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A personal list of talks.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Javier Igea. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

19 upcoming talks and 2139 talks in the archive: show all (slow!).

Genetics Seminar

Drosophila in context: evolution, toxins, and behaviour

Host - Erik Clark

UserDr Justin Crocker from EMBL Heidelberg .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 06 February 2025, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Is the bacterial accessory genome adaptive?

Host - Kate Baker

UserDr John Lees from EMBL – EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 30 January 2025, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Precision Medicine - Transforming Healthcare

Host - Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Sir Mark Caulfield, Vice Principal for Health, Queen Mary University of London and Director of the NIHR Barts Biomedical Research Centre.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 23 January 2025, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Tropical Butterflies: using museum collections to study changes in biodiversity

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UserTiffany Ki, Henslow Research Fellow, Darwin College.

HouseSeminar Room, James Dyson Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

Developing AlphaFold 3: Biomolecular structure prediction with AI

Host - Michael Boemo

UserDr Kathryn Tunyasuvunakool from DeepMind, London .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Helminth parasites of humans: past, present and future

UserDr Thomas Crellen (University of Glasgow).

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2024, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

Future-proofing the Fens

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UserLaurie Friday, Cambridge Centre for Landscape Regeneration.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 21 November 2024, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

CANCELLED - News from the Palaeolithic: ancient genomes and Neandertal-human interactions

Host – Alex Cagan

UserDr Mateja Hajdinjak from Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.


ClockThursday 21 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Studying Speciation in the Small Ermine Moths (Yponomeuta)

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UserNathan Clark.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Programmed DNA elimination in insects

Host – John Welch

UserDr Laura Ross from Institute of Evolutionary Biology, The University of Edinburgh .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Are we the storytelling apes: great ape gesture and beyond

UserProf Cat Hobaiter (University of St Andrews).

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockWednesday 13 November 2024, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

Plant Collecting in Kyrgyzstan

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UserKathryn Bray, Senior Horticulturist, CU Botanic Garden.

HouseSeminar Room, James Dyson Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ.

ClockThursday 07 November 2024, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

How the double helix was really discovered, and what Rosalind Franklin thought about it

Host – Frank Jiggins

UserProfessor Matthew Cobb from University of Manchester .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 07 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

A beep in the dark: 120 years of midwife toads in Great Britain

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UserSteve Allain, the Pop Punk Herpetologist, ARU .

HouseSeminar Room, James Dyson Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ.

ClockThursday 31 October 2024, 18:45-20:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Global Warming in the Arctic

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UserColin and Christine Lang.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 24 October 2024, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

Bacterial evolution in the lung

Host – Kate Baker

UserDr Josie Bryant from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge .

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics and Zoom.

ClockThursday 24 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 21 October 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Finding W H Hudson — the writer who came to Britain to save birds

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UserConor Jameson, writer and naturalist.

HouseSeminar Room, James Dyson Building, Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ.

ClockThursday 17 October 2024, 18:45-20:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Overlooked wildlife, or, Why are there so many species?

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UserBrian Eversham, Chief Executive of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 10 October 2024, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

What can butterfly hybrid zones tell us about the genomic architecture of species barriers?

Host – Richard Durbin

UserDr Konrad Lohse from Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Edinburgh.

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics and Zoom.

ClockThursday 10 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Plant Sciences Seminar

UserXinnian Dong, Duke University, USA.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 16 May 2024, 12:15-13:45

Cambridge Natural History Society

Wicken Fen: 125 Years of Conservation

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UserAjay Tegala.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 09 May 2024, 19:15-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Competition for phospholipids drives astrocyte morphogenesis in the CNS

Host - Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Marc Freeman from The Vollum Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, USA.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 09 May 2024, 15:00-16:00

Genetics Seminar

Mutate everything: mapping the energetic and allosteric landscapes of proteins at scale

Host – Richard Durbin

UserProfessor Ben Lehner from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 02 May 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Jungius and Leibniz on textiles and texture in the 17th century

UserMichael Freidman (Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 April 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Vector Genomics and the Malaria Cell Atlas

Host - Frank Jiggins

UserDr Mara Lawnikzak from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 25 April 2024, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

E. coli and the Game of Clones

Host – Kate Baker

UserProfessor Jukka Corander from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge and University of Oslo.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 18 April 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Moth Trapping in Cambridge

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UserDuncan Mackay.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 21 March 2024, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

What and Where I Record

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UserJonathan Shanklin.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 14 March 2024, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Plant Sciences Seminar

UserJiafu Tan, Brockington Group, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 14 March 2024, 12:15-13:45

Cambridge Natural History Society

Phenology in the Botanic Garden

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UserRosemary Fricker.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 07 March 2024, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

Pathogens through space and time - Lessons from high-throughput screening for ancient pathogen DNA

Host - Charlotte Houldcroft

UserProfessor Martin Sikora from Section for Geogenetics, University of Copenhagen .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 07 March 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Otters – in Cambridgeshire

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UserPeter Pilbeam.

HouseMeeting Room (Second Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 29 February 2024, 18:45-20:30

Genetics Seminar

Building patterning-dependent chromatin states during development.

Host - Erik Clark

UserProfessor Shelby Blythe from Department of Molecular Biosciences, Northwestern University, USA .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 29 February 2024, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Indonesia, Alfred Wallace and Krakatoa

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UserOlwen Williams.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 22 February 2024, 18:45-20:30

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Human Remains from Pompeii. Excavation, research and valorisation

UserDr Valeria Amoretti (Archaeological Park of Pompeii).

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockWednesday 21 February 2024, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

Habitat associations of British butterflies and their foodplants: implications for conservation

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UserEsme Ashe-Jepson.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 15 February 2024, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Pollinator Conservation – and your Lawn

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UserMorgan Morrison, Researcher, Royal Holloway, University of London.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 08 February 2024, 18:45-20:30

Genetics Seminar

When the non-coding codes: Mining the microproteome for novel regulators of cancer cell plasticity

Host - Steve Russell

UserDr Maria Abad from Altos Labs, Cambridge .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 08 February 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Epigenetic Inheritance

Host - Ritwick Sawarkar

UserDr Nicola Iovino from Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 01 February 2024, 14:00-15:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Darwinian fitness

UserProf Lloyd Demetrius (Harvard University).

