University of Cambridge > > McCrum Lecture Theatre, next to Eagle pub

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0 upcoming talks and 7 talks in the archive.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGB&T) History Month

Annual LGB&T Lecture: Goals; Preventing the headlong rush into gender reassignment surgery

Booking at:

UserProfessor Stephen Whittle.

HouseMcCrum Lecture Theatre, next to Eagle pub.

ClockMonday 27 February 2012, 17:30-18:30

The Triple Helix Lecture Series

Is Peer Review a Process in Ruins?: The Politics Behind Getting Your Paper Published

UserDr. Stephen Simpson, Dr. Robert Shields, Prof. Michael Wakelam, Dr. Peter Lawrence.

HouseMcCrum Lecture Theatre, next to Eagle pub.

ClockMonday 28 April 2008, 19:30-21:30

The Triple Helix Lecture Series

Hands Off My Genes: The ethics and implications of personal genome sequencing

UserProfessor Andrew Read, Glyn Moody, Dr Caroline Wright, Harald Schmidt.

HouseMcCrum Lecture Theatre, next to Eagle pub.

ClockWednesday 20 February 2008, 19:30-21:30

The Triple Helix Lecture Series

RATIONING OFF THE NHS: Do Smokers and the Obese Deserve Second-Class Healthcare?

UserDr. Ash Paul (Medical Director of Bedfordshire Primary Care Trust), Mr. Michael Summers (Chairman of the Patients Association), Mr. Francis Wells (Cardio-thoracic Surgeon, Papworth Hospital), Mr. Faizal Farook (Public Services Researcher, Demos Think Tank.

HouseMcCrum Lecture Theatre, next to Eagle pub.

ClockMonday 28 January 2008, 19:30-21:30

The Triple Helix Lecture Series

Why Women are No Good at Science (and how science stops them from being good)

UserDr Peter Lawrence, Prof Simon Baron-Cohen, Prof Athene Donald, Dr Yulia Kovas, Dr Helena Cronin.

HouseMcCrum Lecture Theatre, next to Eagle pub.

ClockMonday 22 October 2007, 19:00-21:00

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