University of Cambridge > > Lecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences

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0 upcoming talks and 110 talks in the archive.

CBU one-off Talks

Dissociating elements of autobiographical memory with neuropsychology and neuroimaging

UserBrian Levine (Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockTuesday 08 July 2008, 12:00-13:00

CBU one-off Talks

Learning and plasticity for flexible decisions in the human brain

UserZoe Kourtzi (Behavioural and Brain Sciences, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockMonday 07 July 2008, 12:00-13:00

Chaucer Club

Spatial Representations in Numerical Cognition

UserMartin Fischer (School of Psychology, University of Dundee).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 12 June 2008, 16:15-17:15

Chaucer Club

Does Sudoku Require Semantic Memory?

A late amendment due to the cancellation of the previous speaker

UserKaralyn Patterson, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 22 May 2008, 16:15-17:15

Chaucer Club

Human evolution and the environment of evolutionary adaptedness.

UserRobert Foley (Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 15 May 2008, 16:15-17:15

Chaucer Club

A Neural Mechanism of Decision Making, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bound.

UserMichael Shadlen (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington Medical School, Seattle).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 08 May 2008, 16:15-17:15

Chaucer Club

Insight, Attention and Error

UserIan Robertson (Trinity College, Dublin).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 13 March 2008, 16:15-17:15

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

fMRI and multivariate analyses of neuroimaging in healthy participants

This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today

UserAlexandra Woolgar.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 12 March 2008, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Stems and affixes in Polish non-fluent aphasia

This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today

UserOla Jelowicka (MRC-CBU).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 12 March 2008, 12:30-13:30

Chaucer Club

Learning predictions and actions in the basal ganglia

UserBen Seymour (Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL & Dept of Neurology, Addenbrooke's Hospital).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 28 February 2008, 16:15-17:15

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Does Spatial attention modulate Mirror Neuron activation?

This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today

UserKarolina Moutsopoulou.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2008, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Cortical responses to object number during perception and visual short-term memory

This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today

UserDanny Mitchell (MRC-CBU).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2008, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Prediction error, causal learning and the delusional state

UserPaul Fletcher (University of Cambridge Dept of Psychiatry, Brain Mapping Unit).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 16 January 2008, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Cognition and reward in Parkinsons Disease

New date - postponed from 28 Nov

UserJames Rowe (MRC-CBU and Addenbrooke's Hospital).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 05 December 2007, 12:30-13:30

Chaucer Club

Knowing Me, Knowing You

UserNeil Macrae (University of Aberdeen).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 11 October 2007, 16:15-17:15

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Measures of auditory streaming

This talk was originally scheduled for 6 June (This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today)

UserSarah Thompson (MRC-CBU).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 27 June 2007, 13:00-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Presentation and progression of memory deficits in Mild Cognitive Impairment

This talk was originally scheduled for 6 June (This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today)

UserSamrah Ahmed (MRC-CBU).

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 27 June 2007, 12:30-13:00

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

The Cognitive Heterogeneity of Parkinson's Disease

Amended title from that originally posted

UserCaroline Williams-Gray, Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 21 March 2007, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Human memory: insights from the past and challenges for the future

We regret that this talk has been cancelled.

UserKim Graham, Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, School of Psychology, Cardiff University & MRC-CBU.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 14 March 2007, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Can approach-avoidance paradigms inform debates about embodied cognition?

This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today

UserAdle Pacini, MRC-CBU.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2007, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Attention effects in a neuronal model of the language cortex

This is one of two shorter talks being given by PhD students today

UserMax Garagnani, MRC-CBU.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2007, 12:30-13:30

Wednesday Lunch Time Seminar Series

Emotion from brain identity

Please note that this is a late addition to the Seminar list

UserMitch Valdes-Sosa, Cuban Neuroscience Center.

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockWednesday 06 December 2006, 12:30-13:30

Chaucer Club

Do S-cones contribute to the perception of brightness?

The talk advertised for today (Dr Kia Nobre) had to be canceled, but we are fortunate to have Prof Wehrhahn step in at the last moment

UserProf Christian Wehrhahn, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany and the Visual Center Lab at the Salk Institute in the US..

HouseLecture Theatre, Medical Research Council (MRC) (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences.

ClockThursday 23 November 2006, 16:15-17:30

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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