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2024, 16:30-17:30

Cabinet of Natural History

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

The Mechanics of Cancer Cell Division

Host - Ben Steventon

UserDr Helen Matthews from School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 25 January 2024, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Beyond chromatin: Histones as developmental regulators in Drosophila

Host - Felipe Karam Teixeira

UserProfessor Amanda Amodeo from Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockTuesday 23 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

An ancient ecospecies of Helicobacter pylori found in Indigenous populations and animal adapted lineages

Host - Zach Baker

UserProfessor Daniel Falush from Shanghai Institute of Immunity and Infection, Chinese Academy of Sciences .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockWednesday 06 December 2023, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Biodiversity and Geology in Peru

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UserMorag Hunter.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 30 November 2023, 19:30-21:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Why be a monk?

UserProf Ruth Mace, UCL.

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockMonday 27 November 2023, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Health of the Cam

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UserStephen Tomkins.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 23 November 2023, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

Multiscale synthesis of coupled dynamic gene expression during neural development

Host - Ben Steventon

UserProfessor Nancy Papolopulu, School of Medical Sciences, University of Manchester .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 23 November 2023, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

The timing and nature of early land plant evolution

UserProfessor Philip Donoghue, University of Bristol.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 23 November 2023, 12:15-13:45

Cambridge Natural History Society

Fieldwork: A Dendrochronologist's perspective of Science, Life and Adventure

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UserPaul Krusic.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 16 November 2023, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

The evolution of organs and cell types.

Host - Francesco Nicola Carelli

UserDr Margarida Cardoso Moreira from The Francis Crick Institute, London .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 16 November 2023, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

A Biodiverse City

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UserGuy Belcher, Biodiversity Officer Cambridge City Council.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 09 November 2023, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

Tracking pathogens in space and time: something old, something new

Host - Charlotte Houldcroft

UserDr Lucy van Dorp from UCL Genetics Institute, University College London .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 09 November 2023, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Chasing the ghost behind germination and starvation: the unidentified hormone ‘KL’

UserDr Thomas Irving, Cereal Symbiosis Group, Crop Science Centre, Department of Plant Sciences..

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 09 November 2023, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

The myth of archaic introgression into humans: 3 more telling vignettes!

UserProf William Amos, Dept of Zoology, Univ of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockWednesday 08 November 2023, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Climate Crisis and Atolls in the South Pacific

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UserLiam Saddington.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 02 November 2023, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

RR-Myb related transcription factors, novel regulators of chloroplast biogenesis

UserDr Eftychios Frangedakis, Molecular Physiology Group, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 02 November 2023, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Human-wildlife cooperation: Honeyguides et al.

UserDr Dominic Cram, University of Cambridge (Zoology).

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building.

ClockWednesday 01 November 2023, 16:30-17:30

Cabinet of Natural History

Embodied knowledge: riding Ottoman horses in Renaissance Italy

This seminar starts at 12noon

UserMarissa Smit-Bose (Harvard University).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 30 October 2023, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Trees on Farms: investigating the conservation benefits of agroforestry

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UserWill Simonson, Organic Research Centre.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 26 October 2023, 18:45-20:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

People Power for Nature

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UserPete Exley, RSPB.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 19 October 2023, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Using synthetic biology to understand pattern-forming gene regulatory networks and their evolution

Host - Erik Clark

UserProfessor Yolanda Schaerli from Department of Fundamental Microbiology, University of Lausanne .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 19 October 2023, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Increasing the rice bundle sheath chloroplast compartment by manipulating brassinosteroid signalling

UserDr Lee Cackett, Plant Physiology and Symbiosis Group, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 19 October 2023, 12:15-13:45

Cambridge Natural History Society

Swallowtails - keeping them safe at home and abroad

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UserMark Collins, Swallowtail & Birdwing Butterfly Trusts.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 12 October 2023, 18:45-20:00

Genetics Seminar

Challenges and solutions in identifying the genes responsible for local adaptation

Host - John Welch

UserProfessor Michael Whitlock from Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 05 October 2023, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Novelty and developmental systems drift in embryos of flies

Host - Erik Clark

UserProfessor Urs Schmidt-Ott from the Department of Organismal Biology & Anatomy, University of Chicago .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockWednesday 13 September 2023, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Population structure and effects of consanguinity on complex disease in British South Asians

Host - Richard Durbin

UserDr Hilary Martin from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 08 June 2023, 14:00-15:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

Reconstructing brain evolution, one cell at the time

UserDr Maria A Tosches (Columbia University).


ClockWednesday 07 June 2023, 13:00-14:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

Laying (turbanate) eyes on morphological novelties

UserDr Isabel Almudi (University of Barcelona).


ClockWednesday 31 May 2023, 13:00-14:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

A flexible evolutionary toolkit for neural development

UserDr Angelika Stollewerk (Queen Mary, University of London).

HousePart II Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology.

ClockWednesday 17 May 2023, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Pathogen phylodynamics: from historical epidemics to contemporary outbreaks

Host - Henrik Salje

UserProfessor Philippe Lemey from Clinical and Epidemiological Virology Rega Institute, K.U. Leuven .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 11 May 2023, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

The Cambridge quest to solve Darwin’s abominable mystery

UserProfessor Richard Buggs, Queen Mary University London and Royal Botanic Garden Kews, UK.

HouseOnline / Plant Sciences LLT for Department members only.

ClockThursday 04 May 2023, 12:15-13:45

Genetics Seminar

Whodunnit in the genome: Fingerprints of mutagenesis reveal culprits of cancer

Host - Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Serena Nik-Zainal from Early Cancer Institute, University of Cambridge.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 27 April 2023, 14:00-15:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

The evolutionary origin of neuronal signalling machinery and animal cell differentiation

UserDr Pawel Burkhardt (Sars Centre, University of Bergen).


