University of Cambridge > > Babraham Seminar > AMPK phosphorylation of FNIP1 dictates the kinetics of lysosome and mitochondrial biogenesis

AMPK phosphorylation of FNIP1 dictates the kinetics of lysosome and mitochondrial biogenesis

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Nazma Malik completed her PhD in Biochemistry in Prof Dario Alessi’s laboratory at the MRC Protein Phosphorylation & Ubiquitylation Unit in Dundee where she worked on PI3K signalling, delineating the regulation and function of the SGK3 kinase. Nazma then pursued her post-doctoral training in the US in Prof Reuben Shaw’s laboratory at The Salk institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California. Here she worked on AMPK , a master regulator of metabolism and unravelled the long-sought mechanism for how AMPK controls mitochondrial biogenesis through the transcriptional co-activator PGC1 .

This talk is part of the Babraham Seminar series.

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