University of Cambridge > > Ground Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology

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0 upcoming talks and 122 talks in the archive.

Zangwill Club

The Determination of Memory Course after Retrieval

UserDr Kerrie Thomas, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Wales.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 18 May 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Imprinted genes, brain and behaviour

UserProfessor Lawrence Wilkinson, Behavioural Neuroscience, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Wales.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 11 May 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Reinforcement, learning, and cognitive control

UserDr Tom Verguts, Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University, Belgium.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 04 May 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Executive Functions and Prefrontal Cortex: Genetic and Neurochemical Influences, Gender Differences, and Novel Methods to Help Children Become Masters of their Own Behavior

UserProfessor Adele Diamond, Canada Research Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 20 April 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Are there multiple memory systems? A new theoretical framework for implicit and explicit memory.

UserProfessor David Shanks, Professor and Associate Dean of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 09 March 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The Adolescent Brain

UserProfessor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 24 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The principles and functions of (hippocampal) memory reconsolidation

UserDr Jonathan Lee, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 17 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimer’s Disease: Where Society and Biology Meet


UserProfessor Ian Robertson, Professor of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 10 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Against Qualia

UserProfessor Tim Crane, Knightsbridge Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 03 February 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Becoming a skilled comprehender: causes and consequences

UserDr Kate Cain, Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 27 January 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Thinking aloud about mental voices

UserDr Charles Fernyhough, Department of Psychology, Durham University.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 20 January 2012, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

fMRI of color signals in human visual cortex

UserProfessor Alex Wade, Department of Psychology, University of York.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 18 November 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Causal models in evidential reasoning

UserDr David Lagnado, Cognitive, Perceptual & Brain Sciences Department, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 04 November 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Pervasive Eye Tracking - Opportunities and Challenges

UserDr Andreas Bulling, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 28 October 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Visual sensitivity explained

UserProfessor Denis Pelli, Professor of Neural Science, New York University.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 21 October 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Dopaminergic modulation of episodic memory in young and older adults

UserProfessor Emrah Düzel, Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research, Magdeburg, Germany.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 14 October 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Memory Consolidation: Synaptic tagging and mental schemas

UserProfessor Richard Morris, University of Edinburgh.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 07 October 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Memory Deficits associated with selective hippocampal atrophy

UserProfessor Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, UCL Centre for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Child Health.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 20 May 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Emotions, Intuitions and Morality

UserDr Simone Schnall, Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 13 May 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

That old feeling: Age-related changes in conversation

UserProfessor Trevor Harley, University of Dundee.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 25 February 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Perceptual Learning and Face Recognition

UserProfessor Ian McLaren, University of Exeter.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 18 February 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Do birds believe in magic

UserDr Nathan Emery, Queen Mary, University of London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 11 February 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The Neuroscience of moral judgement

UserProfessor Julian Savulescu, Uehiro Professor of Practical Ethics, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 04 February 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The Bayesian brain, surprise and free-energy

UserProfessor Karl Friston, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 21 January 2011, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The Evolution of shopping lists

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Nicola Clayton, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 26 November 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Illusions in the real world

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Peter Thompson, Department of Psychology, University of York.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 19 November 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Natural Geometry

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Elizabeth Spelke, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 12 November 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Neuroimaging of ADHD and related disorders

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Katya Rubia, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 05 November 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Epigenetics, brain development and behaviour

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Barry Keverne, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 29 October 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Human speech and language: Separable neurobiological substrates

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor William Marslen-Wilson, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 22 October 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

How the brain makes decisions

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Edmund Rolls, Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience (

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 15 October 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Science and government policy: current oxymoron future opportunity?

Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor David Nutt, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 08 October 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Brain-Based Values

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Patricia Churchland, Philosophy Department, University of California San Diego, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 21 May 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Making Decisions without Values

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Nick Chater, Department of Psychology, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 14 May 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Brain imaging studies of memory for when events occurred

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Ed Wilding, School of Psychology, Cardiff University.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 07 May 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

How do we read other people's mind? Insights from neuropsychology

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Dana Samson, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 30 April 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Measuring consciousness: From behaviour to neurophysiology

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Anil Seth, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 23 April 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Glutamate, GABA and the neurobiology of reward conditioning

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor David Stephens, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 05 March 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Deficits in processing sensory context in schizophrenia

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Steven Dakin, Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 19 February 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Mapping the parts of higher level cortex

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Marty Sereno, School of Psychology, Birkbeck College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 12 February 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Paranoia: The 21st Century Fear