ClockWednesday 26 April 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

NatHistFest: 104th Conversazione

Free Exhibition on the Wonders of the Natural World

UserFree Public Exhibition.

HouseConservation Science Lab, 1st Floor, Zoology Department, New Museums Site, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ.

ClockSaturday 15 April 2023, 10:00-17:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Cool as a caterpillar

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UserEsme Ashe-Jepson.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 30 March 2023, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Lost Chalk Streams of Newmarket and Cambridge

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UserKevin Hand, CNHS Vice-President.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 23 March 2023, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Climate Stories from Yew Trees

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserTatiana Bebchuk.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 16 March 2023, 19:30-21:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Freshwater salinization: From Ecology & Evolution to Real-World Solutions

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserDr Rick Relyea, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

HousePart II Lecture Theatre and online via Zoom - contact organiser for details.

ClockTuesday 14 March 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Churches, Churchyards and Cemeteries

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserJonathan Shanklin, Vice-County Recorder for Cambridgeshire..

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 09 March 2023, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Early Life Microbiomes and Long-Term Health

Host - Charlotte Houldcroft

UserDr Trevor Lawley from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 09 March 2023, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Birds on a tree: Progress and challenges of whole-genome phylogenomics

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserJosefin Stiller, University of Copenhagen.

HousePart II Lecture Theatre and online via Zoom - contact organiser for details.

ClockTuesday 07 March 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society


NOTE: Room changed, from King's to Geography

UserMatthew Gandy, Professor of Geography.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 02 March 2023, 18:45-20:30

Genetics Seminar

Regulation of gene expression during the awakening of the zygotic genome

Host - Erik Clark

UserDr Mounia Lagha from Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, France .

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics and Zoom.

ClockThursday 02 March 2023, 14:00-15:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

The developmental origin of colour patterns in birds

UserDr Marie Manceau (College De France).


ClockWednesday 01 March 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Extra-illustrating natural history in early modern England

UserXinyi Wen (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).


ClockMonday 27 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Mechanism of neural differentiation

Host – Lara Busby

UserProfessor Kate Storey from School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee.

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics and Zoom.

ClockThursday 23 February 2023, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

CANCELLED: Circadian regulation of sunflower development

UserProfessor Stacey Harmer, UC Davies, USA.


ClockThursday 23 February 2023, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

CANCELLED DUE TO UCU STRIKES: Constructing Identity in Death: A Case-study from Metal Period Philippines

UserProfessor Marc F Oxenham, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Scotland and School of Archaeology & Anthropology, Australian National University, Australia.

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building & on Zoom -

ClockWednesday 22 February 2023, 16:30-17:30

Cabinet of Natural History

The nuns and the apothecary: transatlantic collecting in the eighteenth century


UserLynn Berry (Open University).


ClockMonday 20 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Reconstructing Past Abrupt Climate Change in Patagonia

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UserJoshua Pike.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 16 February 2023, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Bumblebees' floral preferences are shaped by rapid valuation of sensory nectar properties

UserDr Fei Peng, Visiting Researcher, Glover Group, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseOnline / Plant Sciences LLT for Department members only.

ClockThursday 16 February 2023, 12:15-13:45

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

The evolution of a sexually selected syndrome in Mediterranean wall lizards

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserDr Nathalie Feiner, Lund University.

HousePart II Lecture Theatre and online via Zoom - contact organiser for details.

ClockTuesday 14 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

In Search of Wild Tulips

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UserBrett Wilson, Department of Plant Sciences.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 09 February 2023, 19:30-21:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Is it the weather or the neighbours? The role of the physical and biotic environment in determining biodiversity distributions.

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserRegan Early, Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, UK.

HousePart II Lecture Theatre and online via Zoom - contact organiser for details.

ClockTuesday 07 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Preadamites on Ambon in the 1680s

UserJan Becker (European University Institute).


ClockMonday 06 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

500 Years of Exhibiting Biodiversity: from cabinets of curiosity to interpreting today´s extinction crisis

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UserMike Maunder, Director of the Cambridge Conservation Initiative.

HouseVia Zoom, and in-person: Large Lecture Theatre, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 02 February 2023, 18:45-20:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Soil microbiomes and one Health

UserProfessor Marcel van der Heijden, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

HouseOnline only.

ClockThursday 02 February 2023, 12:15-13:45

Cabinet of Natural History

Picturing the world, fashioning the self: Marcus zum Lamm collects naturalia in Calvinist Heidelberg

UserFrederick Crofts (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen).


ClockMonday 30 January 2023, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Mitochondrial vesicles in immunology and evolution

Host - Hansong Ma

UserProfessor Heidi McBride from McGill University, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal, Quebec .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 26 January 2023, 14:00-15:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Heads and shoulders: progress on the origin of the modern vertebrate body plan

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserDr Martin D Brazeau, Imperial College London.

HouseMain Zoology Lecture Theatre and online via Zoom - contact organiser for details.

ClockTuesday 24 January 2023, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Mexican Waves: The Adaptive Value of Collective Behaviour

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserJens Krause, IGB Berlin.

HouseMain Zoology Lecture Theatre and online via Zoom - contact organiser for details.

ClockTuesday 17 January 2023, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Genetic studies of epigenetic clocks in different species

Host - Richard Durbin

UserProfessor Steve Horvath from Department of Biostatistics, UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 12 January 2023, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Breaking the red limit: photosynthesis in far-red light

UserProfessor Roberta Croce, Free University, Netherlands.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 01 December 2022, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

The status of 3D replicas of human bones and ethical considerations

For joining virtually on Zoom, pre-register here:

UserDr Vanessa Campanacho.

HouseLive on Zoom, link circulated by email.

ClockWednesday 30 November 2022, 16:30-17:30

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

From rocks to RNA: Reconstructiong pathways in animal ontogeny and evolution

UserProf Andreas Wanninger (University of Vienna).


