University of Cambridge > > LMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre

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0 upcoming talks and 32 talks in the archive.

Biophysical Techniques Lecture Series 2023

Biosensor Technologies

UserDr Stephen McLaughlin.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockTuesday 21 February 2023, 09:30-10:30

Biophysical Techniques Lecture Series 2023

Image Analysis Tools

UserDr Jerome Boulanger.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockThursday 02 February 2023, 09:30-10:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Antagonistic inflammatory phenotypes dictate tumor fate and response to immunotherapy.

Santiago Zelenay, The University of Manchester, Hosted by Bidesh Mahata

UserSantiago Zelenay, The University of Manchester, Hosted by Bidesh Mahata.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 14 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Transforming heathcare through AI-enabled pathways.

Mihaela van der Schaar, The Alan Turing Institute, Hosted by Andres Floto

UserMihaela van der Schaar, The Alan Turing Institute, Hosted by Andres Floto.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 31 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Within-host bacterial infection dynamics: from cells to vaccines.

Piero Mastroeni, University of Cambridge, Hosted by Menna Clatworthy

UserPiero Mastroeni, University of Cambridge.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 17 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Fishing for mechanisms of genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis

Francisco J Roca, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserFrancisco J Roca, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 29 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Epithelial endoplasmic reticulum stress drives intestinal immune responses

Joep Grootjans, Amsterdam University. Hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserJoep Grootjans, Amsterdam University. Hosted by Arthur Kaser .

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 01 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Feast, famine, and function: Towards imaging nutrient micro-environments and their impact on immunity.

Mark Boothby, Vanderbilt University. Hosted by James Nathan.

UserMark Boothby, Vanderbilt University. Hosted by James Nathan..

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 04 October 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Staying in shape: mechanisms and consequences of cell morphology in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori

Nina Salama, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserNina Salama, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 20 September 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Comparative transcriptomics identifies a single SNP mutation that controls virulence of African Salmonella

Hosted by Leo James, Speaker Jay Hinton, University of Liverpool

UserJay Hinton, University of Liverpool.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 05 July 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Genetic basis for immunoglobulin repertoire diversity and plasma cell differentiation

Hosten by Ken Smith, Speaker Gunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam, Karolinska Institute

UserGunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam, Karolinska Institute.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockThursday 04 July 2019, 13:30-14:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning antibiotic resistance evasion

Luiz de Carvalho, The Francis Crick Institute

UserLuiz de Carvalho, The Francis Crick Institute.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 14 June 2019, 13:00-14:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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