University of Cambridge > > Waves Group (DAMTP) > Ensemble average waves in random materials of any geometry

Ensemble average waves in random materials of any geometry

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Which is more useful: knowing the effective properties of a material, or its effective wavenumbers? In a low frequency regime these are essentially the same, but when the wavelength becomes comparable to the microstructure’s size, they are not. Using a broad range of frequencies is needed to characterize materials and to design for broad wave speed control and attenuation.

Suppose we perform an experiment that measures the scattered field from a material with a random microstructure. We could then find what effective properties would lead to the same scattered field we measured. So far so good. But what if we took that same microstructure and molded it into a different geometry and then repeated the experiment? The bad news is that even when using the same frequency we would potentially find a different set of effective properties. In contrast, in this talk I show how effective wavenumbers are inherently related to the material microstructure and not its geometry.

This talk is part of the Waves Group (DAMTP) series.

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