University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Cardiovascular Seminar Series > Forward and Backward – Cardiac Arrhythmia and the Public Health

Forward and Backward – Cardiac Arrhythmia and the Public Health

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Peter Willeit.

Atrial and ventricular fibrillation both have major impacts on the public health consuming >5% of the NHS budget through a combination of direct and indirect costs. Individual deep phenotyping combined with the study of populations at scale can together provide a robust and quantitative genomic discovery platform. Systematic, integrated basic and clinical investigation will replace our current ‘primitive’ range of options with rational, precisely calibrated approaches to patient care. The talk will review the current landscape of arrhythmia management and propose tractable routes to impact.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Cardiovascular Seminar Series series.

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