University of Cambridge > > Sedgwick Club talks > Ancient volcanic activity on the Moon: input from the Chinese Chang’e 5 mission

Ancient volcanic activity on the Moon: input from the Chinese Chang’e 5 mission

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Buck Blake.

The Chang’e 5 mission returned samples to Earth from what may be the youngest major lava eruption on the Moon, dated from the samples at almost exactly 2 Ga. This flow has a larger volume than most of the flows that occur in the lunar mare basins and its study should help to shed light on the eruption conditions that were common on the Moon as it was nearing the end of the period when the interior was hot enough to make volcanism possible. I shall describe the key issues that made the styles of lunar volcanism different from what we commonly encounter on Earth and show how we use morphological observations combined with theory to deduce eruption conditions.

This talk is part of the Sedgwick Club talks series.

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