University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Automated Reasoning Group Lunches > Diabelli and Speedith: Heterogeneous reasoning and spider diagrams

Diabelli and Speedith: Heterogeneous reasoning and spider diagrams

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact William Denman.

This is a preparation talk for two conference presentations.

The first presentation is about Diabelli, a formal reasoning system that enables users to interactively construct so-called heterogeneous proofs that intermix sentential formulae with diagrams. As a case-study we chose the language of spider diagrams and Isabelle/HOL. The title of the presented paper is: Diabelli: A heterogeneous reasoning framework

The second presentation covers Speedith, our diagrammatic reasoner for spider diagram, which we use in Diabelli as a case-study. The title of the presented paper is: Speedith: a Diagrammatic Reasoner for Spider Diagrams

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Automated Reasoning Group Lunches series.

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