University of Cambridge > > Inside the Mind > Prof. Paul Bloom: "The Pleasures of Suffering"

Prof. Paul Bloom: "The Pleasures of Suffering"

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  • UserProfessor Paul Bloom World_link
  • ClockTuesday 02 March 2021, 21:00-22:00
  • HouseZoom.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact lh600.

Why do human beings sometimes pursue pain and hardship? What is the connection between suffering, pleasure, and meaning? A popular view holds that human beings are hedonists, who seek pleasure and avoid pain. But in so many of our activities – spicy foods, very hot baths, horror movies, sad songs, BDSM - we opt for suffering. Join Inside the Mind to hear top minds answer this and other intriguing questions in psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience.

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This talk is part of the Inside the Mind series.

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