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Cabinet of Natural History

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This HPS research seminar is concerned with all aspects of the history of natural history and the field and environmental sciences. The regular programme of papers and discussions takes place over lunch on Mondays. In addition, the Cabinet organises a beginning-of-year fungus hunt and occasional expeditions to sites of historical and natural historical interest, and holds an end-of-year garden party.

Seminars are held on Mondays at 1pm in Seminar Room 1 in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science in Free School Lane.

Organised by Mika Hyman.

Seminars in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science are open to all members of the University (including academic staff, postdocs, postgraduate and undergraduate students, and affiliates). Unless otherwise specified, they are not open to members of the public.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: David Thompson. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 350 talks in the archive.

Paradise lost: fashioning the East Indies aboard a VOC ship in 1623

UserAlexander van Dijk (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 10 March 2025, 13:00-14:00

A polar conversation: studying the histories of the Arctic and Antarctic

UserJustine Holzman (Princeton University) and Amelia Urry (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 24 February 2025, 13:00-14:00

Time, science and empire: cosmography and navigation in the Iberian monarchies in the 16th century

UserLeonardo Ariel Carrió Cataldi (French National Centre for Scientific Research).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 17 February 2025, 13:00-14:00

Ginger as storied matter: decolonisation and display in Amgueddfa Cymru's Economic Botany collection

UserFiona Roberts (Cardiff University and Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 02 December 2024, 13:00-14:00

The first plants changed the planet and they used mud to do it

UserWilliam McMahon (Department of Earth Sciences).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

'Indeed it is the thing itself': women and visual culture in the Earth Sciences, 1813–1850

UserGrace Exley (University of Leeds and Oxford Natural History Museum).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 21 October 2024, 13:00-14:00

A plague from on high? Comets, disease and meteorology in late medieval England

UserTom Banbury (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 14 October 2024, 13:00-14:00

Jungius and Leibniz on textiles and texture in the 17th century

UserMichael Freidman (Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 April 2024, 13:00-14:00

The Pomeranian Cabinet of Philipp Hainhofer

UserAmelia Hutchinson (Faculty of History).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 12 February 2024, 13:00-14:00

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockWednesday 31 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Pierre Gassendi and monocular vision

UserGuillermo Willis (Warburg Institute).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 22 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Embodied knowledge: riding Ottoman horses in Renaissance Italy

This seminar starts at 12noon

UserMarissa Smit-Bose (Harvard University).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 30 October 2023, 12:00-13:00

Erudite medicine in the vernacular: the early modern translations of Celsus' De medicina

UserSilvia M. Marchiori (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 16 October 2023, 13:00-14:00

Water, politics and health across the Bay of Bengal

UserFrancesco Bianchini (King's College, Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 06 March 2023, 13:00-14:00

Extra-illustrating natural history in early modern England

UserXinyi Wen (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).


ClockMonday 27 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

The nuns and the apothecary: transatlantic collecting in the eighteenth century


UserLynn Berry (Open University).


ClockMonday 20 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Encountering Ayahuasca in the devil's paradise: Amazonian science and Victorian violence in the nineteenth century

UserTaylor E. Dysart (University of Pennsylvania).


ClockMonday 13 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Preadamites on Ambon in the 1680s

UserJan Becker (European University Institute).


ClockMonday 06 February 2023, 13:00-14:00

Picturing the world, fashioning the self: Marcus zum Lamm collects naturalia in Calvinist Heidelberg

UserFrederick Crofts (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen).


ClockMonday 30 January 2023, 13:00-14:00

From Gilead to Peru: balsam in late Renaissance medicine and alchemy

UserElisabeth Moreau (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 14 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Descartes's history of nature: method and experiments in the study of particular bodies

UserFabrizio Baldassarri (Ca' Foscari University in Venice).


ClockMonday 07 November 2022, 13:00-14:00

Re-enacting past experiments: how and why

UserHasok Chang (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 24 October 2022, 13:00-14:00

Pleasures and perils of family-based natural history in early modern Europe

UserAlix Cooper (SUNY-Stony Brook).


ClockMonday 30 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Whale-watching in the archives: methodological experimentation for more-than-human histories

UserAnna Guasco (Department of Geography).


