Effects of G-quadruplexes on transcription
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Dario Beraldi, Balasubramanian Group
Friday 26 October 2012, 16:00-17:00
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Nicholas Shannon.
DNA sequences rich in guanine can acquire a four-stranded conformation known as G-quadruplex which can be more stable than the double-helix. The possibility of inducing G-quadruplex structures has suggested them as possible drug targets to control gene expression. We have treated human cells (fibroblasts, MRC -5 SV40 ) with pyridostatin, a compound capable of stabilizing G-quadruplexes, and compared their transcriptome with control cells by means of RNA -Seq.
In this talk we will show some analyses aimed at characterizing the effect of pyridistatin on gene expression and splicing in relation to the putative G-quadruplex sequences in the human genome.
This talk is part of the CRI joint computational biology meeting series.
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