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A personal list of talks.

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0 upcoming talks and 3 talks in the archive.

RSC Organic Symposium

UserProfessor Kevin Booker-Milburn - University of Bristol - Dr Matthew Clarke University of St Andrews - Professor Dieter Enders - RWTH-Aachen.

HouseDept. of Chemistry, Wolfson Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 09 May 2011, 14:00-18:00

RSC Organic Symposium at the University of Cambridge

UserProfessor Kevin Booker-Milburn University of Bristol Recent Developments in Transition Metal and Photochemical Mediated Methods for Organic Synthesis - Dr Matthew Clarke University of St Andrews Sensible, Silly, Scientific and Serendipitous Approaches to.

HouseDept. of Chemistry, Wolfson Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 09 May 2011, 14:00-18:00

Title to be confirmed

UserProfessor Kevin Booker-Milburn University of Bristol - Dr Matthew Clarke University of St Andrews - Professor Dieter Enders RWTH-Aachen.

HouseDept. of Chemistry, Wolfson Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 28 April 2011, 14:00-18:00

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