University of Cambridge > > Mineral Sciences Seminars > Time-resolved X-ray diffraction on shocked crystals

Time-resolved X-ray diffraction on shocked crystals

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ian Farnan.

The strong potential of time-resolved x ray diffraction as a tool for providing direct, quantitative insight into atomic processes governing fast structural changes in the condensed matter, has been demonstrated during the last decade. A good description of the mechanisms governing fast structural transformations at the atomic level is of critical importance for understanding the macroscopic properties of solids. Realizing this knowledge will have major implications on future materials design, processing and engineering. The penetration power of high energy synchrotron x-rays combined with the highest wave vector resolution represents a powerful tool for probing lattice strains inside the bulk of crystalline solids under shock loading. We have developed a synchrotron-based technique for obtaining diffraction data from laser-shocked solids using a high-resolution triple-axis diffractometer coupled to a short-pulsed laser source. This method is used to investigate phase transitions, elastic/plastic deformations and acoustic waves in shock-compressed KCl, LiF, CdS and Si single crystals.

This talk is part of the Mineral Sciences Seminars series.

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