University of Cambridge > > POLIS events and lectures > If You Are Not A Conspiracy Theorist Then You are an Idiot

If You Are Not A Conspiracy Theorist Then You are an Idiot

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Tamsin Astbury.

a) A conspiracy theory is a theory that explains some event or events as due in part to a conspiracy, that is, to a secret plan to influence events by partly secret means. b) Every historically and politically literate person employs the strategy of sometimes believing (and sometimes being prepared to believe) conspiracy theories. An open lecture with Charles Pigden supported by the Leverhulme funded Conspiracy and Democracy Research Project: c) Every historically and politically literate person is a conspiracy theorist. d) The only way not to be a conspiracy theorist is to be historically and politically illiterate that is to be, in the Greek sense of the word, an idiot. f) Therefore if you are not a conspiracy theorist then you are an idiot.

The lecture will be followed by a wine reception.

This talk is part of the POLIS events and lectures series.

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