University of Cambridge > > Milner Special Seminars > Arrayed CRISPR screening for phenotypic discovery at the Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory (FGSL)

Arrayed CRISPR screening for phenotypic discovery at the Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory (FGSL)

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mary-Jane Roebuck.

The Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory (FGSL) aims to leverage arrayed CRISPR screening to identify phenotypic signatures of development and disease. We will present examples of phenotypic screens in human cell models and the challenges involved, as well as routes for collaboration.

Speakers: Chun Hao Wong, Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory, MTI Lead and Ulrike Künzel, Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory, AstraZeneca Lead

No registration necessary.

For more information about the FSGL , please visit our website:

This talk is part of the Milner Special Seminars series.

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