ClockMonday 23 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Aztec botany and natural history in the 16th century (1552–1580)

UserOsiris Sinuhé González Romero (University of Saskatchewan).


ClockMonday 16 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

Caring only for canes? Botanical sociability in the Anglo-Caribbean in the age of revolution

UserJ'Nese Williams (University of Notre Dame).


ClockMonday 09 May 2022, 13:00-14:00

The Amazon Third Way and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: an attempt to overcome history through technology

UserEmiliano Cabrera Rocha (Department of Geography).


ClockMonday 14 March 2022, 13:00-14:00

What's in a name? William Jones, 'philological empiricism' and botanical knowledge making in 18th-century India

UserMinakshi Menon (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science).


ClockMonday 31 January 2022, 13:00-14:00

Tasting the past, or the fallacy of historical accuracy

Online only

UserMarieke M.A. Hendriksen (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences).


ClockMonday 22 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

The Living Archive of Aboriginal Art and Knowledge

Special session, 10am, online only

UserMaree Clarke, Mitch Mahoney, Fran Edmonds (University of Melbourne).


ClockThursday 28 October 2021, 10:00-11:00

'Environment and Empire... in the museum': Cambridge and the platypus

UserCharlotte Connelly (The Polar Museum), Jack Ashby (University Museum of Zoology).

HouseZoom and Seminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 25 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

The upland exchange: village life in natural history, 1771–1832

UserPatrick Anthony (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München).

HouseZoom and Seminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

The 'lesser herbals' in early modern natural history

UserXinyi Wen (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseZoom and Seminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Collecting and curating at Rothschild's Zoological Museum

UserElla Larsson (University of Westminster).


ClockMonday 24 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Of wasps in wigs and gnatter with gnats: how insects made Alice in Wonderland

UserFranziska Holt (University of York).


ClockMonday 17 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Nehemiah Grew, collector, curator, and cataloguer of plants

UserChristoffer Basse Eriksen (University of Cambridge).


ClockMonday 10 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Hearsay, gossip, misapprehension: Alfred Newton's second-hand histories of extinction

UserAmelia Urry (University of Cambridge).


ClockMonday 03 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Governance of and by paper: natural history and the Dutch Empire in Southeast Asia, 1800–1850

UserAndreas Weber (University of Twente).


ClockMonday 15 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Dithipa: (re)collecting animals and their depictions from southern Africa's Missionary Road

UserChris Wingfield (Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas).


ClockMonday 08 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Books, botany and the organisation of nature in 18th-century Cambridge

UserEdwin Rose (University of Cambridge).


ClockMonday 01 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Gardens in ink: engraved title-pages of botanical treatises from 1450 to 1700

UserKaleigh Hunter (University of Wuppertal).


ClockMonday 22 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

A natural history of evil

UserAlexander Etkind (European University Institute at Florence).


ClockMonday 15 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Enlightenment science in Surat? Interpreting the collections of Anquetil de Briancourt and family (1773–1779)

UserSarah Easterby-Smith (University of St Andrews).


ClockMonday 01 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Tuning into nature in interwar Britain: biology and natural history on the BBC

UserMax Long (Faculty of History).


ClockMonday 23 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

A magnetic world: understanding the lodestone in the early modern Iberian empires

UserLeonardo Carrio Cataldi (LMU Munich).


ClockMonday 16 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

'Congo' the TV chimpanzee and the 'biology of art' at London Zoo, 1956–62

UserMiles Kempton (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).


ClockMonday 09 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Discovery of Britain and Ireland's bryophytes

UserChristopher Preston.


ClockMonday 02 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Visible labour? Productive forces and imaginaries of participation in European insect studies, ca. 1680–1830

UserDominik Hünniger (University of Hamburg).


ClockMonday 26 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Death, decay, rot and ashes: the 'discovery' of the corpse flower and the politics of loss in colonial botany

UserElaine Ayers (New York University).


ClockMonday 19 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Piecing together the 19th-century Lisbon zoological collections through catalogue lists, specimen tags and paper slips

UserCatarina Madruga (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & University of Lisbon).


