University of Cambridge > > Nanoscience Seminars

Monday 13 January 2025

Martin Zwierlein (MIT)
Title to be confirmed
Series: Cavendish Quantum Colloquium, Time: 15:00-16:00, Venue: Venue to be confirmed  [details]

Tuesday 21 January 2025

Dr. Melis Irfan (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge)
Title TBC
Series: Hills Coffee Talks, Time: 11:15-12:00, Venue: Coffee area, Battcock Centre  [details]

Wednesday 22 January 2025

Rachel Oliver (Materials)
Title to be confirmed

Thursday 23 January 2025

Professor Mike Cates (DAMTP)
The second law of thermodynamics and its mesoscopic interpretation
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:00, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Thursday 30 January 2025

Ryan L Barnett (Imperial College London)
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:30, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Friday 31 January 2025

William Handley (Cambridge U.)
Cosmological tensions? A guide for high energy theorists

Tuesday 04 February 2025

Dr. John Young (Cavendish Astrophysics)
Results of beamline testing at the MROI
Series: Hills Coffee Talks, Time: 11:15-12:00, Venue: Coffee area, Battcock Centre  [details]

Thursday 06 February 2025

Gereon Leckebusch, PCS Group, Cavendish Laboratory
Study of RAM Vessel Diameter on Mixing Effectiveness and Faraday Instabilities

Benjamin Revie, PCS Group, Cavendish Laboratory
Sample geometry for shear testing with a UTM Livestream using Teams. Meeting ID: 315 430 872 95. Passcode: JCk2AZ

Tuesday 11 February 2025

Sinah Legner (University of Cambridge)
Title TBC
Series: Hills Coffee Talks, Time: 11:15-12:00, Venue: Coffee area, Battcock Centre  [details]

Thursday 13 February 2025

Izabella Lovas, ETH Zurich
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:00, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Tuesday 18 February 2025

Christian Kirkham (University of Cambridge)
Accounting for Noise and Singularities in Bayesian Calibration Methods for Global 21-cm Cosmology Experiments
Series: Hills Coffee Talks, Time: 11:15-12:00, Venue: Coffee area, Battcock Centre  [details]

Tuesday 25 February 2025

Clàudia Janó Muñoz (University of Cambridge)
Title TBC
Series: Hills Coffee Talks, Time: 11:15-12:00, Venue: Coffee area, Battcock Centre  [details]

Thursday 27 February 2025

Steve Simon, Oxford
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:30, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Helen Chadwick, Department of Chemistry, The University of Swansea
Rotational orientation effects in gas-surface collisions

Thursday 06 March 2025

Prof. Mike C. Payne, FRS (Cambridge)
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:30, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Thursday 13 March 2025

Juan Garrahan (University of Nottingham)
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:30, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Fulden Eratam, Diamond Light Source, Harwell
Title to be confirmed

Thursday 01 May 2025

Prof. Sarah Teichmann, FMedSci, FRS (Cambridge)
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:30, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Thursday 08 May 2025

Prof. Nikos Nikiforakis (Cambridge)
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:30, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]

Thursday 26 June 2025

Mikael Rechtsman, Penn State
Title to be confirmed
Series: Theory of Condensed Matter, Time: 14:00-15:00, Venue: TCM Seminar Room  [details]


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