ClockWednesday 30 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Olfactory cues in a changing world

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserJorg Hardege, University of Hull.

HouseMain Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoolgy.

ClockTuesday 29 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Launch of the 3rd online Nat Hist Fest

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 24 November 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Connecting Sensory Perception to Longevity in C. elegans

Host – Ritwick Sawarkar

UserDr Rebecca Taylor, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 24 November 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

The ins and outs of root meristem shape and function

UserProfessor Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein, Technion Institute of Technology, Israel.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 24 November 2022, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

The recently discovered ties between teeth and infants in human evolution

For joining virtually on Zoom, pre-register here:

UserDr Leslea Hlusko.

HouseLive on Zoom, link circulated by email.

ClockWednesday 23 November 2022, 16:30-17:30

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

Origin and early evolution of vertebrates


UserProfessor Philip Donoghue (University of Bristol).

HousePart II Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology.

ClockWednesday 23 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

The hidden depths of avian genomes

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserAlex Suh, UEA.

HouseMain Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoolgy.

ClockTuesday 22 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Operation Turtle Dove

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserBethany Kiamil, RSPB Conservation Officer.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 17 November 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Patterns of purifying selection and adaptive evolution in SARS-CoV-2

Host – Henrik Salje

UserProfessor Richard Neher, Biozentrum, University of Basel.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 17 November 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

The molecular basis of sexual deception in Gorteria diffusa (Asteraceae)

UserDr Roman Kellenberger, Evolution and Development, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 17 November 2022, 12:15-13:45

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

The evolution of regular patterning in plants and animals


UserRenske Vroomans (Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge).

HousePart II Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology.

ClockWednesday 16 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

From Gilead to Peru: balsam in late Renaissance medicine and alchemy

UserElisabeth Moreau (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 14 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Nature of Cambridge

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserContributing Authors.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 10 November 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Single Cell Technologies : A Bioinformatician’s perspective

Host – Bianca De Sanctis

UserDr Abigail Edwards, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 10 November 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Developing platforms for the production of diterpenoids

UserDr Edith Forestier, Synthetic Biology for Engineering Plant Growth, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences.

ClockThursday 10 November 2022, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Inferring the evolution of skeletal gracility in hominins and extant mammals

For joining virtually on Zoom, pre-register here:

UserDr Habiba Chirchir.

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building, Division of Biological Anthropology, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QG.

ClockWednesday 09 November 2022, 16:30-17:30

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

The evolution and assembly of a complex weapon system

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserChristine W Miller, University of Florida.

HouseMain Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoolgy.

ClockTuesday 08 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Descartes's history of nature: method and experiments in the study of particular bodies

UserFabrizio Baldassarri (Ca' Foscari University in Venice).


ClockMonday 07 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Chromosome Architecture: Lifting the Lid on Loop Extrusion

Host - Marco Geymonat

UserDr Frank Uhlmann, The Francis Crick Institute, London.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 03 November 2022, 14:00-15:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Placental hormones and bacterias: partners in crime in the regulation of fetal growth

For joining virtually on Zoom, pre-register here:

UserDr Jorge Lopez-Tello.

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building, Division of Biological Anthropology, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QG.

ClockWednesday 02 November 2022, 16:30-17:30

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Microbial Communities in an Ever-Changing World

Hybrid talk - email for a zoom link

UserAlex Dumbrell, University of Essex.

HouseMain Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoolgy.

ClockTuesday 01 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Natural History from Above

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserHarriet Allen, President CNHS.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 27 October 2022, 19:30-21:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Biological diversity among modern human populations

For joining virtually on Zoom, pre-register here:

UserDr Fernando Rozzi.

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building, Division of Biological Anthropology, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QG.

ClockWednesday 26 October 2022, 16:30-17:30

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

Genotype-phenotype maps: which way to slice the pie?

UserProf Mihaela Pavlicev (University of Vienna).


ClockWednesday 26 October 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 24 October 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

22 years of Demonstration and Research for Nature-friendly Farming

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserGeorgie Bray, RSPB.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 20 October 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Epigenetics and genome dynamics: what can we learn from ciliates?

Host - Felipe Karam Teixeira

UserDr Sandra Duharcourt, Institut Jacques Monod, Universite de Paris.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 20 October 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Regulatory networks controlling carpel (and petal) development

UserDr. Humberto Herrera-Ubaldo, Evolution & Development Group, Department of Plant Sciences.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences,.

ClockThursday 20 October 2022, 12:15-13:45

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Primate responses to death: insights into death awareness

For joining virtually on Zoom, pre-register here:

UserDr Alecia Carter, University College London .

HouseSeminar Room, Henry Wellcome Building, Division of Biological Anthropology, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QG. .

ClockWednesday 19 October 2022, 16:30-17:30

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

The dynamics of predators in a novel world

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserRobert Fletcher, University of Florida.

HouseMain Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoolgy.

ClockTuesday 18 October 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Archives of Cambridge Natural History Society

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserMonica Frisch, CNHS Archivist.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 13 October 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Base Editing and Prime Editing: Precise Gene Correction Without Double-Strand DNA Breaks

Host - Lin Wang

UserProfessor David Liu, from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge MA.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 13 October 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Protein import into chloroplasts and its regulation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system

UserR. Paul Jarvis, Section of Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biology, University of Oxford .

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Plant Sciences,.

ClockThursday 13 October 2022, 12:15-13:45

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

How to reduce body size: dimorphic development of the bone-eating Osedax (Annelida)

UserKatrine Worsaae (University of Copenhagen).


ClockWednesday 12 October 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Environment-neuroendocrine interactions regulating larval settlement in the marine worm Platynereis

This talk is hybrid - email the organisers for a Zoom link

UserElizabeth Williams, University of Exeter.

HousePart II Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology.

ClockTuesday 11 October 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

What midges can tell us about past environments

Admission Free

UserStefan Engels, Birkbeck, University of London.

