University of Cambridge > > Tuesday Talk Series > Preserving food naturally - A talk by Meg Clarke and Jacky Sutton-Adam

Preserving food naturally - A talk by Meg Clarke and Jacky Sutton-Adam

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  • UserMeg Clarke and Jacky Sutton-Adams World_link
  • ClockTuesday 09 March 2021, 19:30-20:30
  • HouseOnline.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Transition Cambridge.

What did we do before fridges? The process of fermenting foods – to preserve them and make them more digestible and nutritious – is as old as humanity, and gives complex flavours and health benefits. The talk will be about some fermentation basics – why and how – and will cover some vegetables and grains. Book here to receive the Zoom link; the talk is free, donations welcome. This talk is part of our online talk series “Transition to a Better Future”, with topics ranging from democracy and nature to imagination, water, food, art, and energy.

This talk is part of the Tuesday Talk Series series.

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