ClockMonday 12 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Darwin and the dog breeders: on correspondence and class in 19th-century Britain


UserLaura Brassington (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 24 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Monkeys and modernity in colonial Myanmar

Please note that this seminar is on a Friday

UserJonathan Saha (University of Leeds).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockFriday 14 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

'Home and colonial' wildlife literature around 1900

UserPeter J. Bowler (Queen's University Belfast).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 20 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

'We the tormentors, the destroyers': death, emotions and gender in entomology

UserJoanne Green (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Marginalia in the 'bible' of pollen analysis

UserKevin Edwards (University of Aberdeen).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 14 October 2019, 13:00-14:00

The politics of the potato in the 19th century

UserRebecca Earle (University of Warwick).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 April 2019, 13:00-14:00

The 'dye herbarium': capturing colour in botanical collections

UserAnna Svensson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 04 March 2019, 13:00-14:00

Georg Joseph Kamel (1661–1706): natural knowledge in transit between the Philippines and Europe

UserSebestian Kroupa (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 February 2019, 13:00-14:00

Printing, publishing and circulating books across Joseph Banks's empire

UserEdwin Rose (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 04 February 2019, 13:00-14:00

Tour of the recently re-opened University Museum of Zoology and an insider's guide to natural history museums

Meet outside the Whale Hall (main entrance of the Museum of Zoology) by 1pm

UserJack Ashby (Museum of Zoology, Cambridge).

HouseUniversity Museum of Zoology.

ClockMonday 21 January 2019, 13:00-14:00

Isaac Van Amburgh the lion tamer: spectacle, education and natural history in Britain, 1825–1872

UserOscar Kent-Egan (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 19 November 2018, 13:00-14:00

The long-lost Paston Collection

UserSpike Bucklow (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 08 October 2018, 13:00-14:00

A cabinet of natural history: the long-lost Paston collection


UserSpike Bucklow (Fitzwilliam Museum).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 05 March 2018, 13:00-14:00

The first geological chronology of ancient Egypt and the antiquity of man, 1846–63

UserMeira Gold (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 January 2018, 13:00-14:00

Iron holds the whale

UserJenny Bulstrode (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 13 November 2017, 13:00-14:00

Experimental reconstruction of the bronze life-cast lizard of the Renaissance

UserAndrew Lacey (Making & Knowing Project, Columbia University).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 30 October 2017, 13:00-14:00

On Tupaia Street: the travels of artefacts from Cook's first voyage

UserNicholas Thomas (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 09 October 2017, 13:00-14:00

Natural history and the antiquarian

UserBoris Jardine (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 27 February 2017, 13:00-14:00

Ethnographic collecting and the despotism of Joseph Banks

UserDaniel Simpson (Royal Holloway, University of London).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 28 November 2016, 13:00-14:00

The mine as a subterranean Kunstkammer

UserLisa Skogh (Victoria & Albert Museum).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 21 November 2016, 13:00-14:00

The anatomy of touch: nature, knowledge and technologies of touch in the Renaissance

UserViktoria von Hoffmann (University of Liège / University of Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 23 May 2016, 13:00-14:15

The physician's Stammbuch: humanist cultures of medical networking

UserMaria Avxentevskaya (Freie Universität Berlin).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 07 March 2016, 13:00-14:15

Beavers, brains, behaviour: the natural histories of 1950s psychiatry

UserKathryn Schoefert (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 27 April 2015, 13:00-14:15

Deadwood taxonomies: trees of nature before evolution

UserPetter Hellström (Uppsala University).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 09 March 2015, 13:00-14:15

Jan Swammerdam's visions of nature

UserClaire Sabel (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 23 February 2015, 13:00-14:15

Verbal picturing and aesthetic experience in natural history, 1650–1720

UserAlexander Wragge-Morley (University College London).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 16 February 2015, 13:00-14:15

Visions of useful nature in late-colonial Central America (c. 1770–1821)

UserSophie Brockmann (Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 09 February 2015, 13:00-14:15

'O! How glad I am I have no pendulum': in pursuit of the figure of the earth

UserSophie Waring (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 02 February 2015, 13:00-14:15

Jane Squire's early modern adventures: 'I see not why I should confine myself to needles, cards, and dice'

UserAlexi Baker (CRASSH and Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 01 December 2014, 13:00-14:15

Collecting natural history: Sloane's 'Vegetable Substances'

UserVictoria Pickering (Queen Mary University of London and Natural History Museum, London).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 24 November 2014, 13:00-14:15

W.B. Carpenter and the wonder of microscopy

UserEmma Pyle (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 17 November 2014, 13:00-14:15

Natural history on the move: John Ray's continental travels, 1663–1666

UserChristopher D. Preston (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology).

