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Cambridge Science & Policy Exchange (CUSPE) - Events

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CUSPE is an organisation run by and for early career researchers that aims to build stronger links between its members and government policy-makers. Founded in 2012, the society strives to support young researchers who wish either to influence policy from within the research environment of the University or to pursue directly a career with the governments of the UK or European Union. CUSPE attracts researchers from across the academic disciplines (scientists, engineers and social scientists), all of whom have a desire to understand how their own research, or science more generally, fits within a broader policy context.

Across the year, we organise forums, lectures, workshops and other activities to help you engage with policy.

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0 upcoming talks and 1 talk in the archive.

Cambridge Science & Policy Forum

UserDr Lieve Van Woensel, Dr Daniel Korbel, Dr Iain Williams, Dr Natasha McCarthy, Dr Steven Hill, Dr James Clemence, Hal Hodson, Christopher Markou and Charlotte Stix.

HouseMain lecture theatre, Old divinity school, St Johns college.

ClockMonday 23 April 2018, 13:30-18:00

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