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The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure - seminar series

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Research seminar series run by the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure (Campop).

Seminars will take place in person in the Geography Department and online via Microsoft Teams at 4:00pm.

The support of the Trevelyan Fund (Faculty of History) is gratefully acknowledged.

Convenors: Romola Davenport (, Alice Reid (, Hannaliis Jaadla (, and Leigh Shaw-Taylor (

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Geography/SPRI Webmaster; lmws2; Romola Davenport; Alice Reid; Jenny Bishop. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 76 talks in the archive.

Researching the possible effects of the New Poor Law of 1834 on the health of the population of England and Wales

UserSimon Szreter (University of Cambridge) and Gabriel Mesevage (King’s College, London) .

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 15 May 2024, 13:15-14:30

Quantifying job loss and job creation, 1851-1911

UserHillary Vipond (LSE).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 21 February 2024, 13:15-14:30

Morbidity among working-class men and women in early-twentieth century Sweden

UserBernard Harris (Strathclyde University).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2024, 13:15-14:30

Health resilience and weather changes in Germany, 1890-1913

UserAsst Professor Daniel Gallardo-Albarran (Wageningen University).

HouseSeminar Room 3, Faculty of History (stair access only) and online..

ClockWednesday 14 June 2023, 13:15-14:30

Mariages a la Parisienne: Cohabiting couples in Parise during the inter-war period

UserDr Sandra Bree (French National Centre for Scientific Research).

HouseSeminar Room 3, Faculty of History (stair access only) and online..

ClockWednesday 31 May 2023, 13:15-14:30

The Link-Lives project and studying mortality in 19th century Denmark

UserLouise Ludvigsen and Mads Perner (University of Copenhagen).

HouseSeminar Room 3, Faculty of History (stair access only) and online..

ClockWednesday 22 February 2023, 13:15-14:30

Addressing Health: Morbidity, mortality and occupational health in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office

Joint meeting with the Modern Economic and Social History & Policy Seminar

UserProfessor David Green (King's College London).

HouseSeminar Room 3, Faculty of History (stair access only) and online..

ClockWednesday 25 January 2023, 13:15-14:30

Sickness experience in England, 1870-1949

UserDr Andrew Hinde (University of Southampton).

HouseBoard Room Faculty of History and online..

ClockWednesday 23 February 2022, 13:15-14:30

CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION - Changing demography: eastern European female migrants to England at the end of 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries

UserProf Kevin Schürer (University of Leicester) and Dr Hannaliis Jaadla (University of Cambridge).

HouseJCR, Faculty of History and online..

ClockWednesday 16 February 2022, 13:15-14:30

Poverty, Old Age and Outdoor Relief in Late-Victorian England

UserTom Heritage (Southampton).

House Zoom webinar - link to follow.

ClockWednesday 16 June 2021, 13:00-14:00

Disentangling marriage seasonality: Family, politics and economy in the Barcelona area, 18th-19th centuries

UserJoana Pujadas-Mora (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

House Zoom webinar - link to follow.

ClockWednesday 09 June 2021, 13:00-14:00

Major macro-socioeconomic driving forces of China’s mortality decline in recent decades

Note unusual time

UserZhongwei Zhao (School of Demography, Australian National University).

House Zoom webinar - link to follow.

ClockWednesday 10 March 2021, 10:00-11:00

Can the slope of adult mortality by age be changed? An examination of case fatality for pneumonia under different treatment regimes, 1822-2010

UserJim Oeppen (Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark).

House Zoom webinar - link to follow.

ClockWednesday 24 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Season of death: mortality in infancy and beyond in Scotland, 1861-1973

UserBeata Nowok (University of Edinburgh).

HouseSeminar Room 6, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 19 February 2020, 13:15-14:30

Causes of death in Copenhagen, 1876-1900

UserCatalina Torres (University of Southern Denmark).

HouseSeminar Room 6, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 05 February 2020, 13:15-14:30

Addressing health: sickness and retirement in the Victorian Post Office

UserDavid Green (KCL), Doug Brown (Kingston University), Kathleen McIlvenna (University of Derby) and Nicola Shelton (UCL).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 12 June 2019, 13:15-14:30

A new perspective on the role of public investment in sanitation and mortality decline in urban England 1870-1911

UserToke Aidt (Faculty of Economics, Cambridge), Romola Davenport (Cambridge Group) and Felix Grey (Faculty of Economics, Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 22 May 2019, 13:15-14:30

The famine that wasn't? 1799-1801 in Ireland

UserLiam Kennedy (Queen's University, Belfast) and Peter Solar (Free University, Brussels).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 08 May 2019, 13:15-14:30

The Age of Entrepreneurship: whole-population analysis of trends in entrepreneurship 1851-1911 from the censuses

UserBob Bennett, Harry Smith, Carry van Lieshout, Piero Montebruno (University of Cambridge).

HouseRoom 12, Faculty of History.

ClockWednesday 06 March 2019, 13:15-14:15

Population growth and female status in 19th century Southeast Asia: evidence from parish-level data for the Philippines

UserJean-Pascal Bassino (Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon; Lyons Institute of East Asian Studies).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockTuesday 15 May 2018, 16:00-17:30

Population and poverty in pre-famine Ireland

Note start time of 5pm

UserAlan Fernihough (Queen's University Belfast).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockTuesday 08 May 2018, 17:00-18:30

Drainage and water supply in 18th century London

UserCarry van Lieshout (Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 06 February 2017, 13:00-14:00

A Match Made in...Middlesbrough? Migration and the Marriage Market in the Late Nineteenth Century

UserJoe Day (Cambridge Group, University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 15 February 2016, 13:00-14:00

Did family matter? Family systems, patriarchy, and human capital inequalities in historical Europe

UserMikolaj Szoltysek (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 08 February 2016, 13:00-14:00

Regional Man-land Relationship in the Northern Chinese Frontier in History

Please note earlier start time of 12.10pm. Sandwiches and fruit will be available at the start.

