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockFriday 28 April 2017, 11:30-12:30

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

(Ex-?)Binary stars in the Galactic thick disc

UserDr. Robert Izzard (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 26 April 2017, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Mixing in Massive Stars

UserAdam Jermyn .

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2017, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Delensing CMB B-modes: results from SPT.

UserAlessandro Manzotti (Chicago).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 January 2017, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Studying accretion onto black holes using QPO phase lags

UserJakob van der Eijnden (University of Amsterdam).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 07 December 2016, 13:15-13:45

Exoplanet Seminars

Proving a negative: what is the gas/dust ratio in protoplanetary disks?

Different time and place to usual

UserJonathan Williams (Hawaii).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockFriday 11 November 2016, 12:00-13:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Peeking into a neutron star

UserNathalie Degenaar.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 19 October 2016, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

New quasar results from the Dark Energy Survey

UserRichard McMahon (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 05 October 2016, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Finding Earth-like planets

UserAmaury Triaud.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 05 October 2016, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Time Evolution of Giant Molecular Cloud Mass Functions on Galactic Disks

UserMasato Kobayashi (Nagoya University, Japan).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 07 September 2016, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

A Westerbork blind HI survey of the Coma cluster: first results

UserThijs van der Hulst (Kapteyn Institute).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 20 July 2016, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Galaxy Evolution with KMOS

UserLaura Prichard (Oxford).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 06 July 2016, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Stellar haloes as probes of galaxy evolution

UserPayel Das (University of Oxford).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 29 June 2016, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

iLocater: Breaking the 1m/s radial velocity precision barrier

UserJonathan Crass (University of Notre Dame).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 June 2016, 13:45-14:15

Exoplanet Seminars

Radio observations of exoplanets and their host stars

UserAlex Wolszczan (Penn State University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockTuesday 14 June 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Haloes of the Milky Way

UserAngus Williams .

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 27 April 2016, 13:45-14:15

Exoplanet Seminars

The circumplanetary disk and the late accretion of giant planets

Extra seminar

UserJudit Szulagyi (ETH).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2016, 14:00-15:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

AGN Coronae in the NuSTAR Era

UserAnne Lohfink.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 February 2016, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Li-rich Giant Problem

User Andy Casey .

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 13 January 2016, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Searching for Metal Absorbers up to redshift 7

UserSarah Bosman (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 02 December 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Disky dwarf disruption and the shape of the Galactic halo

UserSimon Gibbons (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Discovery of powerful winds in Ultraluminous X-ray sources

UserCiro Pinto (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The dark halo of M87: from parsec to megaparsec scales

UserLindsay Oldham (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Core-collapse supernovae and their progenitors

UserMorgan Fraser (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 28 October 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Climbing the cosmic ladder with stellar twins

UserPaula Jofré (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 October 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Intrinsic Alignments of Disk Galaxies

UserPatricia Larsen (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 October 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Feedback-regulated star formation and reionisation

UserTaysun Kimm (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 October 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Evolution of Planetary Systems

UserAmy Bonsor (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 October 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Studying protoplanetary disc evolution in the era of ALMA

UserOlja Panic (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 07 October 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Why would you want accurate quasar redshifts?

UserPaul C Hewett (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 07 October 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

A Search for Dark Matter Annihilation in Newly Discovered Dwarf Galaxies

UserAlex Geringer-Sameth (Carnegie Mellon University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 23 September 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Optically thick debris from terrestrial planet formation

UserAlan Jackson (Arizona State University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Detection of Lensing of the CMB by Dark Matter Halos

UserMat Madhavacheril (Stony Brook).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserLuca Matrà (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 02 September 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Formation of Redback Pulsars

UserSarah Smedley (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 June 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Pressure in Exoplanet Atmospheres

UserChristina Hedges (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 June 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Numerical study of debris discs: from dust to gas

UserQuentin Kral (LESIA-Observatoire de Paris -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 March 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Reheating at the end of inflation

UserKaloian Lozanov (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Where do galaxies end?

