Including Lists Inside Other Lists
- If you’ve found a list of talks that interest you, you can add this list (and any others that interest you) to your personal list, and see at a glance what talks are upcoming.
- If you’re a departmental administrator, you may want to have a list of all the talks by the different research groups in your department. As each research group may well have its own talks.cam list, you can create a departmental list, and then include the research groups lists inside your departmental list.
- To do this, first find your list in the index! https://talks.cam.ac.uk/index will take you there.
- Near the top of the page is a link that says ‘Add to your list(s)’. Click on this, and you have the option of either adding this list to your personal list (if you’re an ordinary user of talks.cam) or to a list that you manage (if you’re a list manager).
- Click ‘Update’ and you’re done!