University of Cambridge > > Emmanuel College (Harrods Room)

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0 upcoming talks and 10 talks in the archive.

Cambridge Research Seminar in Political Economy

'North-South' Divides in European Integration: Dilemmas of Structural Convergence and External Imbalances

UserMichael Landesmann (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies and Johannes Kepler University).

HouseEmmanuel College (Harrods Room).

ClockThursday 23 January 2014, 17:15-19:00

Cambridge Research Seminar in Political Economy

Scarcities, technologies and resources: A structural approach to political economy

UserAlberto Quadrio Curzio, Professor of Political Economy, Catholic University of Milan and Vice-President, National Lincei Academy, Rome.

HouseEmmanuel College (Harrods Room).

ClockTuesday 12 February 2013, 17:15-19:00

Cambridge Seminars in the History of Cartography

Fens Maps and Moore's Mapp (1658)

UserFrances Willmoth, Jesus College.

HouseEmmanuel College (Harrods Room).

ClockTuesday 24 November 2009, 17:30-19:00

Cambridge Seminars in the History of Cartography

The materials of the Hereford mappa mundi

UserSpike Bucklow, Hamilton Kerr Institute.

HouseEmmanuel College (Harrods Room).

ClockTuesday 25 November 2008, 17:30-19:00

Cambridge Seminars in the History of Cartography

Cholera mapping from 1819 to 1854: before John Snow and the Broad Street outbreak

UserProfessor Tom Koch, University of British Columbia & Simon Fraser University.

HouseEmmanuel College (Harrods Room).

ClockTuesday 06 May 2008, 17:30-19:00

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