University of Cambridge > > Centre for Climate Repair  > Ethics on the front line: climate engineering and community engagement in the Arctic

Ethics on the front line: climate engineering and community engagement in the Arctic

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The third seminar in our Autumn Series looks at the sensitive issue of engagement with communities when looking into climate intervention technologies. Professor Michael Bravo of the Geography Department and Scott Polar Research Institute PhD student, Albert Van Wijngaarden will be discussing this issue.

Recent high-profile controversies involving climate engineering field experiments in the Arctic demonstrate the need for engineers and scientists to reflect carefully on their ethical positions. In a practical vein, how should they approach communities who have environmental concerns and may have different kinds of property rights? What would responsible engagement look like? Are there uninhabited spaces where ethical responsibilities are not applicable? In this seminar we will examine three projects. We argue that there are no universal lessons applicable everywhere. We advocate instead that researchers adopt a context-specific approach in which engineers recognise different constellations of stakeholders.

Other seminars will be 16th Oct, 23rd Oct, 27th Nov.

This talk is part of the Centre for Climate Repair series.

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