University of Cambridge > > Engineering - Mechanics Colloquia Research Seminars > Teeth and Dental Materials

Teeth and Dental Materials

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The mechanics of fracture and other damage modes from contact loading in brittle coatings on soft substrates are of special interest because of the potential for premature failures in all manner of layered engineering structures. In this presentation we will focus on one particular topical area — teeth. This area of research is of interest in fields as diverse as dentistry (replacement crowns) and anthropology (adaptation of mammalian dentition to diet). We describe contact damage modes in model dental systems that allow direct experimental observation of the mechanical responses during loading. Competing fracture and deformation modes will be described, and consideration given to critical loads to initiate these modes in terms of conventional materials properties and tooth geometry.

This talk is part of the Engineering - Mechanics Colloquia Research Seminars series.

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