University of Cambridge > > Rm 101, William Hardy Building, Department of Geography, Downing Site

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1 upcoming talk and 18 talks in the archive.

Scott Polar Research Institute - Polar Physical Sciences Seminar

The use of marine geophysical data to investigate the climate and environment of the Quaternary

This talk is by the Climate and Environmental Dynamics - Department of Geography Seminar Series - NOTE THE DIFFERENT TIME, DATE & VENUE

UserChristine Batchelor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

HouseRm 101, William Hardy Building, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 27 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Climate and Environmental Dynamics - Department of Geography

Tree-rings and genetics

UserDr Alma Piermattei, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge.

HouseRm 101, William Hardy Building, Department of Geography, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 09 November 2017, 13:00-14:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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