HouseDavid Attenborough Building, New Museums Site (NOT Dept Geography).

ClockThursday 06 October 2022, 18:45-20:30

Genetics Seminar

Why is Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility so common?

Host - Frank Jiggins

UserProfessor Michael Turelli, from Department of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis College of Biological Sciences, CA .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 29 September 2022, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Regulation of physiology via a dietary lipid metabolite.

Host - Felipe Karam Teixeira

UserProfessor Aurelio Teleman, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 16 June 2022, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar Series

“Human gene variants influencing programmed axon death”.

Host : Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Michael Coleman, Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics.

ClockThursday 09 June 2022, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Using human genetics to define a spectrum of axon vulnerability

Host - Cahir O’Kane

UserProfessor Michael Coleman from Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Cambridge Biomedical Campus .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 09 June 2022, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

How does complexity arise from molecular interaction?

Host - Ben Steventon

UserProfessor Simone Reber, IRI Life Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 26 May 2022, 14:00-15:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series

Evolution and Development of the vertebrate nervous system: from lampreys to humans

On Zoom only, ask organisers for link

UserDr Dorit Hockman.


ClockWednesday 25 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Wolbachia, African-River Blindness and Big Sur

Host: Frank Jiggins

UserProfessor William Sullivan, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 19 May 2022, 17:00-18:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Crop Science Seminar: NSP2 and the Regulation of the Symbiotically Permissive State

UserDarius Zarrabian, Oldroyd Lab, Crop Science Centre.


ClockWednesday 18 May 2022, 10:30-11:30

Cabinet of Natural History

Aztec botany and natural history in the 16th century (1552–1580)

UserOsiris Sinuhé González Romero (University of Saskatchewan).


ClockMonday 16 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

A guiding torch at the poles: key roles of the centrosome during asymmetric cell division

Host - Marco Geymonat

UserDr Fernando Monje Casas, Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CABIMER), Seville.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 12 May 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Crop Science Seminar: Ensembl Plants - An Overview

UserGuy Naamati, Ensembl Plants Project Leader.


ClockWednesday 11 May 2022, 10:30-11:30

Genetics Seminar

The evolution of polychromatic ‘greenbeard’ genes

Host - Carol Edwards

UserProfessor Jason Wolf, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 05 May 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Host Age-dependent Evolution of a Plant RNA Virus

UserProfessor Santiago F. Elena, Instituto de Biologia Integrativa de Sistemas.


ClockThursday 05 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Genotypic variation in maize influences rates of soil organic matter mineralisation and gross nitrification

UserDr Lumbani Mwafulirwa, Research Associate, Department of Plant Sciences and Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher, NIAB.


ClockWednesday 27 April 2022, 10:30-11:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Characterising the epistatic relationship between signalling pathways for AM symbiosis in rice

UserRaffy Hull, PhD student, Paszkowski group, Crop Science Centre.


ClockWednesday 27 April 2022, 10:30-11:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Crop Science Seminar: Revealing the “box” code: the spatial and temporal regulation of plant-parasitic nematode pathogenicity

UserClement Pellegrin, Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellow, Crop Science Centre.


ClockWednesday 06 April 2022, 10:30-11:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

Truffles in a warming world

Part of the Cambridge Festival - free admission

UserUlf Büntgen, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge..

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 31 March 2022, 19:00-20:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

Fenland Flora

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserOwen Mountford, Fenland Flora project.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 24 March 2022, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Crop Science Seminar: Improving the mycorrhizal symbiosis in spring barley – lab and field studies

UserDr Tom Thirkell, Head of Pest & Pathogen Research, CSC.


ClockWednesday 23 March 2022, 10:30-11:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

How many butterflies are there in the Western Palaearctic?

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserMartin Davies.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 17 March 2022, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Crop Science Seminar: Dissection of Wheat-Septoria Interactions

UserDr Kostya Kanyuka, Head of Pest & Pathogen Research, NIAB.


ClockWednesday 16 March 2022, 10:30-11:30

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

An ancient DNA perspective on the Ice Age megafauna

UserPete Heintzman (The Arctic University of Norway).


ClockTuesday 15 March 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Measuring and Monitoring Surface Melting on an Antarctic Ice Shelf

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserRebecca Dell, Scott Polar Institute.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 10 March 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Mechanics of blastocyst morphogenesis

Host - Chaitanya Dingare

UserDr Jean-Léon Maître, Institut Curie, Paris.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 10 March 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Enhancing Rubisco Catalysis Improves Plant Growth

UserProfessor Spencer Whitney, Australian National University.


ClockThursday 10 March 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Tracking oceanic sharks’ ups and downs in a changing world

UserDavid Sims (Marine Biological Association).


ClockTuesday 08 March 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Lower Wood

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserDuncan Mackay.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 03 March 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Exploring host-tumour metabolic interactions using Drosophila

Host - Chaitanya Dingare

UserDr Susumu Hirabayashi, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 03 March 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Who Cares About Hornworts?

UserDr Eftychios Frangedakis, Molecular Physiology Group, Department of Plant Sciences.


ClockThursday 03 March 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society


To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserBrian Eversham, Chief Executive, Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 24 February 2022, 19:30-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Asymmetric cell division and germline immortality

Hosts - Hansong Ma and Ason Chiang

UserProfessor Yukiko Yamashita, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 24 February 2022, 14:00-15:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Differentiation, Communication, and Collective Behavior in Ant Societies

UserDaniel Kronauer (The Rockefeller University).


ClockTuesday 22 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Using Sound to Study the Behaviour of Wild Wolves, Coyotes and Jackals

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserArik Kershenbaum.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 17 February 2022, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Identification of Potential CCM Candidates in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

UserDr Indu Santhanagopalan, Physiological Ecology Group, Department of Plant Sciences.


ClockThursday 17 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Liquid Brains: searching the cognition space

UserRicard Solé (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).


ClockTuesday 15 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Fenland Flora

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserOwen Mountford, Fenland Flora project.

