Amy Erickson
Name: | Amy Erickson |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Sun Mar 16 10:48:46 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Amy Erickson
Talks given by Amy Erickson
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Amy Erickson
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Amy Erickson actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- The culture of defense: Trade unionism, the arms trade, and the subject of labor history in neoliberal Britain
- Pan-European efforts to unionize survey interviewers in the 1970s
- Credit, Debt, and Personal Failure in the English and New York Courts of Chancery, 1674-1800
- Property, debt, and women’s economic agency in 18th-century Austria
- What can probate inventories tell us about grain storage in the early modern period?
- Gender and the politics of the 'white working class': A feminist history of Brexit Britain
- Reasons to rebel: Revisiting the 1980s
- Doing the history of work from an early modern perspective
- Historicizing Social Justice: Labour, Rights and Power in 20th-century Central Europe
- The intoxicant economy in early modern England
- Science, finance and empire: assessing the role of networked capital in Britain’s economic development, 1660-1720
- Canoes and capitalism: an indigenous technology in the early English Caribbean
- The profits of the Gazette: the late seventeenth-century news economy
- 'I can work all manner of Works': the meanings of labour in the works of Hannah Wolley (c.1622-74?)
- Faith and Finance in the Early Modern World: The capital market of Manila and the financing of the Pacific Trade, 1668-1820
- Friends and Countrymen: The London private banker and eighteenth-century society
- 'Let not the flesh seduce thy soul, but remember these things well and learn to spell': London girls’ education in the first half of the eighteenth century
- A Run on the Bank of the Person: A crisis in London's informal credit market, 1761
- Tamlaght 1840: Work, gender and production in a proto-industrial community
- Labour History Lunch: Worker Resistance to Scientific Management in Sweden 1930-1950
- Locating cryptocurrencies in the Western legal tradition
- The Atlantic slave system and skills in industrialising Britain
- Making money in the early Middle Ages
- Tropical development
- Railways, divergence, and structural change in nineteenth-century England and Wales
- Whitehall and the problem of public service in nineteenth-century institutional reform
- Euro-American abolitionism in the African mirror
- Capitalism – a concept too big to fail?
- The Tyranny of a Concept: the Origins of the European Marriage Pattern
- CANCELLED: The anatomy of Britain’s inter-war super-rich: reconstructing the 1928 ‘millionaire’ population
- Did peasants plough? Agricultural technology and the growth of the medieval economy
- Roundtable discussion of "The Lion's Share: Inequality and the Rise of the Fiscal State in Preindustrial Europe" (2019)
- Women Workers of the World United: Towards a global history of households, gender and work
- The occupational structure of China (1736-1898) and the Great Divergence
- The Political Economy of Serfdom: State Capacity and Institutional Change in Prussia and Russia
- The safety revolution in oceanic shipping, c. 1780-1825
- Drawing on History for Radical Policy: Incentivising an Ethical Economics
- The Evolution of Financial Markets in the Early Modern Netherlands
- Relief Stocks in Early Modern Holland
- Charity, Debt and Social Control in > England's Early Modern Prisons
- Credit time horizons as ethical boundaries
- Safeguarding the future: families, education, and contract
- Impatient and patient capital: housing and democracy
- Time horizons as market boundaries in private, public and social enterprise
- The extreme seasonality of early modern casual labour and what it means for workers’ incomes: Sweden 1500-1830
- Contested ground: Agricultural improvement in Hatfield Level, 1625-1660
- ‘Women’, ‘Lads’ and ‘Copers’: Household, community, and the divisions of labour at the Derbyshire lead mines, c.1736-1765
- Debtors’ schedules: a new source for understanding the economy in 18th-century England
- Religion, revelry and resistance in Jacobean Lancashire
- Elite women and the agricultural landscape
- Whom to trust to moralise the market
- Authority and confirmation bias in academic conversations
- Rational investment behaviour on manorial estates – Grain storage in the Rhineland area and Westphalia (18th & 19th century)
- Foundling Hospital Children and their Employment, c. 1750-1850: Some Preliminary Findings
- 'Pity the poor keelmen’. Modelling seasonal work and annual income in early industrial Newcastle upon Tyne
- ‘Know all men whom this may concerne...’. The Protestation returns and early modern social and economic history
- The brewing industry in England revisited
- The brewing industry in England revisited
- The punishment of unmarried parents in London, 1695-1834
- Maintaining oneself in early modern England