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Newnham College 'Food Forest' and 'Incredible Edible' Garden Tour

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Festival of Wellbeing

Celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the gardens have always been a very important part of Newnham College life.

The first principal, Anne Jemima Clough extolled the virtues of ‘fresh air, exercise and wholesome food’ and as part of the 150th celebrations we are continuing this tradition with the introduction of a new permaculture Food Forest Garden. Designed and grown by students with the garden team, the new garden is a place where all members of the College can learn about permaculture and sustainable food production, and the benefits of working outside together and growing our own organic food.

The tour will also include a visit to the ‘Incredible Edible’ potager beds in the main garden, planted with fruit and vegetables like kale, chard, lettuces, beans and more than 20 varieties of tomatoes for those in College to pick throughout the summer.

Only those with a booking will be admitted to the college in line with the government Covid guidelines

This talk is part of the CMS Wellbeing series.

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