Housevia zoom .

ClockFriday 11 February 2022, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Photographing the Wonders of the Insect World

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserAnn Miles.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 10 February 2022, 19:30-20:45

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Understanding Transcriptional Regulation of C4 Photosynthesis

UserDr Pallavi Singh, Molecular Physiology Group, Department of Plant Sciences .


ClockThursday 10 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Using experimental evolution to tackle questions in speciation research

UserIsobel Eyres (University of Sheffield).


ClockTuesday 08 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Bird Room at the Museum of Zoology

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserDaniel Field.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 03 February 2022, 19:30-20:45

Genetics Seminar

Transparency, reproducibility, and adaptability in data analysis.

Host: Elves Duarte

UserDr Johannes Köster, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Duisburg-Essen.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 03 February 2022, 13:30-14:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Entangled Lives: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our Futures

UserDr Merlin Sheldrake, Independent Scholar.


ClockThursday 03 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Impacts and mitigation of anthropogenic noise

UserSophie Nedelec (University of Exeter).


ClockTuesday 01 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

What's in a name? William Jones, 'philological empiricism' and botanical knowledge making in 18th-century India

UserMinakshi Menon (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science).


ClockMonday 31 January 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

** Audience Choice **

The choice will be made by participants' vote at the start of the meeting.

UserJonathan Shanklin.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 27 January 2022, 19:30-20:45

Genetics Seminar

Investigating the evolution and development of body plans and body parts in arthropods

Host - Steve Russell

UserProfessor Alistair McGregor, Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 27 January 2022, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Uncovering Mechanisms of Cell-type-specific Gene Expression in Rice

UserDr Leonie Luginbuehl, Molecular Physiology Group, Department of Plant Sciences.


ClockThursday 27 January 2022, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Mending broken hearts with neural crest cells

Host: Ben Steventon

UserProfessor Marianne Bronner, California Institute of Technology.


ClockMonday 06 December 2021, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The Convention on Biodiversity and conservation in the Caribbean

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserEllie Devenish-Nelson and Howard Nelson.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 02 December 2021, 19:30-20:45

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Endogenous Pararetroviruses Regulate Gene Expression in Hybrids

UserDr Sara Lopez Gomollon, Department of Plant Sciences.


ClockThursday 02 December 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The launch of the online NatHistFest

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserCNHS Members.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 25 November 2021, 19:30-21:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Recoding Regulation - Synthetic Expansions of Plant Metabolism

UserDr Nicola Patron, Earlham Institute.


ClockThursday 25 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Tasting the past, or the fallacy of historical accuracy

Online only

UserMarieke M.A. Hendriksen (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences).


ClockMonday 22 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

A Trillion Trees - A trillion reasons to thrive!

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserApril Bagwill.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 18 November 2021, 19:30-20:45

Genetics Seminar

Inspecting the early secretory pathway with whole-cell, volumetric FIB-SEM in fed and starved cells

Host: Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 18 November 2021, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Chemical warfare (and co-operation) in the garden

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserGwenda Kyd, Author.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 11 November 2021, 19:30-20:45

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Defence and Counter-defence in Plant-pathogen Interactions

UserProfessor Wenbo Ma, Sainsbury Laboratory.


ClockThursday 11 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Human Evolution at the Crossroads

UserProfessor Katerina Harvati.

HouseLive on Zoom, link circulated by email.

ClockWednesday 10 November 2021, 16:30-17:30

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Y haplotype diversity and male phenotypes

UserJudith Mank, University of British Columbia.

HouseOnline (ask organizers for link).

ClockTuesday 09 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Biodiversity of the Hobson's Brook corridor

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserDr Steve Boreham.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 04 November 2021, 19:30-20:45

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Investigating the Origin of Nanostructures on Flowers

UserDr Chiara Airoldi, Department of Plant Sciences.


ClockThursday 04 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Functional Macroevolution of Transcription Factors in Land Plants

UserDr Facundo Romani, Department of Plant Sciences.


ClockThursday 28 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

The Living Archive of Aboriginal Art and Knowledge

Special session, 10am, online only

UserMaree Clarke, Mitch Mahoney, Fran Edmonds (University of Melbourne).


ClockThursday 28 October 2021, 10:00-11:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series


UserProfessor James O’Connell and Professor Kristen Hawkes.

HouseLive on Zoom, link circulated by email.

ClockWednesday 27 October 2021, 16:30-17:30

Cabinet of Natural History

'Environment and Empire... in the museum': Cambridge and the platypus

UserCharlotte Connelly (The Polar Museum), Jack Ashby (University Museum of Zoology).

HouseZoom and Seminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 25 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Restoring habitat for the Iberian lynx

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserDr Harriet Allen, CNHS President.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 21 October 2021, 19:30-20:45

Genetics Seminar

Bacterial condensates under stress

Host: Rosana Collepardo

UserProfessor Stephanie Weber, McGill University, Montreal.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 21 October 2021, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Epigenetic Reprogramming in Plant Germlines

UserDr Xiaoqi Feng, John Innes Centre.


ClockThursday 21 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Trees for Streets

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserSimeon Linstead, Project Director for Trees for Streets.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 14 October 2021, 19:30-20:45

Genetics Seminar

Coping with Mechanical Stress: Tissue dynamics in development and repair

Host: Hansong Ma

UserDr Yanlan Mao, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 14 October 2021, 13:30-14:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Redox and ROS Signaling During Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress

UserProfessor Ron Mittler, University of Missouri.


ClockThursday 14 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

The 'lesser herbals' in early modern natural history

UserXinyi Wen (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseZoom and Seminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

The future of nature conservation and the Wildlife Trusts’ 30:30:30 vision

To be added to the mailing list to receive the login for Zoom events, email webmaster [at]

UserBrian Eversham, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs and Northants.

Housevia zoom .

ClockThursday 07 October 2021, 19:30-20:30

Genetics Seminar

Evolutionary strata on young mating-type chromosomes despite the lack of sexual antagonism.