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Daniel Freeman, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 05 February 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Single cell responses in the human medial temporal lobe

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Department of Engineering, University of Leicester.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 29 January 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The cognitive basis of perspective-taking: Evidence from adults and implications for studies of infants and non-human animals

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Ian Apperly, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 22 January 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Mis-wired: Studying the link between brain network development and functional deficits

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Marcus Kaiser, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 15 January 2010, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Studying the relation between neural oscillations and human behaviour with Magnetoencephalography

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Joachim Gross, Department of Psychology, University of Glasgow.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 27 November 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Evaluating the costs and benefits of future rewards: neuropsychological and neurochemical investigations in frontal and dopaminergic circuits

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Mark Walton, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 20 November 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Why speaking louder might not make you understood - supra-threshold deficits in hearing impairment

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Kathryn Hopkins, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 13 November 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Risks, Emotions & Decisions

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Peter Ayton, Department of Psychology, City University London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 06 November 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Neurobiological basis of music and dance skills

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Lawerence Parsons, Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 30 October 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The neurodynamics of cognitive integration

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Murray Shanahan, Department of Computing, Imperial College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 23 October 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Wobbles, warbles and fish - the physiology of dyslexia

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor John Stein, Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 16 October 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Licking & liking in rodents

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Dominic Dwyer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 09 October 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

How we come to experience that we own our body

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Henrik Ehrsson, Department of Neuroscience & Stockholm Brain Institute, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 15 May 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Who Lost the Cog in Cognitive Science?—Mentalism in an Era of Anti-Cognitivism

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Josef Perner, Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg, Austria.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 08 May 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The dark side of impulsivity: neural and psychological mechanisms of pre-disposition to stimulant addiction

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Jeff Dalley, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 01 May 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Are imitation and the 'mirror system' products of associative learning?

NOTE NEW VENUE FOR REFRESHMENTS - Tea & cakes available in 1st floor PartII Common Room

UserProfessor Cecilia Heyes, All Souls College, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 24 April 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

How does early brain organization promote language acquisition in humans?

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, France.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 06 March 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Adaptive coding mechanisms in children with autism: lessons from development

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Liz Pellicano, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 27 February 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

From perception to conception: object processing in the ventral stream

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Lorraine K Tyler, Centre for Speech, Language and the Brain, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 20 February 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Subjective measures of unconscious knowledge

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Zoltan Dienes, Department of Psychology, University of Sussex.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 06 February 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Problem gambling, near-misses, and the brain reward system

NOTE - THIS IS A REPLACEMENT TALK TO THAT ADVERTISED (RAHMAN). Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm.

UserDr Luke Clark, Dept of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 30 January 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

What the "Renewal Effect" is, is not, and the status of current explanations

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor James Byron Nelson, University of the Basque Country, Spain.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 23 January 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Why genetic association studies have been so unsuccessful in psychiatry

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Jonathan Flint, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 16 January 2009, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The cortico-cerebellar system: Anatomy, evolution and function

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Narender Ramnani, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 28 November 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Rational Thought

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Vinod Goel, Department of Psychology, University of Hull.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 21 November 2008, 16:30-18:00

lvb23's list

Title to be confirmed

UserProf. Vinod Goel: University of Hull.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 21 November 2008, 16:30-17:30

Zangwill Club

What is smart thing like number doing in the dumb parietal cortex?

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Vincent Walsh, Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, University College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 14 November 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Rules, associations and inhibitory control: fMRI, patient and oculomotor studies of the frontal lobe

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Tim Hodgson, School of Psychology, University of Exeter.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 07 November 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The unbearable sameness of being: Categorical cognition, autobiographical recollection and emotional disorder

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Tim Dalgleish, Co-Director of the Cognition, Emotion and Mental Health Programme, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 31 October 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Impulsive antisocial sensation seeking in healthy subjects: Effects on cognitive processes

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Alan Pickering, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 24 October 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Comparative cognitive development in chimpanzees

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Tetsuro Matsuzawa.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 17 October 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The spatial foundations of the conceptual system

This is a joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the Bartlett Club. Tea and cakes will be served in the Seminar Room from 4pm.

UserProfessor Jean Mandler, Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 10 October 2008, 16:30-18:00

lvb23's list

The Spatial Foundations of the Conceptual System

Joint Zangwill-Bartlett seminar

UserProf. Jean Mandler: University of California.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 10 October 2008, 16:30-17:30

Zangwill Club

Brain and Decisions: Unitary or Dual Systems?

This is a joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the Bartlett Club. Tea and cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm.