HouseSeminar Room 2, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 10 November 2014, 13:00-14:15

Jean André Peyssonnel and the coral island

UserSusannah Gibson (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 13 October 2014, 13:00-14:15

The sources of Charles Darwin's work on animal reasoning

UserFrancis Neary (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 26 May 2014, 13:00-14:15

Studied enchantment: the conjectural method in late Victorian scholarship

UserMimi Winick (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 12 May 2014, 13:00-14:15

William Courten (1642–1702) and natural history

UserSachiko Kusukawa (Trinity College, Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 28 April 2014, 13:00-14:15

National types: the transatlantic publication and reception of Crania Americana (1839)

UserJames Poskett (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 10 March 2014, 13:00-14:15

Skeletons in the cabinet and the Grand Tour of anatomy

UserMargaret Carlyle (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 17 February 2014, 13:00-14:15

The sources of Charles Darwin's work on animal reasoning


UserFrancis Neary (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 02 December 2013, 13:00-14:15

Bringing up the body: psychology and embodiment in the 20th century

UserAndrew Buskell (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 25 November 2013, 13:00-14:15

Willi Hennig and philosophy

UserCharissa Varma (Darwin Correspondence Project).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 November 2013, 13:00-14:15

Hidden in plain sight: early ecology as visual science

UserDamian Hughes (De Montfort University).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 04 November 2013, 13:00-14:15

Seeing with words: tours, surveys and agricultural improvement in Britain, c.1770–c.1820

UserSimon Nightingale (Visiting Scholar, Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 20 May 2013, 13:00-14:15

Antenatal affairs: discourses of pregnancy and the unborn c.1900

UserSalim Al-Gailani (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 13 May 2013, 13:00-14:15

The natural history of the Chihuahua: canine mythology and the science of breeding

Postponed from 4 March

UserDavid Feller (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 March 2013, 13:00-14:15

Harvesting toads in South Africa for pregnancy testing in Britain

UserJesse Olszynko-Gryn (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 March 2013, 13:00-14:15

Romanticism, aesthetics and violence in natural history

UserPratik Chakrabarti (University of Kent).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 February 2013, 13:00-14:15

When the archaeologists are searching for a legend: the (re-)invention of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

UserMarie-Françoise Besnier (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 February 2013, 13:00-14:15

Cabinet physics in 18th-century France: the case of the Iceland spar, 1710–1788

UserMichael Bycroft (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 21 January 2013, 13:00-14:15

Birds of paradise and collecting Eden: mythogenesis in Renaissance natural history

UserNatalie Lawrence (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 26 November 2012, 13:00-14:15

Camelopardalis Giraffa in 1830s London: polite spectacle at Regent's Park

UserMegan Barford (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 19 November 2012, 13:00-14:15

Radiation and restoration: saving the American chestnut tree in the Atomic Age

UserHelen Curry (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 05 November 2012, 13:00-14:15

Local medicines in a global empire: collecting medicinal plants in eighteenth-century Spanish Central America

Please note change of speaker and topic

UserSophie Brockmann (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 October 2012, 13:00-14:15

The Whipple Museum is full of rubbish!

UserNicky Reeves (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 15 October 2012, 13:00-14:15

'Vampire excursions': making blood anthropological in the postwar era

UserJenny Bangham (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 28 May 2012, 13:00-14:15

Peter Paul Rubens and the bird of paradise: natural knowledge and painting in 17th-century Europe

Please note change of speaker and title

UserJosé Ramón Marcaida (Visiting Scholar, Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 05 March 2012, 13:00-14:15

Recalled into stalk and leaves: the many methods and meanings of early modern palingenesis

UserKarin Ekholm (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 13 February 2012, 13:00-14:15

Skulls and idols: anthropometrics, antiquity collections, and the origin of American man

UserMiruna Achim (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 06 February 2012, 13:00-14:15

Creativity and the construction of fossils: 'The artist's piece is already in the stone'

UserCaitlin Wylie (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 23 January 2012, 13:00-14:15

