University of Cambridge > > Transition Cambridge > How can we keep climate change and peak oil high up the political agenda?

How can we keep climate change and peak oil high up the political agenda?

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Discussion and question time with Cambridge’s MP, Julian Huppert. It is essential that we work on all levels to reduce climate change and increase our resilience to rising energy prices. Transition Cambridge mostly works at the level of the community, but we also need to ensure that the government does their part. At this meeting with Cambridge’s MP, Julian Huppert, we’ll have the opportunity to ask him how to ensure that these issues remain high up the political agenda in central government. How can we best engage with our politicians to raise awareness about these issues and make sure that they represent our opinions at higher levels of government? Julian will give a short talk on the this topic and then we’ll have a chance to ask some questions and discuss the issues further. Please book here to attend this event (which is free, but the room has limited capacity). More info here.

This talk is part of the Transition Cambridge series.

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