UserProfessor Aldo Rustichini, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 23 May 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Morphological decomposition based on the analysis of orthography

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Kathy Rastle, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 16 May 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Joint action: Bodies and Minds Acting Together

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserJoint presentation of Professor Guenther Knoblich and Dr Natalie Sebanz, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 09 May 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

A role for hippocampal LTP in memory: it’s not all associative!

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr David Bannerman, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 02 May 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Attentional bias and craving in substance use

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Matthew Field, School of Psychology, University of Liverpool.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 25 April 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Processes involved in remembering future intentions: Automatic or controlled?

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Lia Kvavilashvili, School of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 07 March 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Cancellation in Auditory Scene Analysis

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Alain de Cheveigne, Laboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) & Université Paris Descartes & Département d'Etudes Cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 29 February 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Spatial memory: from neurons to learning and behaviour

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Neil Burgess, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 22 February 2008, 16:30-18:00

Craik Club

Tracking, Memory, and Dynamic Icons

UserDr. Srimant P. Tripathy, Department of Optometry, University of Bradford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockThursday 21 February 2008, 13:00-14:00

Zangwill Club

The role of phasic dopamine signalling in the determination of agency and the discovery of novel actions

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Peter Redgrave, Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 15 February 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Learned predictiveness and cue processing in human learning

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Mike Le Pelley, School of Psychology, Cardiff University.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 08 February 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Functional MRI studies of memory and ageing

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Alexa Morcom, Centre for Cognitive & Neural Systems, University of Edinburgh.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 01 February 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

How antipsychotic medications work - from receptors to response

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Shitij Kapur, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 25 January 2008, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Adjusting network dynamics to cognitive demands: dopaminergic control of cortical activity regimes

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Daniel Durstewicz, Centre for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience, University of Plymouth.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 23 November 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Developing cognitive approaches to the assessment of animal emotion

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Mike Mendl, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, University of Bristol.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 16 November 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Familiarity and recall in rats: memory for objects and events

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Madeline Eacott, Department of Psychology, University of Durham.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 09 November 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Androgen and gender development

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Melissa Hines, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 02 November 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Investigating individual differences in outcomes for cochlear implantees

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Colette McKay, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 26 October 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Stress, Happiness and Health: the Cortisol Connection

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Angela Clow, Department of Psychology, University of Westminster.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 19 October 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

The psychopharmacology of social and non-social risky choice, and gambling behaviour

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Robert Rogers, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 12 October 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Mental programs and the frontal lobe

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr John Duncan, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 05 October 2007, 16:30-18:00

Craik Club

The effect of color and motion changes on attentional capture

UserAdrian von Mühlenen, Department of Psychology, University of Warwick.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockThursday 07 June 2007, 13:00-14:00

Zangwill Club

Timing, memory and choice

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor John Staddon, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience and Genomics, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 18 May 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Involvement of subregions of prefrontal cortex in strategy implementation and episodic memory

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Mark Baxter, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 11 May 2007, 16:30-18:00

Craik Club

The ageing eye - Lifestyle vs Genes

UserRuth Hogg, University of Melbourne.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockThursday 10 May 2007, 13:00-14:00

Zangwill Club

The role of action in directing attention

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Glyn Humphreys, Behavioural Brain Sciences Group, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 04 May 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Distributed representations of faces and objects in human cortex

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Jim Haxby, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 27 April 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Intuition and affect in decision-making

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Marius Usher, Department of Psychology, Birkbeck College.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 09 March 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Neural systems for attention and perceptual decisions

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Maurizio Corbetta, Department of Neurology, Washington University in St Louis, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 02 March 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Reanalyzing ungrammatical sentences: Evidence from eye movements, speeded grammaticality judgments, and MEG

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Fernanda Ferreira, Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 23 February 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Is theory of mind necessary for teaching

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Douglas Frye, Applied Psychology and Human Development Division, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 16 February 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Distributed representations of faces and objects in human cortex


UserProfessor Jim Haxby, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 09 February 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Reward processing in the addicted brain: Sex, drugs and genes

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserDr Jane Taylor, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, USA.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 02 February 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

Getting to grips with the problem of serial order in memory

Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Graham Hitch, University of York.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 26 January 2007, 16:30-18:00

Zangwill Club

New family forms: Implications for parenting and child development

This is a joint Zangwill-Bartlett Club talk. Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm

UserProfessor Susan Golombok, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseGround Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Experimental Psychology.

ClockFriday 19 January 2007, 16:30-18:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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