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0 upcoming talks and 58 talks in the archive.

eph25's list

Placental adaptation: the role of fetal nutrient demand

UserDr Mark Dilworth, University of Manchester.

HouseAddenbrooke's CS Seminar Room 6.

ClockWednesday 04 November 2015, 16:00-17:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Life Study – identifying pathways to health in early life

UserProfessor Carol Dezateux, Scientific Director and Principal Investigator of the Life Study, UCL Institute of Child Health.

HouseAddenbrooke’s Clinical School Seminar Room 3 please see for directions.

ClockWednesday 06 May 2015, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Role of vascular growth factors in pre-eclampsia

UserProfessor David Bates, Division of Cancer and Stem Cells, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham .

HouseBryan Matthew’s Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 01 April 2015, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

UserProfessor Bo Jacobsson, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Gotenburg Sweden.

HouseAddenbrooke’s F&G 5 please see for directions.

ClockWednesday 04 March 2015, 16:30-17:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Preeclampsia research and follow-up in Utrecht

UserProfessor Arie Franx, Head of Obstetrics, University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands.

HouseBryan Matthew’s Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockFriday 14 November 2014, 16:00-17:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

UserDr Dave Natale, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Calgary.

HouseBryan Matthew’s Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockMonday 15 September 2014, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

UserDr Ralf Dechend, Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and the Charité Medical Faculty, Berlin.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 05 February 2014, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Remodeling the prepartum cervix: do macrophages open the gate for parturition?

UserProfessor Steve Yellon Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor Centre for Reproductive Health University of Edinburgh, Professor of Physiology and Associate Director Center for Perinatal Biology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine .

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2014, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Making a fetus grow and the consequences of getting it wrong

UserDr Jacqueline Wallace Rowett Institute of Health and Nutrition, University of Aberdeen .

HouseATC Seminar room 3, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 04 December 2013, 16:30-17:30

Metabolism and Embryo Health

UserDr Roger Sturmey, Centre for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, Hull York Medical School .

HouseBryan Matthew’s Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 06 November 2013, 16:30-17:30

Regulation of placental nutrient transport: Research from rural Gambia

UserDr Sophie Moore, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

HouseBryan Matthew’s Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 02 October 2013, 17:00-18:00


UserMegan Holmes, Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology, Edinburgh University.

HouseATC Seminar room 3, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 01 May 2013, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series


UserMegan Holmes, Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology, Edinburgh University.

HouseATC Seminar room 3, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 01 May 2013, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

All Welcome! Models and modelling approaches for pregnancy research

UserProfessor Michael Taggart, Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University.

HouseHodgkin/Huxley Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 03 April 2013, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

ALL WELCOME! The placental renin-angiotensis system: an old system with a new look

UserProfessor Broughton Pipkin, Emeritus Professor of Perinatal Physiology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, City Hospital, Nottingham.

HouseAddenbrooke’s Seminar Room 8 (in the Clinical School).

ClockWednesday 06 March 2013, 16:30-17:30

ALL WELCOME! Horses, camels, giraffe and elephants: they are big and they breed in their own funny ways

UserPROFESSOR TWINK ALLEN, The Paul Mellon Laboratory of Equine Reproduction, Newmarket .

HouseHodgkin/Huxley Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 06 February 2013, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

The LKB1-AMPK signalling pathway and the regulation of breathing by hypoxia: metabolic control at the whole body level?

UserProfessor A. Mark Evans, Centre for Integrative Physiology, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockFriday 16 November 2012, 15:00-16:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Recent advances in gestational trophoblastic disease

UserProf. Neil Sebire, Professor of Paediatric and Developmental Pathology, Great Ormond Street Hospital / Institute of Child Health.

HouseAddenbrooke's Seminar Room 7 (Clinical School).

ClockWednesday 07 November 2012, 17:00-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Chromosome aneuploidy in the human preimplantation embryo

UserPROFESSOR ALAN HANDYSIDE The London Bridge Fertility, Gynaecology and Genetics Centre.

HouseATC Seminar room 3, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2012, 16:30-17:30


UserPROFESSOR MICHAEL TAGGART, Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University Medical School.