UserAdam Stevens (Swinburne/IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 February 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Last Major Merger of the Milky Way

UserPrashin Jethwa (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 February 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Feeding the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way

UserNathalie Degenaar (University of Michigan -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 February 2015, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Probing reionization with QSO near zones

UserLaura Keating (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 04 February 2015, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Dynamics of the Milky Way

UserJason Sanders (Oxford -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 05 November 2014, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Where to spot the pressure smoothing of the IGM

UserGirish Kulkarni (MPIA -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 29 October 2014, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Broad-Line Radio Galaxies in the NuSTAR Era

UserAnne Lohfink (Maryland -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 October 2014, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Mass of the Milky Way Galaxy

UserWyn Evans (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 October 2014, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Exploring the physical properties of distant galaxies

UserStephen Wilkins, University of Sussex.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 06 August 2014, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Primordial power spectrum from Planck

UserDhiraj Kumar Hazra (APCTP).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 06 August 2014, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Relativistic effects in large-scale structure

UserCamille Bonvin (IoA/KICC/DAMTP).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 04 June 2014, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Is the composition of the Earth skin deep?

UserAmy Bonsor, Bristol University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 May 2014, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

BICEP2: Implications for inflation and Planck

UserAnthony Challinor and George Efstathiou.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 19 March 2014, 15:00-16:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Single Stellar Populations in the Near-Infrared range

UserSofia Meneses-Goytia (Kapteyn).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 26 February 2014, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Measuring bumpy black holes

UserChris Moore (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 12 February 2014, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

High-Efficiency Lucky Imaging

UserCraig Mackay (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2014, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The IoA in 2014

UserAndy Fabian (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 January 2014, 13:15-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Carbon-rich metal-poor stars: witnesses of the first stars

UserThomas Masseron (Uni Bruxelles -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 December 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

A Random Walk Through Accreting Black Holes

UserWilliam Alston (Leicester -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Age of the Milky Way Halo Stars

UserPaula Jofre Pfeil (Obs Bordeaux -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 20 November 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Are TeV blazars heating the IGM?

UserEwald Puchwein (HITS Heidelberg -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 20 November 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

How massive stars die - linking core-collapse supernovae to their progenitors

UserMorgan Fraser (Queens University Belfast -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 30 October 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Measuring star formation in galaxies

UserMédéric Boquien (Marseille -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 23 October 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The structure of ionized bubbles

UserThomas Haworth (Exeter -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 October 2013, 13:15-13:45

Galaxies Discussion Group

Mass-Loss Rates in Galactic Outflows

UserCrystal Martin (UC Santa Barbara).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockFriday 27 September 2013, 11:30-12:30

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The AstraLux survey of planet host multiplicity

UserCarolina Bergfors (MPIA -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 July 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The most distant gravitational lens?

UserRob Barone-Nugent (Melbourne).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 19 June 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Two Cosmological Lithium Problems

UserKarin Lind (MPA -> IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 May 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Planck Likelihood

UserSteven Gratton (IoA/KICC).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 May 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Origin of Exozodiacal Dust

UserAmy Bonsor (IPAG, Grenoble).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 April 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The emission of compact jets powered by internal shocks

UserJulien Malzac (IRAP, Toulouse).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 27 February 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Classifying and Parametrising Gaia Transients

UserNadia Blagorodnova (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 20 February 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The motion of spinning test particles

UserRobert Cole (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 13 February 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Debris disks and planets, and vice versa

UserGrant Kennedy (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2013, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Lapses of light and thought

UserMelanie Challenger (Artist Associate Programme).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 23 January 2013, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The origins of stellar clustering

UserDiederik Kruijssen (MPA Garching).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 28 November 2012, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The outreach programme at IoA

UserCarolin Crawford (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 31 October 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Star formation at local galactic scales

UserMonica Relano-Pastor, Universidad de Granada.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 24 October 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Type Ia supernovae: Explosions and Progenitors

UserWolfgang Kerzendorf (U. Toronto).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 19 September 2012, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Growth of Planetesimal Belts

UserAndrew Shannon (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 06 June 2012, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Uncovering CMB B-modes with Planck

UserChristopher Crowe (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 May 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Angular Momentum and Galaxy Formation Revisited

UserAaron Romanowsky (UC Santa Cruz).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 April 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Balloon Born submm-wave telescopes

UserBarth Netterfield (Toronto).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 March 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

How jets work

UserDonald Lynden-Bell.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Gaia, and the Gaia-ESO Survey

UserGerry Gilmore (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 February 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Star formation in spiral galaxies

UserIan Bonnell (St Andrews).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Extreme-mass-ratio gravitational wave bursts from the Galactic Centre

UserChristopher Berry (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 November 2011, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Understanding X-ray Reflection in AGN

UserDan Wilkins (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 02 November 2011, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Faint Lyman alpha emitters at redshift ~3

UserMichael Rauch (Carnegie).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 12 October 2011, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The formation of large galactic disks: survival or revival?

