University of Cambridge > > Inner Space, The Meditation Centre > The Beauty and the Beast: Unlocking the Greatness and Power Within (online talk)

The Beauty and the Beast: Unlocking the Greatness and Power Within (online talk)

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In this talk we take a journey into inner transformation and personal empowerment. Discover how each of us can transcend challenges and embrace our inherent strength. Join us to uncover the secrets of unleashing personal greatness, guided by universal principles of self-discovery and empowerment, in line with timeless wisdom.

Speaker: Patricia Mayer

Patricia Mayer discovered Raja Yoga meditation in Spain, where she spent 25 years. She initiated meditation activities and opened a centre in Tahiti, French Polynesia. After 30 years abroad, Patricia now resides in Paris, her native France. With 27 years of experience in practising and studying Raja Yoga meditation, she brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her teachings.

This talk is part of the Inner Space, The Meditation Centre series.

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