Trick or treatise? Alchemy as natural magic

UserJennifer Rampling (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 31 October 2011, 13:00-14:15

Placing a laboratory: botanical buildings in Cambridge around 1900

UserA. Kathryn Schoefert (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 17 October 2011, 13:00-14:15

Victoria's secret: science and the monarchy

UserDonald Opitz (DePaul University, Chicago).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 23 May 2011, 13:00-14:15

The fairy-tales of science

UserMelanie Keene (Homerton College).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 16 May 2011, 13:00-14:15

Newtonian vegetables and perceptive plants

UserSusannah Gibson (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 28 February 2011, 13:00-14:15

The subjectivity of early modern knowledge in the Garden of Life

UserShana Worthen (University of Arkansas at Little Rock).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 21 February 2011, 13:00-14:15

Healthcare and welfare in contemporary Kenya

UserRuth Prince (Cambridge Centre of African Studies).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 14 February 2011, 13:00-14:15

Mountainous effects: Alpine space and Victorian lady climbers

UserClare Roche (Birkbeck, University of London).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 07 February 2011, 13:00-14:15

The poisoner's regress: on orientalism and natural history

UserSimon Schaffer (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 31 January 2011, 13:00-14:15

Mutable mobiles: the circulation of botanical maps between Humboldtian Germany and Victorian Britain

UserNils Guettler (Humboldt University and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 November 2010, 13:00-14:15

The making of the medieval English therapeutic landscape

UserHilary Powell (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 22 November 2010, 13:00-14:15

The human automatism debate in the late 19th century

UserFrancis Neary (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 15 November 2010, 13:00-14:15

Victorian palaeontology and serial publication

UserGowan Dawson (University of Leicester).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 08 November 2010, 13:00-14:15

Politeness and the ethical force of natural history

UserAlexander Wragge-Morley (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 01 November 2010, 13:00-14:15

Maya ruins, volcanoes and the colonial state in 18th-century Central America

UserSophie Brockmann (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 October 2010, 13:00-14:15

Some aspects of early Darwinian commemoration

UserCarl Fisher (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 October 2010, 13:00-14:15

English visitors to Vesuvius and Solfatara in the early seventeenth century

UserJackie Mountain (The London Consortium – Birkbeck).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 08 March 2010, 13:00-14:15

William Buckland's oral history of deep time, or, things that made him go mmmmmmmmmm

UserDavid Feller (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 01 March 2010, 13:00-14:15

Reflections on Darwin 2009: a discussion

UserJim Secord (Department of History and Philosophy of Science) & Peter C. Kjaergaard (Universities of Aarhus & Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 22 February 2010, 13:00-14:15

Geology, caves, and original architecture: ideas of origins and early nineteenth-century geology

UserAllison Ksiazkiewicz (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 15 February 2010, 13:00-14:15

Beale, Bennett, Scoresby (and Melville!): a 'natural' history of cetology

UserKelley Swain (Poet in Residence, Whipple Museum).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 01 February 2010, 13:00-14:15

The curious case of the London Skull: the making of a British human ancestor

UserPeter C. Kjaergaard (Universities of Aarhus & Cambridge).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 January 2010, 13:00-14:15

Reflections on re-treading Darwin's 'gigantic blunder' in Glen Roy

UserMartin Rudwick (University of California, San Diego).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 30 November 2009, 13:00-14:15

Lyell's plots

UserAdelene Buckland (Cambridge Victorian Studies Group).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 23 November 2009, 13:00-14:15

Coming to attention: observing nature at the edges during the Napoleonic Wars

UserAnne Secord (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 02 November 2009, 13:00-14:15

'Botany of the air': experiments, airships and agriculture in 1930

UserRuth Horry (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 19 October 2009, 13:00-14:15

Fungi in history

UserNick Jardine (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 12 October 2009, 13:00-14:15

Locating true North: a physiognomic analysis of Marianne North and the North Gallery at Kew

UserKatie Zimmerman (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 25 May 2009, 13:00-14:15

Popularizing evolution: biographies and books for children

UserBernard Lightman (York University, Canada).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 20 April 2009, 13:00-14:15

Distancing animals in medieval chronicles

UserBrigitte Resl (University of Liverpool).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 09 March 2009, 13:00-14:15

Long in the tooth: a study of a set of papier-mache horses' teeth

UserBecky Brown (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 09 February 2009, 13:00-14:15

Food, fair weather and fields: fundamental change in Anglo-Saxon England

UserDebby Banham (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 01 December 2008, 13:00-14:15

Why do we want Aristotle to have been a biologist (given that he wasn't)?