Host: John Welch

UserProfessor Tatiana Giraud, Departement Genetique et Ecologie Evolutives, Université Paris-Saclay.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 07 October 2021, 13:30-14:30

Genetics Seminar

Telomere-to-Telomere Chromosome Assemblies: New Insights Into Genome Biology & Structure

Host – Richard Durbin

UserDr Karen Miga from Genomics Institute, University of California, Santa Cruz.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 27 May 2021, 17:00-18:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Collecting and curating at Rothschild's Zoological Museum

UserElla Larsson (University of Westminster).


ClockMonday 24 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

CANCELLED - Growing a sustainable bioeconomy

Cancelled - Plants@Cambridge Annual Virtual Seminar Series

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.


ClockThursday 20 May 2021, 16:00-17:30

Cabinet of Natural History

Of wasps in wigs and gnatter with gnats: how insects made Alice in Wonderland

UserFranziska Holt (University of York).


ClockMonday 17 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

The origin of mitochondrial DNA mutations: population genetics and disease

Host: Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Patrick Chinnery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 13 May 2021, 13:30-14:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

CANCELLED - Plant Sciences Seminar


UserChris Lambing, Henderson group.


ClockThursday 13 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Nehemiah Grew, collector, curator, and cataloguer of plants

UserChristoffer Basse Eriksen (University of Cambridge).


ClockMonday 10 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Genome regulation by ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling and phase-separation

Host: Rosana Collepardo-Guevara

UserProfessor Geeta Narlikar, University of California, San Francisco.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 06 May 2021, 17:00-18:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Light Regulation of Plant Development: From Mechanisms to Applications

UserProf Kerry Franklin, University of Bristol.


ClockThursday 06 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Human Immunity – one cell at a time

Host: Anne Ferguson-Smith

UserDr Sarah Teichmann, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 29 April 2021, 13:30-14:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

CANCELLED - Plant Sciences Seminar


UserKumari Billakurthi, Hibberd group.


ClockThursday 29 April 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

PP2A-B55 inhibitors Arpp19 and ENSA define the cell cycle program by controlling the temporal pattern of protein phosphorylation

Hosts: Helene Rangone-Briatte and David Glover

UserDr Anna Castro, CRBM-CNRS, Montpellier .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 11 March 2021, 16:00-17:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Postponed - Protecting the Environment

Postponed for now. Plants@Cambridge Annual Virtual Seminar Series

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.


ClockThursday 11 March 2021, 16:00-17:30

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

UserAndrew Hein - University of California.

HouseOnline (ask organizers for link).

ClockTuesday 09 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Dithipa: (re)collecting animals and their depictions from southern Africa's Missionary Road

UserChris Wingfield (Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas).


ClockMonday 08 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Understanding and improving regulation of photosynthesis

Note the time change to 3pm.

UserKrishna Niyogi, Berkeley.


ClockThursday 04 March 2021, 15:00-16:00

Genetics Seminar

This talk has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for later this year.

Host: Hansong Ma

UserDr Yanlan Mao, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London.

HouseVenue to be confirmed.

ClockThursday 04 March 2021, 00:00-00:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Books, botany and the organisation of nature in 18th-century Cambridge

UserEdwin Rose (University of Cambridge).


ClockMonday 01 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Phenomics of stomata and WUE in bioenergy sorghum

Now at 3pm

UserJohn Ferguson, Kromdijk group.


ClockThursday 25 February 2021, 15:00-16:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Gardens in ink: engraved title-pages of botanical treatises from 1450 to 1700

UserKaleigh Hunter (University of Wuppertal).


ClockMonday 22 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Soil fungi for us


UserMaarja Öpik, University of Tartu, Estonia.


ClockThursday 18 February 2021, 15:00-16:00

Genetics Seminar

Molecular and evolutionary processes generating variation in gene expression

Host: Frank Jiggins

UserDr Patricia Wittkopp, Biological Science Building, University of Michigan.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 18 February 2021, 14:00-15:00

Cabinet of Natural History

A natural history of evil

UserAlexander Etkind (European University Institute at Florence).


ClockMonday 15 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Defining intrinsic determinants of regeneration ability and inability.

Host: Ben Steventon

UserProfessor Elly Tanaka, IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 11 February 2021, 13:30-14:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Encounters: Rethinking ‘equality and diversity’ in Plant Sciences

UserDr Sharon Walker, Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning.


ClockThursday 11 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Problem solving in slime molds

UserAudrey Dussutour - Universite Paul Sabatier.

HouseOnline (ask organizers for link).

ClockTuesday 09 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Extreme Weapons: A Natural History

UserDoug Emlen - University of Montana.

HouseOnline (ask organizers for link).

ClockTuesday 02 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Genomic Scope of Adaptive Mutations in the Face of Environmental Challenges

Host: John Welch

UserDr Sally Otto, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 28 January 2021, 16:00-17:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

From Antarctica to East Anglia: interpreting environmental signals in mosses

UserDr Jessica Royles, Griffiths group.


ClockThursday 28 January 2021, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

The mind of the bee

UserLars Chittka - Queen Mary University of London.

HouseOnline (ask organizers for link).

ClockTuesday 26 January 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Cone subtype specification in human retinal organoids

Host: Hansong Ma

UserDr Robert Johnston, Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 21 January 2021, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Multitrophic metabolism underlies plant-nematode interactions

UserFrank C. Schroeder, Cornell University.


ClockThursday 21 January 2021, 13:00-14:00

Behaviour, Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series

Genome duplication, gene dosage, and evolution

UserAoife McLysaght - University of Dublin.

HouseOnline (ask organizers for link).

ClockTuesday 19 January 2021, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

From genomes to genealogies: mapping the history of humans and their genetic variation using ancient and modern genomes

Host: Aylwyn Scally

UserProfessor Simon Myers, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 26 November 2020, 13:30-14:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Assembling and recombining the Arabidopsis centromeres

UserMatthew Naish, Henderson Group.


