University of Cambridge > > Electrical Engineering > Meet the editor - Nature Biomedical Engineering

Meet the editor - Nature Biomedical Engineering

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  • UserValeria Caprettini. Editor for Nature Biomedical Engineering
  • ClockWednesday 24 July 2024, 11:00-12:00
  • HouseWest Hub, West 1.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Kirsty Shepherd.

In this presentation, Valeria will explain the role of selective journals in accelerating research, provide examples of how journals can meaningfully support the peer review process, steer communities toward sharing protocols, data and code, and help build trust in rigorous science reporting. She will offer insights on the thorough editorial process, highlighting key criteria for publication in Nature Biomedical Engineering, and offering a glimpse into the mind of an editor.

This talk is part of the Electrical Engineering series.

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