University of Cambridge > > All POLIS Department Seminars and Events > Righteously Bellicose: The Mental Habits of Religious Violence

Righteously Bellicose: The Mental Habits of Religious Violence

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Judd Birdsall.

Speaker Matthew Rowley Description This talk will introduce paradigms whereby combatants—of many metaphysical persuasions—conceptualise their righteousness, seek confirmation of their beliefs, and quarantine evidence to the contrary. The aim is not to simplify conflict, but to provide an observer with new tools for grappling with its complex and variegated nature. Date and Time Nov 23, 2016 12:30 PM Location POLIS room 138 (Alison Richard bldg, 7 West Road)

This talk is part of the All POLIS Department Seminars and Events series.

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