University of Cambridge > > Inner Space, The Meditation Centre > From Pressure to Play: Discovering the Game of Life (online talk)

From Pressure to Play: Discovering the Game of Life (online talk)

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Join us for a discussion that explores how to navigate life’s challenges with the spirit of a game. Our speaker will blend timeless wisdom with contemporary insights, offering practical tools and guidance for personal growth and inner well-being.

With engaging and thought-provoking perspectives, this session will empower you to master life’s complexities without losing sight of its joy and playfulness. Whether you’re seeking new strategies or a fresh outlook, this discussion promises to provide valuable insights to enhance your journey.

Dr Prashant Kakoday is based in Cambridge and has a background in E.N.T. surgery and integrated health. His main interest is in the relationship between the psyche, emotions, behaviour and health. Prashant has spoken on these subjects in many countries and institutions, including the W.H.O. and the Medical Teaching Program within the U.S.A.

This talk is part of the Inner Space, The Meditation Centre series.

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