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Wolfson Hall, Churchill College
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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 175 talks in the archive. Introduction to GANs
Treaps - Power and Simplicity of Randomisation
The Asynchronous Computability Theorem
Designing a type system: an introduction
A Graph of All Mathematics
Differentiable rendering
SLAM Problem: Dealing with Augmented Reality
Covert channels (a networks perspective)
Acoustic Fingerprinting and Music Identification
Netflix and Recommender Systems
Deep Learning for Vision: Lecture and Workshop
Text Summarisation with TextRank
Why theory matters in biology
Quantum Cryptography
The Nature of Entropy
The busy beaver game: a simple yet non-computable function
Variational Autoencoders
Anti-malware software and trusting trust
Fingerprint matching
The Perfect Snake AI
Proofs: From a Complexity Theoretic Perspective
Balanced Allocations : Balls into Bins
Halting Problem and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
On the Use of Typing for Static Logical Verification: RCF and Refinement Types
Censorship Resistance Systems
Software design anti-patterns
Expander Graphs
Paxos: How can we all agree?
AI in Graphics
Range Minimum Query & Lowest Common Ancestor
Representing words for NLP (An introduction to Semantic Vector Space Models and GloVe)Note late start time
Neural Architecture Search - a gateway to AutoML
Difficult games for computers: Arimaa
Annual WiSETI Lecture: The Adolescent Brain
The CAP theorem and its limitations
Less is more
Hyper-converged infrastructure
The Nature of Entropy
Breaking and Making the Internet
Quantum computing in the Real World
Segment Trees
Generative Adversarial Networks
Adversarial Machine Learning
The AKS primality test explained
What are the goals of 5G?
Spectre and Meltdown
Give Me Inspiration! The Paradigm Shift A Conversation between Professor Dame Athene Donald and Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell
AI: How it works, and why it could be working against us
PID Controllers
How to implement an encryption system badly: InfoSec lessons from WW2
Recommender systems
Recommendation Systems
Email Spam Detection and Filtering: Keeping Your Mailbox Clean
Monads: Simple AND Usable
Resource Management in Programming Languages
Where Compilers Optimizations Go Wrong
Lua: designing a language to be embeddable
Pedestrian detection and tracking
Practical Decisions in Neural Network Design
Mental Poker
Kolmogorov Complexity and Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems
Requirements in Application Development
The Signal Protocol for end-to-end encryption in chat clientsNote unusual time
Communication ComplexityNote unusual time
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Reliable Transmission in Broadcast Networks
The NTP Algorithm in Detail
Google's Transformer: A Novelty to Language Understanding
Programming with Monads
Maze Generation and Solving Algorithms
Sarcasm Identification in Natural Language Processing
Practical Type Systems
The Karhunen–Loève Transform and Principal Component Analysis
An introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Genetic Algorithms
Adversarial Machine Learning
Introduction to coding and information theories and the noisy-channel coding theorem
The Achilles' heel: a cautionary tale
Convert Channels and their Analysis
Emulating Early Computers
Google Translate
How not to hit pedestrians if you're a self driving car
Pretending to be a computer
Using Neural Networks to Generate Image Captions
On-line recognition of handwritten equations in a nutshell
Bitcoin as a currency
Chess Engines
How to Render Stuff with OpenGL
Voting systems
Space-partitioning Data- Structures and their Applications
Real-time Computer Graphics: An overview of popular approaches and techniques
Closed Timelike Curves and Complexity Theory
Concurrency in C++
An Introduction to Secure Hash Algorithms
Music Recommender Systems
What did I just hear? An introduction to Speech Recognition using Hidden Markov Models
Monads and Comonads
Anti-aliasing Techniques for Real-time Graphics Applications
Yao's protocol for secure computation
C++ Templates, Concepts and Modules
Sublinear time property testers
Localisation for Robotics
Lock-free programming
PAC learning
MIDI: What it is and how it changed the world of music
Capture the Flag 101 - practical systems and web security
Don't like the sound of your voice? You can do something about that!
Electronic mail
Composing by Numbers: An Introduction to Algorithmic Melody Generation
Computer Timekeeping
The Current State of Virtual Reality
Constraint Programming
Maze Generation Algorithms
Network Coding: An introduction to network coding and random linear codes
Iterative Development: the Lowest Common Ancestor Problem
Deep Learning with the Analytical Engine
Lenstra's elliptic curve factorization method
Arduino and Genuino Hardware Programming
AI in Board Games 2: The Settlers of Catan
Deep Learning in Practice
All POLIS Department Seminars and Events Technological Displacement of White-collar Employment: Political and Social Implications
Whimsical Networking: the Past, the Present, and the FutureLast session of term
Fault tolerant systemsLast session of term
Sonic Pi: Keeping the Rhythm
The Colossus computer and code breaking in WW2
Deep Learning (II) -- A comprehensive survey
Algorithmic Musical Composition in the Style of J. S. Bach
How Sharding is Accomplished in MongoDB
Tracking the Hand using Computer Vision
Deep LearningRoom changed: club room
Zero Knowledge ProtocolsRoom changed: club room
Pass Go and collect $200: how slot machines are advancing the state of the art in computer go AI
Balls into Bins: A Sequential Resource Allocation Problem
A Look into the Fascinating World of Matrix Computations
A Talk on Paradoxes
On the pitfalls and traps of programming languages
An Introduction to Wireless Sensor Systems
Game theory: What really happens
Designing Socially Aware Robots
A Primer in Machine Learning
Reversible computing
Bitcoin: How to design a peer-to-peer currency
Local Search and the General Assignment Problem
Molecular programming – moving from electronic computation to molecular systems
Methods for Lossless Data Compression
Exploring the Static Semantics of the Standard ML Core Language
Uncovering the Secrets of Rumor Spreading
Turing Tar-PitsLast session of term
A History of Lambda CalculusLast session of term
Coupling of Markov Chains
The Linux Networking Stack
"Programming" Problems
Adaptive Filters
Solving games - the what, how and why.
In Search of the Perfect Voting System
Consensus in distributed systems
The structure and dynamics of networks
The Impartial Game of Nim and the Sprague Grundy Theorem
Curry-Howard Correspondence: Dependent Types and First Order Intuitionistic Logic
An Introduction to Computerised Tomographic Imaging
Computer Science Tripos Seminar Series Mesh Networks
Computer Science Tripos Seminar Series XAML and its link to the Windows Presentation Foundation
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsThe Rede Lecture 2012 Japanese Society in Cambridge ケンブリッジ日本人会 Judge Business Club Financial Economcs SeriesOther talksTBC Structurally unravelling ATP synthase Seminar – Why do policymakers seem to ignore your evidence? Simulating Electricity Prices: negative prices and auto-correlation Circular Economy in Practice – Challenges and Opportunities Bayesian optimal design for Gaussian process model "The integrated stress response – a double edged sword in skeletal development and disease" The Global Warming Sceptic Dynamics of Phenotypic and Genomic Evolution in a Long-Term Experiment with E. coli An SU(3) variant of instanton homology for webs Art and Migration Social Representations of Women who Live as Men in Northern Albania |