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Early Cancer Institute Seminar: Dr Calum Gabbutt, Imperial College London & the Institute of Cancer Research

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Cancer formation and progression are driven by evolutionary pressures. Therefore, understanding a cancer’s evolutionary history may help determine its evolutionary trajectory and help personalise a patient’s risk of progression. In this seminar, I shall discuss two projects focused on developing novel methods to quantitatively measure a cancer’s evolutionary history in the context of lymphoid cancers and Barrett’s oesophagus.

Speaker Biography: Dr Gabbutt is a Chapman-Schmidt Fellow at Imperial College London, where he works on developing mathematical models to describe how cancers evolve and computational methods to fit these models to patient data. Dr Gabbutt completed a Physics degree at the University of Oxford and earned his PhD at Barts Cancer Institute, where he developed methods to quantify clonal evolution in healthy human tissues. As a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Cancer Research, he extended the lineage tracing methods developed during his PhD to the study of cancer.

This talk is part of the Early Cancer Institute seminar series series.

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