University of Cambridge > > Inner Space, The Meditation Centre > Radical Hope: Embracing Optimism in Uncertain Times (in-person talk)

Radical Hope: Embracing Optimism in Uncertain Times (in-person talk)

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On World Wellbeing Day, explore transformative ways to nurture unwavering optimism in challenging times, drawing on profound spiritual insights. Discover ancient wisdom and practical tools to navigate adversity with resilience and grace. Let’s cultivate radical hope together, illuminating the path to brighter tomorrows on this special day of global wellbeing. All welcome, no need to book.

With guest speaker Sister Jayanti, Additional Administrative Head of The Brahma Kumaris. Sister Jayanti is a renowned spiritual teacher, international speaker, and author. She brings a unique blend of Eastern wisdom and Western culture to her teachings, focusing on leadership, environmental issues, women’s empowerment, and more. Her message resonates deeply, inspiring positive change and fostering global peace. As the Brahma Kumaris’ UN representative, she tirelessly advocates for spiritual values in international forums. Based in London, she divides her time between the organisation’s headquarters in India and the UK.

This talk is part of the Inner Space, The Meditation Centre series.

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