Subdivision Curves and Surfaces
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alan Blackwell.
The Rainbow group has contributed a lot to this subject in the past five
years, and it seems appropriate to let the rest of the group know what
has been done and what is going on at the moment.
The talk will cover a bit of introduction and history, and then address
what the group has done, what we are currently addressing, and what the
main remaining challenges are.
Although there is a lot of maths under the bonnet, this will be exposed
only on demand. A key idea is that subdivision is actually about the
HCI problem of letting a shape designer (animator, car stylist …)
express conveniently to the computer a precise description of the shape
in mind (even though what is in mind is not very precise).
This talk is part of the Rainbow Graphics Seminars series.
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