University of Cambridge > > Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars > Planetary seismology: from InSight Mission to Mars to Upcoming Lunar Missions

Planetary seismology: from InSight Mission to Mars to Upcoming Lunar Missions

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lisanne Jagt.

Planetary science has traditionally relied on orbital or fly-by mission profiles, resulting in most of our geophysical understanding about the interior of other planets and moons being derived from indirect, remote measurements. Aside from Earth, only the Moon and Mars have been directly investigated with seismometers, courtesy of the Apollo and InSight missions, respectively. These missions have significantly contributed to our knowledge of planetary interior structure, tectonics settings, and dynamics. New advancements are on the horizon, with upcoming lunar missions such as the Farside Seismic Suite scheduled to launch in 2026 and NASA ’s Artemis missions, as well as other exploration strategies that will use commercial partners to fly various scientific experiments to the lunar surface. These rekindling efforts on lunar exploration will allow us to address many of the unanswered questions about the structure and evolution of the Moon. In my presentation, I will underscore the potential of seismology as a powerful tool, even in the absence of as a dense seismic network, to offer valuable insights into the interior structures and dynamics of Mars, the Moon, and beyond.

This talk is part of the Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars series.

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