HouseHodgkin/Huxley Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockThursday 04 October 2012, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

The genome-wide hunt for pre-eclampsia genes

UserDr Linda Morgan, Division of Clinical Medicine, University of Nottingham.

HouseATC Seminar room 3, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 04 April 2012, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Identification and Targeting of Hypoxia Tolerance Mechanisms - from Critters to Cancer

UserProfessor Thomas Gorr, Head of the Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Clinical Chemistry, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 07 March 2012, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Trophoblast invasion and spiral artery transformation in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia

UserProfessor Fiona Lyall, Professor of Maternal and Fetal Health Institute of Medical Genetics Yorkhill Glasgow.

HouseAddenbrooke's ATC Seminar Room 3.

ClockWednesday 15 February 2012, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Early embryo environment and implications for health into adulthood'

UserProfessor Tom Fleming, School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton.

HouseATC Seminar room 6A, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 07 December 2011, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

'Genome wide analysis of placental DNA and RNA in first trimester maternal plasma by massively parallel sequencing: current and future possibilities'

UserDr Cees Oudejans, Head of the Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Clinical Chemistry, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 02 November 2011, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Imaging in Preeclampsia

UserProfessor Basky Thilaganathan, Director, Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

HouseATC Seminar room 3, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 05 October 2011, 17:00-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Developmental origins of obesity

UserProfessor Lucilla Poston, Director - Maternal and Fetal Research Unit, St Thomas' Hospital, King’s College London.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 07 September 2011, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Is Heparin a placental anticoagulant?

UserProfessor John Kingdom, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 18 May 2011, 17:00-18:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Maternal signalling to the villous placenta

UserProfessor John Aplin, Maternal and Fetal Health Research Group, the University of Manchester.

HouseATC Seminar room 6A, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 04 May 2011, 16:30-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Evolution of Placental Function?

UserProfessor Anthony Carter, Faculty of Medicine, University of Odense, Denmark.

HouseATC Seminar room 6A, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 02 March 2011, 17:00-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Mechanisms of spiral artery remodelling

UserProfessor Guy Whitley, Division of Basic Medical Sciences, St George’s University of London.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 02 February 2011, 16:30-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

From Stromatolites to Pre-eclampsia

UserProfessor Eric Jauniaux, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College London.

HouseATC Seminar rooms 6A&B, Addenbrooke’s (refreshments 4.30pm, talk at 5.00pm).

ClockWednesday 01 December 2010, 16:30-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Placental Physiology: Coming of Age

UserProfessor Colin Sibley, Maternal & Fetal Health Research Centre, University of Manchester.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 03 November 2010, 16:30-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Placental microparticles and exosomes: their role in pre-eclampsia

UserProfessor Ian Sargent, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford.

HouseATC Seminar rooms 6A&B, Addenbrooke’s (refreshments 4.30pm, talk at 5.00pm).

ClockWednesday 06 October 2010, 16:30-18:00

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Placental metabolism in early and late onset pre-eclampsia

Refreshments at 16.30, presentation commences at 17.00

UserMatts Olovsson, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden.

HouseSeminar Room 2, Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge..

ClockMonday 24 May 2010, 16:30-18:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Functional role of uterine NK cells in early pregnancy

UserDr Judith Bulmer, School of Surgical and Reproductive Sciences, Newcastle University.

HouseATC Seminar rooms 6A&B, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 05 May 2010, 16:00-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

The role of cyclic decidualization of human endometrium in determining pregnancy outcome

UserProfessor Jan Brosens, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College London.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 07 April 2010, 16:00-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

The regulation of protein synthesis in health and disease

UserProfessor Chris Proud, School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton.

HouseATC Seminar room 6A, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockWednesday 10 March 2010, 16:00-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Why (and how) did the amino acid cross the placenta?

UserDr Rohan Lewis, Institute of Developmental Sciences, University of Southampton.

HouseBryan Matthews Seminar Room, Physiology Building, Downing Site.

ClockWednesday 03 February 2010, 16:00-17:30

CTR (Centre for Trophoblast Research) Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

UserProfessor Eric Jauniaux, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College London.

HouseATC Seminar rooms A&B, Addenbrooke’s.

ClockTuesday 01 December 2009, 16:30-18:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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