UserFrancois Hammer (GEPI, Observatoire de Paris).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 28 September 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Type Ia Supernovae

UserMario Livio (STScI).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 September 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Environment and the formation of K+A galaxies

UserTrevor Mendel (University of Victoria).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 August 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserJames Aird (UCSD).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 June 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Runaway stars & supernova kicks

UserJohn Eldridge (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 June 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

ALMA: Science Opportunities in Cycle 0

UserJohn Richer (ALMA UK Project Scientist/Cavendish Astrophysics).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 June 2011, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Momentum Driving in AGN and Galactic Feedback

UserJeremiah Ostriker (Princeton).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 May 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The discovery of a z=7.1 quasar

UserRichard McMahon (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 04 May 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Lensing without shear: the power of cosmic magnification

UserPengjie Zhang (Shanghai Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 09 March 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations

UserGreg Stinson (Preston).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 23 February 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Feedback from Quasar Winds (But Not Jets)

UserPatrick Hall (York University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 February 2011, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Evidence for a cosmic battery

UserIoannis Contopoulos (Academy of Athens, Greece).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 February 2011, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

High Resolution Numerical Analysis of Quasar Microlensing

UserHugh Garsden (University of Sydney).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 December 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Constraining the tilted Universe

UserYin-Zhe Ma (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 24 November 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserWarrick Ball (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 November 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

AGN feedback in clusters of galaxies

UserJulie Hlavacek-Larrondo (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 November 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Crustal cooling in neutron stars

UserEd Cackett (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 13 October 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The FLAMES Tarantula Survey of Massive Stars

UserVincent Henault-Brunet (Edinburgh).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 September 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Brilliant Simulations of Dwarf Galaxies

UserFabio Governato (Washington).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 08 September 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Spinning Galaxies and Large Scale Structure

User\Holly Trowland (Sydney).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockThursday 12 August 2010, 11:30-12:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Black-hole pairs in gas-rich mergers

UserMarta Volonteri (Michigan).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 July 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Automated Galaxy Morphology

UserWayne Hayes (UC Irvine).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 July 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Astronomy from Dome A, Antarctica

UserMichael Ashley (UNSW).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 July 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserGuido Risaliti (Harvard, SAO).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 30 June 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Ellipsoidal and Eccentric Red Giant Binaries

UserChristine Nicholls (Mt Stromlo Observatory).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 30 June 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

A Search for Very Old Stars

UserJayant Narlikar (IUCAA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 02 June 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Modelling star formation in the Antennae

UserSimon Karl (Munich Observatory).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 05 May 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Reconstructing Dark Energy

UserArman Shafieloo (Oxford).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 28 April 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Probing massive black hole binaries with pulsar timing arrays

UserAlberto Sesana (Albert Einstein Institute).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 24 March 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

ING's plans for the William Herschel Telescope

UserMarc Balcells (Director, ING).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockMonday 08 March 2010, 11:45-12:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Field Notes

UserMatthew Applegate (digital composer Pixelh8, IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 24 February 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Comparative Exoplanetary Science

UserBen Oppenheimer (AMNH).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 February 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Dusty Quasar Absorbers and GRBs

UserJonathan Budzynski (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2010, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

From the Micro to the Macro: The Paintings of Mark Francis

UserMark Francis (IoA Artist in Residence).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Dwarf galaxies: Nature and Nurture

UserTill Sawala (MPA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 20 January 2010, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Galaxy mergers and star cluster populations

UserDiederik Kruijssen (Utrecht).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Debris disc stirring

UserAlexander Mustill (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 28 October 2009, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Cosmological Constant as a Manifestation of the Hierarchy

UserPisin Chen (LeCosPA, Taiwan and KIPAC, Stanford).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 October 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Mass Segregation in Clusters on Very Short Timescales

UserRichard Allison (University of Sheffield).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 14 October 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Giant Magellan Telescope

UserWendy Freedman (OCIW).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 07 October 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Warped and Twisted Discs

UserRebecca Martin (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 23 September 2009, 13:15-13:45

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

Short term variability from some ULXs: Missing in action?