ClockThursday 26 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Tuning into nature in interwar Britain: biology and natural history on the BBC

UserMax Long (Faculty of History).


ClockMonday 23 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

A magnetic world: understanding the lodestone in the early modern Iberian empires

UserLeonardo Carrio Cataldi (LMU Munich).


ClockMonday 16 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Translation research in plant breeding, can we finish the job!

UserAbdel Bendahmane, UMR Université Paris Sud .


ClockThursday 12 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cabinet of Natural History

'Congo' the TV chimpanzee and the 'biology of art' at London Zoo, 1956–62

UserMiles Kempton (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).


ClockMonday 09 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Biological Anthropology Seminar Series

Multiple burdens of malnutrition among Maya families in Yucatan and how language (Spanish vs Mayan) impact health outcomes

UserDr Inês Varela-Silva (University of Loughborough), with Hugo Azcorra, Maria Teresa Castillo-Burguete, Sabine Little.

HouseLive on Zoom, pre-registration essential here:

ClockWednesday 04 November 2020, 16:30-17:30

Cabinet of Natural History

Discovery of Britain and Ireland's bryophytes

UserChristopher Preston.


ClockMonday 02 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Does stress lead to wrinkles?. The case of petal cuticles

UserCarlos Lugo Velez, Glover group.


ClockThursday 29 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

The role of aneuploidy in tumorigenesis.

Host: Marco Geymonat

UserProfessor Angelika Amon, MIT, Department of Biology, Cambridge, MA, USA .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 22 October 2020, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Shaping tissues: the role of mechanics across different scales.

Host: Ben Steventon

UserDr Timothy Saunders, Mechanobiology, Institute, National University of Singapore.

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 15 October 2020, 09:00-10:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Piecing together the 19th-century Lisbon zoological collections through catalogue lists, specimen tags and paper slips

UserCatarina Madruga (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & University of Lisbon).


ClockMonday 12 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Light harvesting complexes in oxygenic photosynthesis

UserDr Julia Walter, Kromdijk group.


ClockThursday 04 June 2020, 13:00-13:30

Genetics Seminar

Chromosomal evolution in Nematodes, and other adventures on the Tree of Life

Host: Richard Durbin

UserProfessor Mark Blaxter, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge .

HouseZoom meeting.

ClockThursday 28 May 2020, 14:00-15:00

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Deciphering control of centromeric recombination in Arabidopsis

UserJoiselle Ferndandes, Henderson group.


ClockThursday 14 May 2020, 13:00-13:30

Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars

Spatial regulationof D14L signaling in AM symbiosisof rice

UserAn-Shan Hsiao, Paszkowsi group.


ClockThursday 30 April 2020, 13:00-13:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

CANCELLED - Seasearch


UserPaul Mylrea, Director of Communications for Cambridge University.

HouseDavid Attenborough Building, New Museums Site, Pembroke St., Cambridge, CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 19 March 2020, 18:45-20:30

Cambridge Natural History Society

Natura Urbana (film and discussion)

Part of the Cambridge Science Festival - free admission

UserMatthew Gandy, Professor of Cultural and Historical Geography.

HouseLarge Lecture Theatre, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 12 March 2020, 18:45-20:30

Genetics Seminar

Mixing mitosis and meiosis in Drosophila

Host: Helene Rangone-Briatte

UserDr Jean-René Huynh, Collège de France, CIRB, Paris .

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 05 March 2020, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Bullseye! Understanding the mechanisms of petal patterning

Host: Ben Steventon

UserDr Edwige Moyroud, Sainsbury Laboratory (SLCU).

HousePart II Room, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 27 February 2020, 14:00-15:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Darwin and the dog breeders: on correspondence and class in 19th-century Britain


UserLaura Brassington (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 24 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

This talk has been cancelled

UserDr Kayla King, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford.

HousePart II Room, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 20 February 2020, 14:00-15:00

Cabinet of Natural History

Monkeys and modernity in colonial Myanmar

Please note that this seminar is on a Friday

UserJonathan Saha (University of Leeds).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockFriday 14 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Genomics of speciation and adaptation in the Lake Malawi cichlid fish radiation

Host: Aylwyn Scally

UserProfessor Richard Durbin, Department of Genetics.

HousePart II Room, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 13 February 2020, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Decoding Transcriptional Regulation and Kinetics Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics.

Host: Michael Imbeault

UserProfessor Rickard Sandberg, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 06 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

The genome landscape: consequences of repetitive DNA organization and evolution in diploid and polyploid crops

Host: Anne Ferguson-Smith

UserProfessor Pat Heslop-Harrison, Department of Genetics and Genome Biology, University of Leicester.

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 30 January 2020, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

How epithelial cells polarise and why this goes wrong in cancer

Host: Hansong Ma

UserProfessor Daniel St Johnston, The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge.

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 23 January 2020, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Chalk streams of Cambridgeshire

UserRuth Hawksley, Water for Wildlife Officer at the Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants.

HouseDavid Attenborough Building, New Museums Site, Pembroke St., Cambridge, CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 16 January 2020, 18:45-20:30

Genetics Seminar

A small RNA-based innate immune system guards the integrity of germ cell genomes

Host: Anne Ferguson-Smith

UserProfessor Greg Hannon, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute .

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 16 January 2020, 16:15-17:15

Cambridge Natural History Society

CNHS Seasonal Social

Tickets £10 to be purchased in advance.

UserMembers' Event.

HouseDavid Attenborough Building, New Museums Site, Pembroke St., Cambridge, CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 05 December 2019, 19:00-21:00

Evolution and Development Seminar Series


UserDr Anna Schönauer, Oxford Brookes University.

HousePart II Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology.

ClockWednesday 04 December 2019, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

The Flux Capacitor: How mitochondria shape the evolution of complexity

Host: Richard Durbin

UserProfessor Nick Lane, University College London .

HouseBiffen Lecture Theatre, Department of Genetics, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 28 November 2019, 14:00-15:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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