UserAndrew Cunningham (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 17 November 2008, 13:00-14:15

The early Soviet project of hybridising humans and apes

UserAlexander Etkind (Department of Slavonic Studies).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 03 November 2008, 13:00-14:15

Orford Ness: landscape of war and science

UserSophia Davis (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 20 October 2008, 13:00-14:15

The evolution of wonder

UserPaul White (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 13 October 2008, 13:00-14:15

Knowledge-making in southern New Zealand

UserMichael Stevens (University of Otago).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 02 June 2008, 13:00-14:15

Saved by servitude: the display of horses at the Natural History Museum in London

UserAllison Ksiazkiewicz (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 10 March 2008, 13:00-14:15

Transatlantic hum: Mexican hummingbirds and the French encyclopedic project

UserIris Montero Sobrevilla (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 25 February 2008, 13:00-14:15

Distancing animals in medieval chronicles


UserBrigitte Resl (University of Liverpool).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 18 February 2008, 13:00-14:15

Gideon Mantell, Thomas Hardy, and the politics of geological knowledge

UserAdelene Buckland (Cambridge Victorian Studies Group).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 11 February 2008, 13:00-14:15

Cartographies of a scientific county: mapping Cornwall

UserSimon Naylor (University of Exeter).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 04 February 2008, 13:00-14:15

Animals in medical experiments in the Middle Ages

UserKathleen Walker-Meikle (University College London).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 26 November 2007, 13:00-14:15

The hunter's gaze: establishing a 'period eye' in Charles Darwin's scientific methodology

UserDavid Allan Feller (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 19 November 2007, 13:00-14:15

Hippocratic bodies: Castas and temperament in the New Spain

UserCarlos López Beltrán (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 15 October 2007, 13:00-14:15

Anatomist holds model embryo: interpreting a marble portrait from 1900

UserNick Hopwood (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 30 April 2007, 13:00-14:15

"Linnaean traditions? School botany and biological recording"

UserJenny Beckman (University of Uppsala, Stockholm).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 12 March 2007, 13:00-14:15

The Earl of Oxford's stud at Welbeck in the 1720s

UserPeter Edwards (Roehampton University).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 26 February 2007, 13:00-14:15

Alchemy and natural history

UserJenny Rampling (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 12 February 2007, 13:00-14:15

Conquering the world through plants: kings and botany in the Graeco-Roman world

UserLaurence Totelin (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 29 January 2007, 13:00-14:15

Geological deluge and snowball Earth

UserMartin Rudwick (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 22 January 2007, 13:00-14:15

Tropical invalids: climate and culture in nineteenth-century British natural history

UserSalim Al-Gailani (Department of History and Philosophy of Science).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 27 November 2006, 13:00-14:15

R.A. Fisher: a faith fit for eugenics

UserJim Moore (Open University).

HouseSeminar Room 2, History and Philosophy of Science, Department of.

ClockMonday 06 November 2006, 13:00-14:15

Transcultural botany: Japanese gardens in New Zealand, 1890-1950

Note: This seminar will start at 12.30

UserJasper Heinzen (Darwin College).

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 30 October 2006, 12:30-13:45

Exhibition and extinction: the display of nature and the development of conservation

All are welcome - feel free to bring your lunch

UserWilliam Adams, University of Cambridge.

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 05 June 2006, 13:00-14:15

Aliens and useful knowledge: Kant's "Natural History and Theory of the Heavens"

All are welcome - feel free to bring your lunch

UserAnna Mrker, Max Planck Institute, Berlin.

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 22 May 2006, 13:00-14:15

The logarithmic ear: Pietro Mengoli, music, mathematics and anatomy in the late seventeenth century

All are welcome - feel free to bring your lunch

UserBenjamin Wardhaugh, University of Oxford.

HouseSeminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

ClockMonday 15 May 2006, 13:00-14:15

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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