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Transition Cambridge

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Transition Cambridge is a group of volunteers dedicated to creating a vibrant, prosperous and sustainable future for Cambridge, in the face of the twin challenges of peak oil and climate change.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Helen Holmes; Stephanie Ferguson; Anna McIvor; Andy Rankin; Nicola Terry; Transition Cambridge. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 27 talks in the archive.

Working with Nature. A talk by Jeremy Purseglove

UserJeremy Purseglove.


ClockTuesday 02 February 2021, 19:30-20:30

The Upside of Down. An optimists view on creating a democracy and why we need to. A talk by Peter Macfadyen

First of a series of Tuesday evening talks

UserPeter Macfadyen.


ClockTuesday 19 January 2021, 19:30-20:30

The Social Cost of Carbon

UserProf. Michael Grubb, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources.

HouseFriends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 02 March 2015, 19:30-21:00

Community Energy Forum

UserHelen Taylour, Mike Brettle, Stuart Dyer, Andy Rankin.

HouseEmmanuel United Reformed Church, Cherry Hinton Road, CB1 7AJ.

ClockFriday 14 February 2014, 19:30-21:00

November SkillsFest

HouseSt Andrews Hall, St Andrews Road, Chesterton, CB4 1DH.

ClockSaturday 09 November 2013, 14:30-17:30

The Boy and the Big Block of Ice

UserTim Padmore, Gearshift Theatre.

HouseCB1 Cafe, 32 Mill Road.

ClockThursday 22 August 2013, 19:15-21:00

How to save energy at home

UserNicola Terry.

HouseFriends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BA.

ClockSaturday 13 July 2013, 16:30-17:30

Permaculture - an introduction

UserJocelyn Cutler.

HouseFriends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BA.

ClockSaturday 13 July 2013, 15:30-16:30

Introduction to beekeeping

UserColin Clews.

HouseFriends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BA.

ClockSaturday 13 July 2013, 14:30-15:30

Insulating Solid Walls

UserMargaret Reynolds RIBA - architect (independent consultant, formerly with AC Architects).

HouseSt Lukes Community Centre, Victoria Road.

ClockThursday 27 June 2013, 19:30-21:30

Rolling out energy efficiency for homes and community buildings

UserNicola Terry, Transition Cambridge & Cambridge Carbon Footprint.

HouseStoneyard Centre (Lower hall), 43 St Andrews Street, CB2 3AR.

ClockWednesday 03 April 2013, 19:00-21:00

Wood Burning Stoves - talk and Q & A

UserTransition Cambridge.

HouseFriends Meeting House, Jesus Lane (NB change in venue).

ClockThursday 10 January 2013, 19:30-21:30

Managing your home heating

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseEmmanuel United Reform Church 72 Trumpington Street, CB2 1RR.

ClockThursday 06 September 2012, 19:30-21:00

Film: In Transition 2.0 and birthday celebration

Userwith Q&A from members of Transition Cambridge groups.

HouseCambridge Arts Picturehouse, St. Andrews Street.

ClockSaturday 19 May 2012, 16:00-19:00

Greeniversity is coming to Cambridge

UserIan Tennant, Peterborough Environment City Trust.

HouseCB1 Cafe, Mill Road.

ClockThursday 17 May 2012, 19:30-21:00

The Economics of Happiness (film and talk)

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCambridge Arts Picturehouse, St. Andrews Street.

ClockTuesday 07 February 2012, 18:45-20:45

Can Cambridge Feed Itself?

UserTom Curtis,

HouseFriends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BA.

ClockFriday 22 July 2011, 19:00-21:30

The Transition Journey: From oil dependency to local resilience

UserRob Hopkins, Transition Network and Transition Town Totnes.

HouseEmmanuel United Reformed Church, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1RR.

ClockMonday 28 March 2011, 19:30-21:30

Solar Electricity at Home 2011

UserAndy Rankin, Midsummer Energy, Emma Davies Senior Sustainability Officer (Design and Construction) Cambridge City Council.

HouseSt. Lukes United Reform Church, Victoria Road, Cambridge CB4 3DZ.

ClockMonday 07 February 2011, 19:30-21:00

Food in the Future: Plankton Pie or Carrot Cake?

UserTomas Remiarz, Bill Clark, Ian Hodge, Ken Kelso.

HouseFriends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane.

ClockSaturday 22 January 2011, 14:00-17:30

Working with councils to create low carbon towns and cities

UserAlexis Rowell, former London Councillor, author of Communities, Councils and Carbon: what we can do if governments won't.

HouseFriends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane.

ClockTuesday 30 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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