University of Cambridge > > Wolfson College Lunchtime Seminar Series - Wednesdays of Full Term > How to Turn Your Idea into a Commercial Success

How to Turn Your Idea into a Commercial Success

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Elizabeth C Blake.

Basic research is where the most commercially successful ideas have come from in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Dr Andrea Cantone, Senior Technology Associate at Cambridge Enterprise, will discuss what separates the ideas that are commercially successful from the rest.

When trying to commercialise your ideas, either through licensing or company formation, there are a few steps you need to consider in order to assess the commercial potential of your idea, such as technical development, potential market, whether the idea addresses a need, and timing to market. And although there is an element of luck in making your idea successful, having the right people with the commitment to see the idea commercialised is vital.

This talk is part of the Wolfson College Lunchtime Seminar Series - Wednesdays of Full Term series.

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