UserProfessor Deng Hui, Peking University .

HouseSeminar Room, Main Geography Department Building, Downing Place.

ClockMonday 13 July 2015, 12:10-13:00

Female labourers in early nineteenth-century rural Flanders. What's in a name?

UserDr Isabelle Devos (Ghent University).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 01 June 2015, 13:00-14:00

The maintenance of bastard children in London, 1770-1834

UserDr Samantha Williams (Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 28 April 2014, 13:00-14:15

What happened to them? Life courses of convicts transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) 1812-1852

UserProfessor Janet McCalman and Dr Rebecca Kippen (University of Melbourne).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 24 February 2014, 13:00-14:15

Mortality in English market towns during the 'parish register era', c1550 - c1825

UserDr Andrew Hinde (University of Southampton).

HouseSeminar Room 5, Faculty of History.

ClockMonday 20 January 2014, 13:00-14:15

Real wages and the household: Quantifying the economy of makeshifts of the poor in 18th-century England

Sandwiches and fruit will be available from 12.30

UserEric Schneider, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 10 June 2013, 12:45-14:00

The volcano Laki in 1783: a serial killer? A French-English comparison

Sandwiches and fruit will be available from 12.30

UserDr Emmanuel Garnier, University of Caen.

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 20 May 2013, 12:45-14:00

Sample-selection bias in the historical heights literature

Sandwiches and fruit will be available from 12.30

UserProfessor Tim Guinnane, Department of Economics, Yale University.

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 13 May 2013, 12:45-14:00

State Constitutional Commitment to Health and Health Care and Population Health Outcomes: Evidence from Historical U.S. Data

Sandwiches and fruit will be available from 12.30

UserDr Hiroaki Muppy Matsuura, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford.

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 06 May 2013, 12:45-14:00

Clerical policy and local population studies: christening fees in Georgian Westminster

Sandwiches and fruit will be available from 12.30

UserProf. Jeremy Boulton, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Newcastle.

HouseSeminar Room, Main Building, Dept of Geography .

ClockMonday 11 March 2013, 12:45-14:00

Populating 19th century Siam: war/capture/resettlement versus the recruitment of free labour in a southeast Asian demographic system

Sandwiches and fruit will be available from 12.30

UserDr Amornrat Bunnag, Academic Officer, Centre of Doctrine and Strategic Development, Army Training Command, Bangkok..

HouseSeminar Room, Main Building, Dept of Geography .

ClockMonday 28 January 2013, 12:45-14:00

(1) ‘New findings from the family reconstitution data.’ and (2) ‘Nothing but a poor man with money? The changing fertility decisions of the rich before the English demographic transition.’

Please note that this extended seminar will run from 12 till 3pm. There will be two papers with a break for sandwiches 1.15 to 1.45.

User’ Paul Sharp (University of Southern Denmark), Nina Boberg-Fazlic & Jacob Weisdorf (University of Copenhagen).

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 25 June 2012, 12:00-15:00

Poor Relief and Community in Elizabethan Hadleigh

*Please note this seminar will start at the later time of 1 p.m.

UserProfessor Marjorie McIntosh (University of Colorado).

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 14 May 2012, 13:00-14:30

‘Industrialisation and the Changing Mortality Environment in an English Community, c. 1600-1684’

Sandwiches and fruit are available from 12:30 p.m.

UserDr. Peter Kitson (Cambridge Group).

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 13 February 2012, 12:45-14:00

The prevalence of venereal diseases in 1913. Who was right? Christabel Pankhurst or the Royal Commission?

Sandwiches and fruit are available from 12:30.

UserDr. Simon Szreter.

HouseHB101, Sir William Hardy Building Seminar Room.

ClockMonday 30 January 2012, 12:45-14:00

Illusions of exactness: counting Scotland's population before 1801

Sandwiches available from 12:30

UserProfessor Michael Anderson, University of Edinburgh.

HouseSir William Hardy Building, HB101.

ClockMonday 16 May 2011, 12:45-13:45

English Living Standards and Mortality since the Middle Ages

UserMorgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda (University College Dublin).

HouseRoom 101, Sir William Hardy Building.

ClockMonday 21 February 2011, 12:45-13:45

Contemporary perceptions of international migrants in England and the Dutch Republic during the 17th and 18th centuries

Cancelled. This talk will be re-scheduled for the Easter term.

UserJelle van Lottum (Cambridge Group).

HouseVenue to be confirmed.

ClockMonday 07 February 2011, 00:00-00:00

Gender inequality and change in stature in India during the Twentieth Century

UserDr Aravindra Guntupalli (University of Tübingen).

HouseRoom 121, Sir William Hardy Building.

ClockMonday 27 November 2006, 13:00-14:00

Widows, wills and economic assets in pre-industrial Britain

UserRichard Wall (University of Essex).

HouseRoom 121, Sir William Hardy Building.

ClockMonday 30 October 2006, 13:00-14:00

Household and plague in early modern Italy

UserProfessor Sam Cohn (University of Glasgow).

HouseRoom 121, Sir William Hardy Building.

ClockMonday 16 October 2006, 13:00-14:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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