UserLucy Heil, University of Leicester.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 17:15-17:30

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

The Ultraluminous State

UserJeanette Gladstone, Durham University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 16:45-17:00

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

Diffuse X-ray Emission in the Extended Disk of M33

UserRichard Owen, University of Leicester.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 16:30-16:45

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

Modelling the magnetars quiescent spectra

UserDr Silvia Zane, MSSL-UCL.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 16:15-16:30

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

Long Term Monitoring of the Jet in Centaurus A

UserJoanna Goodger, University of Hertforshire.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 15:15-15:30

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

The 'voice' of the accretion disc in black hole X-ray binaries

UserTony Wilkinson, University of Southampton.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 15:00-15:15

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

The XRB analogy to the first AGN QPO

UserMatt Middleton, University of Durham.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 14:30-14:45

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

1H0707-495 ... Beyond Spectral Fitting

UserAbdu Zoghbi, IoA, Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 14:15-14:30

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

Cool gas in cluster cores

UserJeremy Sanders, IoA, Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 12:15-12:30

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

Measuring electron temperatures using X-ray spectroscopy

UserGiulio Del Zanna, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 12:00-12:15

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

X-ray Clusters: Still relevant for Cosmology?

UserKathy Romer, University of Sussex.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 11:30-11:45

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

X-rays and Infrared: A complementary study of AGNs

UserJames Mullaney, University of Durham.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 10:15-10:30

New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2009

The AEGIS-X survey of the Extended Groth Strip

UserElise Laird, Imperial College London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 16 September 2009, 10:00-10:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Mismatch of Galaxy Merger Predictions vs. Observations and its Implications

UserChristopher Conselice (University of Nottingham).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 12 August 2009, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserTarun Souradeep (IUCAA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 01 July 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Sky Wise: Astronomers and the Public

UserJarita Holbrook (University of Arizona).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 10 June 2009, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The origin of dwarf spheroidal galaxies.

UserElena D'Onghia (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 20 May 2009, 13:15-13:40

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

z~2 hot-dust ULIRGs

UserCaitlin Casey.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 13 May 2009, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Re-assembling the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

UserMartin Niederste-Ostholt (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 April 2009, 13:15-13:40

IoA Stellar Pops

Understanding the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy

UserWyn Evans, Mike Irwin, Vasily Belokurov & Jorge Penarrubia.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockFriday 03 April 2009, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Multiwavelength properties of gamma-ray loud binary systems

UserMaria Chernyakova (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 March 2009, 14:30-14:55

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

A discrepancy in stellar mass estimates?

UserStephen Wilkins (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

VESPA, galaxies and the Universe

UserRita Tojeiro (Portsmouth).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Relativistic Magnetic Explosions

UserKonstantinos Gourgouliatos (IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 18 February 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Science of Space Weather

UserJonathan Eastwood (Berkeley).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 11 February 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Early gas stripping as the origin of the darkest dwarf spheroidals

UserLucio Mayer (Institute for Theoretical Physics, U. Zurich).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 28 January 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

A global view of the Milky Way satellites

UserYang-Shyang Li (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 21 January 2009, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The SDSS Quasar Survey

UserGordon Richards (Drexel).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 December 2008, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Cosmological problems with axions

UserKatie Mack (Princeton).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 03 December 2008, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Merging Sub-Clumps in an Embedded Star Cluster

UserMichael Fellhauer (Universidad de Concepcion / IoA).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 26 November 2008, 13:45-14:15

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients as Fingerprints of Past Mergers in Elliptical Galaxies

UserPatricia Sanchez-Blazquez (University of Central Lancashire).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 22 October 2008, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Bright Lyman-alpha Side of the high-redshift IGM

UserSebastiano Cantalupo (Institute of Astronomy).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 15 October 2008, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Trigger mechanisms and evolution of ULIRGs: local vs high-z

UserKalliopi Dasyra (Caltech, Spitzer Science Center).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 01 October 2008, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

Clues to activity in infrared galaxies and their close environment

UserKarina Caputi (Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zurich).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 24 September 2008, 13:15-13:45

Institute of Astronomy Seminars

The Growth of Galaxies by Cold Gas Accretion

UserAlyson Brooks (University of Washington, Seattle).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA.

ClockWednesday 17 September 2008, 13:45-14:15

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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